The Cursed Human

Chapter 37

Third person’s p. o. v

His lips moved ferociously against her mouth as he tried to devuor her whole mouth only with his tongue. He forced his tongue into her mouth and gripped her neck with his other hand, pulling her bottom lip between his lips as he sucked on it.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

Sarah tried to push him back but he grabbed her both wrists and pinned them to the wall as his lips attacked her neck. She could feel his crotch right against her heated core, that was grinding against her pelvis.

“Lucifer…,” she said trying to turn her face away from his grasp. But he ignored her protests as his hand disappeared between her thighs, tearing the undergarments in process. His fingers traced her swollen lower lips, stroking them with his thumb. Sarah let out a breathless gasp as he lifted her thighs and lifted her up on his waist.

“Please stop!! Just wait!” She said shoving him back. Lucifer tilted his head and looked at her with angry glare.

“Do you really think you have any say in this?” He snapped at her. She breathed out as she tried to hold back her cries. She was afraid of him and he was doing a perfect job at installing fear in her.

She felt his hands running along her thighs as his eyes darkened with need. He moved towards the bed with her hosting on his waist and tossed her on bed.

“Wait! Stop!” She said as she crawled backwards on the bed.

She took deep breaths as he crawled on top of her and kissed her with rage and furiousness. He buried his face into her neck and inhaled deeply.

“Fucking temptation,” A growl erupted from his chest as he licked her neck. His hands moved between them as he tore opened her shirt. She panicked as he harshly wrapped his mouth around her erected nipples. Whereas his hands traveled south and hovered above her heaven.

Breathless gasps escaped her lips as he rubbed her clit in slow tantalising circles. Her breathed shortened as her back arches off the bed.

“Say my name!” he said angrily shoving two fingers inside her. His fingers moved faster and deeper as she grasped for air.

“If you make me repeat myself, I swear you will regret it!” He threatened as he bite down her nipple.

“Lucifer!” She blurted. She breathed out as she felt him removing his fingers. She looked at him to see him sucking his fingers into his mouth as he kept his intense gaze on her.

“Try Luc this time,” he ordered as he unfolded her like a flower and flipped her on her stomach. She felt the bed dip behind her before she was forced on her knees and hands. She saw her wrists get grabbed before she felt a rope tie around them.

She sobbed as she tried to pull back from headboard. She heard ruffling of clothes before she felt a hard slap against her bottom. She started hyperventilating as she felt Lucifer’s hard thick shaft against her bottom.

His every single touch was an act of ownership.

Her cries rang out as Lucifer sunk his shaft deep inside her. She tried to breathe and see psst the tears but all she she could see was blur.

“Fucking mine!!” He growled in pleasure. His grunts of pleasure resonated from his chest.

Her cries resonated in whole castle as he violated her body, reclaiming what was already his. The whole night she spend being a puppet doll for his pleasure, satisfying his lust and need. She was poison, he was dying to drink but she was unaware of the fact that he was more poisonous than poison. He was toxic for her.


The rays for sun light fall on her face as she tried to block them. She clenched her eyes lids and groaned in frustration. She opened her eyes slowly before she tried to sit up. As soon as she tried to move, her body started aching, especially the part between her legs. She instinctively clenched her thighs tightly as images of last night invaded her mind.

A lump of saliva formed in her throat as she tried to gulp it down. He used her, like always. She didn’t remembered when did he let her sleep or, did she fainted due to his torture?. Nothing was tender about him, nor his touch. The way he handled her body was an act of anger and possession. It felt like he was trying to ruin her for herself.

She felt cold breeze, coming from window, hit her bare body. Her arms wrapped around sheets as she tried to wrap them around herself. With wobbly steps, she managed to get in the bathroom. With her head down, she brushed her teeth and unwrapped the sheets and let them flowed down her body.

A warm nice shower was all she needed at that moment. With shaky steps, she entered the shower and clicked the metallic tap on. Drops of warm water flowed down her body washing away all the dirt.

