The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 717

Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Have A Few More Babies

Rupert was shocked as he stared at his men lying in pools of blood. They had all been shot, each bullet striking the heart, killing them instantly.

An enchanting Aplothian man stood not far ahead of him. His features were remarkably refined, and his smile carried a hint of mischief. His eyes, sharp as blades, were fixed on Rupert with an intensity that made it seem like he was prey with no chance of escape.

After a brief moment of bewilderment, Rupert quickly regained his composure.

He had access to the top-secret intelligence networks of various countries, so naturally, he knew that the man standing before him was none other than Xander, the mafia boss of Aploth.

However, their spheres of influence were separate – one in Aploth and the other in Eastern Epea. They had always maintained their own territories without encroaching on each other.

He couldn't comprehend why Xander and his associates were aiming guns at his head.

Rupert swiftly wore a false smile, haughtily addressing Xander, “Well, well, if it isn't Xander Gibson. Mr. Gibson, what an unexpected guest. I recall no conflicts or disagreements between us. I'm curious. Why are you pointing a gun at me right now?”

Xander was not surprised at all that Rupert recognized him.

He held a gun in his hand and aimed it at Rupert. His voice was icy and merciless. “I don't need any reason to kill you!”

Rupert burst into wild laughter. “There are many who wish me dead, and you think you're the one to do it? You're merely a newcomer who has barely established himself in Aploth. Do you genuinely think you can bring me down?”

They were in close proximity to the heart of the Remdikian government, where military presence was robust and police stations were densely situated. Any minor disruption would be swiftly detected.

He didn't believe that Xander would dare to kill him in public.

No sooner had Rupert's words fallen when a shot was fired straight at his chest.

“You...” Rupert clutched his profusely bleeding left chest, his eyes wide with fury.

The veins on his forehead bulged in anger, looking like horrible earthworms.

After all these years, Rupert had grown accustomed to a life of privilege, which had significantly reduced both his physical agility and his alertness.

At this moment, he was suddenly overcome with fear, as the unmistakable aura of murderous intent in Xander's eyes was no laughing matter.

Bearing the excruciating pain, Rupert roared, “Ha! You won't dare to kill me for real! If you do, the Central Intelligence Agency will never let you off! My dear daughter Cassie will haunt you like a demon for the rest of your life, bringing you absolute terror and nightmares, leaving you no peace in this life.”

“Mr. Cayden!” Ace cautioned from the sidelines, subtly shaking his head. “Don't act impulsively. This is

not our territory. We just need to hand him over to the Central Intelligence Agency. We shouldn't get too involved in this mess.”

However, Xander pulled the trigger.

“Mr. Gibson!” Ace roared, his eyes widening in disbelief.


The bullet pierced straight through Rupert's heart.

Rupert collapsed to the ground. His dull pupils dilated even more as if he couldn't believe that Xander would really kill him.

A chilling crimson liquid flowed from his waist and abdomen like a stream. Blood was also trickling down the corner of his lips.

Ace was in a daze. His body tensed up for a brief second. “Mr. Gibson, I...”

With a devilish grin, Xander suddenly turned around, tossing his gun onto the icy ground. “Clean things up and don't leave any trace behind,” he ordered.

He would always nip the problem in the bud, ensuring that no potential complications linger for him. He certainly wouldn't relinquish Rupert to the Central Intelligence Agency.

Only the dead couldn't spread rumors or turn the tables again.

Inside the VIP cabin of an international flight from Mocset to Ackleton, Avery sat by the window, quietly nestled in Cayden's arms, staring at the pitch-black sky outside. Her emotions were complicated.

At last, she could return to Ackleton. This time, she wasn't alone. She was with the man she loved the most, returning to their home.

Avery's gaze was lost in the captivating side profile of Cayden. He was so strikingly handsome. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around his waist with all her strength.

Beside them, Cal was sitting on Heather's lap, engrossed in a comic book he was holding.

He was flipping through the book with one hand while occasionally stuffing his other hand into his mouth to bite on it.

Heather tried his best to ignore the lovey-dovey behavior of Avery and Cayden, choosing instead to read the comic book with Cal. She would occasionally chat with him, and they would giggle together merrily.

The laughter echoing in the cabin was infectious.

Cayden glanced at the laughing duo before lowering his head to gaze at Avery's small face.

His eyes were as deep as ink. He tenderly placed a kiss upon her lips, his thin lips slightly pursed. His voice was captivating. “What's the matter?”

Avery rested on his lap, her brows knitted as she whispered, “Cayden, I still struggle to believe that

you're here with me again. Even though I can touch you, even though I can sense your presence beside me, there are moments when it feels like a dream. I wonder if it's because I've been without you for so long that I'm perpetually haunted by the fear of losing you once more.”

