Book One: Chapter 41: Bonus Story Six
Book One: Chapter 41: Bonus Story Six
And Baby Makes Five
Macey stirred. It was late. A glance at the clock confirmed it was one o’clock. She sighed wondering
what had woken her. Turning she thought to ask Julius if he was awake as well only to find his side of
the bed empty. Startled she sat up. Was that why she had woken?
She took careful stock of the room. Nothing seemed out of place. Even the baby monitor remained on
the bedside, green light quietly blinking. But something felt wrong. It was too quiet. There should be
some sounds coming through the monitor as the baby moved around but it was completely silent.
Shivering with apprehension she stood and quickly pulled on a robe.
Stepping out of the bedroom she paused finding a warm light glowing from the kitchen. Seated on the
couch and relying on this light was Julius. He sat cradling a small bundle noisily suckling from a bottle.
Caught off guard Macey stood memorizing the scene in her mind as she leaned on the door way. This
was a sight she never thought she’d see, a sight she sometimes dreamed of seeing when the twins
were little.
It hadn’t been easy when the twins were babies. Despite Victoria’s help there was still many times she
had been on her own. While Caden usually remained quiet through the night Aria was quite loud. There
were nights she simply wouldn’t settle and Macey woke up on the couch with the baby in her arms after
she had fallen asleep trying to nurse the hungry infant. Aria would often be quietly looking up at her as
if waiting for her mother to waken before fussing again.
No sooner would Macey succeed in getting Aria to sleep again in the early morning hours then Caden
would stir and demand attention from his mother. She would change him and bring him into the living
room to feed him and hopefully allow Aria to stay sleeping for a little while longer. It was a constant
juggling act that left Macey sometimes falling asleep at the table or even in the middle of her online
classes her college allowed her to take to keep up with her studies.
Victoria helped where she could but she also had classes. There were several days Macey was simply
on her own with two babies demanding her attention. More than once she had broken down.
* * *
“Macey what is wrong!” Victoria exclaimed as she entered the apartment.
Two crying infants lay on the floor on blankets with their mother seated in front of them in tears. Taking
in the situation is a moment Victoria disappeared into the bathroom to run a steaming bath. When she
returned to the living room she pulled Macey to her feet and shoved her into the bath. With the mother
taken care of she gathered up the loudest of the infants, Aria, taking care of her first. Changing the
infant and feeding her Victoria quickly put the baby to bed before repeating the procedure with the
other. Once the pair was contentedly napping Victoria settled in the kitchen to wait for Macey to emerge
Macey stepped out of the bathroom in a robe her hair heavy and damp. For the moment her hair was
fairly straight but that would only last as long as it was wet. As it dried her natural curls would return.
“Here.” Victoria said sliding a cup of steeping tea toward her.
Macey grimaced but sat down and lingered over it. She had fallen asleep while soaking in the tub but it
hadn’t been restful as she listened to Victoria quickly and efficiently take care of the twins. As hard as
she tried it seemed she simply couldn’t be the mother she wanted to be.
“Macey, look at me.”
With a sigh she looked up to see Victoria staring at her intently. Despite how intense her look was it noveldrama
was still kind and more than a little worried. Macey wasn’t sure what she should say to alleviate her
friend’s concern.
“Macey, you are a good mom. You are a great, fantastic, awesome mom.”
“Say it.”
“Say it Macey. Say you are a good mom.”
Macey sighed.
“Say it.”
“I am a good mom.”
“You are a great, fantastic, awesome mom.”
“Say it.”
“I am a great, fantastic, awesome mom.”
“Good. Now keep saying it.”
“I mean it Macey. Do you think it’s easy to do what you are doing? You’re going to college. You have
not one but two babies. They are adorable and perfect but they outnumber you. Do you think that is
Macey hesitated.
“I mean one would be hard enough, but you have two. Two babies that need your constant attention.
Two babies that need you to feed and change them and hold them and love them. Two babies who
keep you up at all hours and you’re here alone, taking care of them by yourself. Do you honestly think
anyone else could do what you are doing right now?”
“But you handled them so easily right now.”
“Yeah, I also got a full night’s sleep and just came from the café where I had a leisurely lunch,” Victoria
said. “Macey, I could never do what you are doing. One baby would break me. I’d need a team of
nannies to help me.”
Macey didn’t answer.
“Look, I know we’ve talked about this before and you don’t want to do it…but I really think you need to
hire an au pair.”