Her mind drifted back to time when everything was happy and glorious. But now she couldn’t believe that this was her reality.? She was beyond distraught knowing that Matthew was no more and her biological family was not with her. She fought wrenching sobs tearing at her chest.

She heard someone knocking on bathroom door as she snapped back into reality.

“Sarah, you there!” She heard Angie’s voice and nodded her head but quickly hummed a yes realising she can’t see her.

She dried her body with white lush towel and slipped into bathrobe. Angie was waiting patiently for her when she opened the door. A huge smile made it way on Angie’s face as she watched Sarah.

“Your clothes, guessed you might needed something to change into,” she walked towards her and handed her a navy blue dress.

After getting back into the bathroom, she quickly changed into the dress. And was thankful that the dress covered her body fully. She let her hair down and walked back into the room.

“So you want to have breakfast here or dow—”

“Here, please,” Sarah quickly said as she feared she might see him again and she was not ready to face him. Every meeting with him brought a scar of his cruelness to her heart.

Noticing her state, Angie nodded and motioned her to sit on sofa. It didn’t took any longer for Sandra to come in and place two plated of delicious food in front of sofa. After doing her work, she took a quick glance at Sarah and walked away before nodding her head.

“You like pancakes, don’t you,” Angie laughed as she saw Sarah looking at pancakes in wonder.

She shook her head and whispered, ” I’m… just hungry..”

She didn’t remembered the last time she had eaten food. Yesterday morning at breakfast table, she was unable to take a bite before Lucifer dragged her away and after that she spend all her time in his room, mourning her happiness.

Angie’s eyes softened as she saw the look of distress on her face. She felt pity that someone as powerless as her was bound to powerful creature like him. She quickly put on a fake smile as Sarah looked at her.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” She asked softly, eating alone with someone watching her sounds creepy to her. Angie nodded her head and took a seat next to her. She passed a plate to Sarah and placed one in her lap.

Sarah ate her food thanking the heavens, she didn’t knew when would she get her next meal. No matter how much she hated Lucifer, she couldn’t bring herself to starve herself.

Simple pancake tasted delicious to her. Finishing her full plate, she took a glance at Angie and found her almost finished with her food.

“You want a tour of castle?” Angie asked excitedly as she placed her empty plate on table and handed a glass of orange juice to Sarah.

Sarah looked at her in shock as she nervously nodded her head. She wanted change of scenery, she was fed up by looking just at these four dark walls and crying herself to sleep.

“Okay, then let’s go!” Angie jumped in excitement and dragged Sarah out of the room. Sarah was being used to dragged by others and didn’t protested much. She followed Angie like a lost kid and turns every corner she turned to.

The long hallway walls were bright in color with white embroidery. They were beautiful, it was first time she was seeing this castle with interest. The grey and white marble floor beneath their feet felt so soft and smooth. Everything corner of castle was different, covered with beautiful mild times of colors to dark shades of grey. The look was mixed, the modern feeling, the royal sceneries, the ancient sculptures with touch of vintage embroidery.

Angie showed her various places in castle, the grand library which she was well acquainted with. The grand hall, the grounds, where usually soldiers train. She hadn’t seen anyone except Angie, Lucifer and his family. No soldiers were seen by her which made her frown. If this was a kingdom, then there should be people here? And talking about servers, she had only seen Sandra and few maids now and then.

The whole day she spend with Angie listening to tales of this kingdom. So far she came to know the name of the place, Reynes kingdom. Where it was situated? She had no idea.

“The king usually hold meetings in throne room. It is the my favorite room of this castle though, no one allowed their except the King and his men.” Sarah frowned after hearing this.

“Why that?” Before she could stop herself the words slipped through her mouth.

“Umm… Because… after Queen Melia died, the entry of any female become prohibited in that room. It’s been ages since I’ve seen that room.”