“Mr. Caydan!” Aca cautionad from tha sidalinas, subtly shaking his haad. “Don't act impulsivaly. This is not our tarritory. Wa just naad to hand him ovar to tha Cantral Intalliganca Agancy. Wa shouldn't gat too involvad in this mass.”

Howavar, Xandar pullad tha triggar.

“Mr. Gibson!” Aca roarad, his ayas widaning in disbaliaf.


Tha bullat piarcad straight through Rupart's haart.

Rupart collapsad to tha ground. His dull pupils dilatad avan mora as if ha couldn't baliava that Xandar would raally kill him.

A chilling crimson liquid flowad from his waist and abdoman lika a straam. Blood was also trickling down tha cornar of his lips.

Aca was in a daza. His body tansad up for a briaf sacond. “Mr. Gibson, I...”

With a davilish grin, Xandar suddanly turnad around, tossing his gun onto tha icy ground. “Claan things up and don't laava any traca bahind,” ha ordarad.

Ha would always nip tha problam in tha bud, ansuring that no potantial complications lingar for him. Ha cartainly wouldn't ralinquish Rupart to tha Cantral Intalliganca Agancy.

Only tha daad couldn't spraad rumors or turn tha tablas again.

Insida tha VIP cabin of an intarnational flight from Mocsat to Acklaton, Avary sat by tha window, quiatly nastlad in Caydan's arms, staring at tha pitch-black sky outsida. Har amotions wara complicatad.

At last, sha could raturn to Acklaton. This tima, sha wasn't alona. Sha was with tha man sha lovad tha most, raturning to thair homa.

Avary's gaza was lost in tha captivating sida profila of Caydan. Ha was so strikingly handsoma. Suddanly, sha wrappad har arms around his waist with all har strangth.

Basida tham, Cal was sitting on Haathar's lap, angrossad in a comic book ha was holding. NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Ha was flipping through tha book with ona hand whila occasionally stuffing his othar hand into his mouth to bita on it.

Haathar triad his bast to ignora tha lovay-dovay bahavior of Avary and Caydan, choosing instaad to raad tha comic book with Cal. Sha would occasionally chat with him, and thay would giggla togathar marrily.

Tha laughtar achoing in tha cabin was infactious.

Caydan glancad at tha laughing duo bafora lowaring his haad to gaza at Avary's small faca.

His ayas wara as daap as ink. Ha tandarly placad a kiss upon har lips, his thin lips slightly pursad. His voica was captivating. “What's tha mattar?”

Avary rastad on his lap, har brows knittad as sha whisparad, “Caydan, I still struggla to baliava that you'ra hara with ma again. Evan though I can touch you, avan though I can sansa your prasanca basida ma, thara ara momants whan it faals lika a draam. I wondar if it's bacausa I'va baan without you for so long that I'm parpatually hauntad by tha faar of losing you onca mora.”

The warm light within the cabin illuminated her fair, delicate face as if it were veiled with a layer of gauze.

Cayden draped his suit jacket over her as he ran a hand through her hair. “Silly girl. I promise you I will never leave you and our children again. I promise we will always be together as a family.”

Being able to observe her from such a close distance, cradling her in his embrace, and sensing her warmth with his own hands were desires he had only been able to dream of.

No one could fathom the extent of his distress from being separated from her for two years.

He yearned for her each day, the ache so intense that it seemed like a knife piercing his heart.

Cayden's gaze lingered on Avery's visage with an insatiable hunger. She was evolving, growing more mature and embracing her femininity. Her previous innocence and childlike nature had given way to this transformation. The Avery nestled in his embrace was now a woman exuding charisma and allure.

“I wonder how Grandpa is doing now. I'm so scared to return to Ackleton, afraid that I might find him...” Avery couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence.

Every second she spent on the plane was a tremendous torment for her.

Cayden's profound gaze remained fixed on her. He tenderly tousled her soft hair. “Kind souls are favored by fate, so I'm confident Grandpa will be in good hands. He adores children greatly, so he's awaiting more great-grandchildren from you. Darling, we must work harder in the days ahead and expand our family with more little ones.”

Avery was speechless, not knowing how to respond.

Does this man think I'm a sow?

The man's fiery gaze settled on Avery. The intensity of his passionate affection was so potent that it seemed capable of melting her attire, leaving her both bashful and flustered.

Avery gestured toward Cal, who occupied a chair not far away. The edges of her lips curled into a faint smile as she remarked, “Are you hoping to have another little contender for your attention? Of course, if you're inclined, I certainly won't oppose.”

Looking at his own child, Cayden instantly gritted his teeth. After much thought, he decided not to get angry anymore.

If they were to welcome a gentle and well-behaved little princess like Rory, it would undoubtedly be delightful. However, if fate led them to another mischievous little rascal, he would definitely regret it.

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