“Macey look at me. I’m worried about you. Sweetie you need to sleep. You can’t keep stretching
yourself this thin anymore. I won’t allow it. I’ll go over your head if I have to.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m going to call your father-in-law.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I do.”
“I thought you didn’t like him.”
“He’s a man and he’s been in charge so long he’s forgotten he can’t bend the universe to his will. But
what he can do is hire an au pair for you,” Victoria said. “I’ve seen enough to know he really does care
about you and wants the best for you and the kids. And that is fine. He can foot the bill for an au pair
Macey shook her head.
“Macey, it’s not a sin to rely on other people. You don’t have to do everything on your own. Look you
can get someone part time at least so you can actually rest. It’s okay to be selfish and take care of
yourself too. Let me and your father-in-law help. You can’t keep going on like this. How much sleep did
you get last night?”
Macey breathed deep. In truth she didn’t remember, maybe an hour between nightly feedings. Deep
down she knew it wasn’t enough. Perhaps Victoria was right and she was pushing herself too hard.
Augustus told her to call him for anything.
“Okay. I’ll talk to dad about possibly getting an au pair, but only part time so I can focus on my classes
a little. I need to catch up on the work.”
“Fine. Good.” Victoria breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s all I ask.”
Victoria would take her victories where she could with someone as stubborn as Macey. She didn’t want
to upset her friend so she held back what she really wanted to say. They had spent many nights talking
about Macey’s one-sided love so Victoria knew all there was about her friend’s past but she wasn’t
satisfied. Love or not, marriage or divorce, he should at least be helping her take care of the children
they had brought into the world if nothing else. Yet Macey was insistent not to involve him. He didn’t
know she was pregnant when she left so there was no need to drag him into it now.
Victoria had been keeping tabs on Macey’s ex. While Macey insisted he probably moved on with his life
with another woman Victoria saw no evidence of that. He was certainly a drinker but there was no sign
of a new woman. Augustus expressed his desire to bring the two back together. After what Macey went
through Victoria couldn’t agree no matter what the old man said but at the same time it was not hard to
see Julius wasn’t moving on either.
Macey claimed her love was one sided and he never cared for her but that isn’t what Victoria saw. It
was clear her leaving had a devastating effect on the man she claimed never loved her. Perhaps it was
her French sensibilities at play but Victoria was certain Julius not only cared about Macey but, in fact,
loved her. If only she could meet the man then she would know for sure and until she was sure Victoria
would never suggest Macey get back with her ex. Still…he should take responsibility for the kids he
helped to bring into the world.
For now Victoria would settled on Macey hiring an au pair. With help she could get some rest and focus
on her own health in addition to the babies. If Macey was nervous about hiring someone Victoria would
be right there to help her sort through the applications. Together they would find someone they both
could trust.
* * *
Macey smiled at the scene in front of her now. How different it was from when she had the twins.
Juggling toddlers in addition to a baby certainly wasn’t easy but she also wasn’t alone. Julius was intent
on doing his part not that it didn’t come with difficulties. Watching him change a poopy diaper for the
first time was video worthy and Victoria lamented on missing the opportunity.
One whiff of the diaper had the poor man gagging to the point of doubling over much to the twins’
amusement. Macey herself could barely contain her laughter as he first tried to change the diaper using
tongs and his nose stuffed with cotton. Even now she could recall his protests.
* * *
“God, Macey! I can taste it! Why can I taste it? Will you stop laughing? It’s not funny. What the Hell did
this kid eat?”
“Breast milk as I recall,” Macey finally managed to speak. “And I believe you complained how jealous
you were the entire time you watched me breast feed him.”
Julius face suddenly reddened though she didn’t know if it was from embarrassment or lack of oxygen.
He clenched his jaw trying to keep his composure but she wasn’t about to let him off the hook so easily.
“What goes in has to come out, you know.”
“Macey,” he looked at her with desperation. “Can you…”
“Oh no daddy. I had to change two diapers at the same time for two years. I’m sure you can handle
Mention of her struggle to care for the twins without him steeled his resolve. Turning back to the
squirming infant in front of him he set aside the tongs and took the process in front of him seriously.
Following Macey’s instruction and with no small amount of gagging he managed to removed the dirty
diaper and clean the infant’s bum. As he slipped on the new diaper the baby decided it had to pee
suddenly becoming a fountain.
“What the!” Julius jerked back in surprise.
“Oh, that happens.” Macey said.
“What? What do you mean?”
“That happens all the time with boys,” Macey explained. “Maybe it’s the sensation of being changed or
just a reaction to the cool air. Who knows? You just get used to it.”