Queen Melia? Who was she? Maybe his mother? Trains of thoughts drove in her mind, thinking about different conclusions. But she shrugged off the thought before it could worry her.

“Anyways, do you want to see the gardens! There are so many beautiful flowers!” Angie asked with joy and Sarah swiftly nodded her head. Flowers were her favorite. They made her feel alive. And she wanted to feel alive.

After crossing two hallways with some twists and turns, they reached the garden. It was not the first time she was seeing it but everytime she see it, she kept looking in awe. The combination of greenery and colorful flowers were making it look surreal, beyond beautiful. The light touch of breeze was making the flowers dancing with it flow. And the beautiful orange sunset sky was cherry on top.

“You know th—” Angie turned as she felt Sarah stopped walking but smiled widely in amazement. A small smile decorated Sarah’s face as she looked around in awe. This was the first time Angie was seeing her smiling and was glad that she saw her beautiful smile.

They spend their evening there, talking about random stuff. Sarah was still shocked that she was finally getting comfortable around these creatures. But she had no option other than to come to agreement with herself that she was doomed.

“When we were kids, me and Lucifer used to come here to play. Lucifer was a stubborn kid since he was a child, he always get what he wanted. But when he lost his mother he became something different. He started maintaining his distance from his family.” Sarah listened everything Angie told her. She almost felt pity for him but soon scoffed at herself as she remembered all the things he made her go through.

They were sitting on ground next to flowers as cold breeze was blowing past them. Her hands were playing with stands of grass as she listened to Angie.

“She was a great woman, a great mother but she couldn’t become a great survivor. Her death cursed us with Lucifer’s darkness,” Sarah looked at Angie as she felt her voice tensing.

“…. I still wish for her… to come back..” Few tears drop on grass as Sarah looked at her in concern. Nobody knew better than her how did it feel to lose someone they love. She knew how heartbreaking it was to live with pain of losing someone.

She didn’t knew if she should comfort her or restrain herself from shedding tears.

Then again confusion hit her hard. Who was Lucifer’s mother? And if Angie and Lucifer grew up together then why there mothers are different?

“… Our father, King Kendrio Finn Celeste, was a… well can say…. he had two wives, Lucifer’s mother and my and Falcon’s mother. He loved both of them equally but Father had soft spot for Lucifer’s mother,” Angie drifted back to time when all her family was together and happy.

“But after she died…. Father become restless and he left this kingdom and made Lucifer the king. The day she died was the last day I saw my father.” Look of longing filled her eyes. No matter how much time had passed but she still remembered every single detail of her Father’s face.

“.. I can’t believe she is no more–” her words faltered at the tail end of her sentence, her mind still unable to grasp the reality. Sarah pulled her into her arms as she rubbed her back in soothing circles. She let her sob uncontrollably on her shoulder as she said sweet nothings in her ear.

“…. its okay not to be okay ..” Sarah cooed at her as Angie pulled back and looked at her.

“Thank you, Sarah… I needed it…” Angie wiped her teary face and smiled brightly at her, making Sarah smile too.

The bright sky started turning dark as sun started hiding behind the mountains. Sarah felt fresh and normal. Angie suggested they should head back as temperature dropped down.

Nervousness started invading her mind as they reached near Lucifer’s chambers. She knew this was bound to happen but she referred listening to Angie than spending time with Lucifer. But something else was waiting for her as she heard a loud roar.

Angie’s blood drained from her face as Sarah gasped audibly, Lucifer was standing in middle of the room looking dangerously at them.

“.. I… I… should go..” Angie didn’t waited for reply before she stormed out of there. Sarah felt betrayed again because she left her with demon, angry demon.

The veins of his head were popping out and the look in his eyes were more than murderous. His fists were clenching now and then and her heart beat raced simultaneously. Range of emotions hit her but fear being prominent. She stepped back in fear as Lucifer stalked towards her before a loud growl resonated within his chest.

“Where were you?”

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