“You just get used to it.” Julius repeated looked at her with horror.
“Come on, daddy. Go ahead and finish. Toss that diaper and get a fresh one.”
* * *
The twins watched the spectacle thinking it was hilarious and told the whole story to their aunts. Both
Victoria and Rose agreed it was the funniest thing they had ever heard and both said she should have
filmed it. Macey stifled a chuckle as she crossed the room and reached the exhausted dad in front of
She ran her fingers through his hair gently stirring him awake. Julius sighed looking up at her, “Macey,
what time is it?”
“Still the middle of the night,” she said, “what are you doing out here?”
“Coda started fussing,” he answered looking down at the content baby in his arms.
Since the bottle was nearly empty he removed it and lifted the baby up to burp him. The baby’s burp
came out like a hiss of air. Coda stared up at his father with eerily calm, gray eyes. For the most part he
was a quiet baby. He watched the world with large, wondering gaze as if contemplating how it all
Naturally he was far too young to have such complex thoughts but Macey certainly saw some
similarities between Coda and his older brother. Caden had been a calm baby as well. Even at a few
weeks old he already seemed to have a grasp of his family. Though Coda fussed when strangers held
him he was completely comfortable in his parents’ arms. He didn’t seem to have a preference between
his mother and father though he clearly preferred them over others.
That didn’t surprise Macey in the least. Caden had always preferred being held by his mother. In fact
he would start fussing almost immediately when other people held him. He had been okay with Victoria
and eventually warmed up to Dillon but he fussed continuously when Paul tried to hold him. For some
reason he was okay with Augustus despite the fact his grandfather’s infrequent visits.
Coda was a little more gregarious having no issue being held by multiple people including Victoria,
Dillon, Augustus, March, Rose and even Jude. Paul was an infrequent visitor so perhaps the baby’s
reaction to him was less than favorable. Though Macey recalled Paul had been a little awkward with
Caden and Aria in the beginning as well it was strange he didn’t come around more often.
She wondered if he was uncomfortable with their growing family circle. With the twins their only family
relation had been Augustus but this time everyone had flown to Paris to see the baby. Paul only
maintained a small circle of friends and sometimes even avoided his own show openings making
Macey wonder if he just didn’t like large crowds. Even so she hoped he would come around more
often. She would hate for Coda to grow up not knowing his adoptive uncle.
“So, you got up with him?” Macey asked.
“Yeah, of course. You were sleeping so well I didn’t want him to wake you up,” Julius nodded. “You
work too hard. You should take a break now that he’s here.”
Macey smiled leaning close and kissing him. His lips eagerly answered her making her wonder when it
was they had last made love. She had been too uncomfortable in the later stages of her pregnancy for
such activities and after the birth she was tired and needed healing, but now…
“Macey?” Julius asked as their lips parted.
“Has anyone told you how hot you look playing daddy?”
Julius raised a brow before his gaze widened. His face flushed with anticipation no doubt doing the
mental math himself for when they last coupled. He swallowed hard saying, “Macey…”
“You should put the baby back to bed,” Macey said standing. “I’ll be waiting for you…daddy.”
She walked back to the bedroom hearing his soft mutter, “Shit. Coda, do your daddy a favor and go to
sleep, little man.”
Macey snickered to herself as she softly closed the door and slipped back into bed. It was still warm
and she found herself nodding off rather quickly. She didn’t hear him when he returned to join her but
his arms circled around her and pulled her against him.
“You better not be asleep, Macey,” Julius said with a rather gruff voice.
Though she was still drowsy she couldn’t help but laugh at the desperation in his voice, “Does that
mean you’ve been having a hard time?”
“Damn it Macey, you really shouldn’t use the word hard in a sentence right now,” he buried his face in
her neck and sucking on her sensitive skin.
The stubble on his chin tickled and she laughed at his enthusiasm, “Poor daddy, so neglected.”
“And what are you going to do about it?” he challenged raising his head to meet her gaze.
“Well,” she ran her fingers through his hair eliciting a groan, “isn’t that supposed to be my question?
Who carried your baby for nine months?”
“Macey,” he leaned forward his mouth hungrily enveloping hers. His hand caressed her slipping
between her thighs and pressing against her entrance. “I’m going to make you regret teasing me.”
“Really?” she shifted her hips grinding against his hand. “Are you going to make it worth my while?”
Smiling he leaned close, “As you wish.”
His fingers plunged into her as he swallowed her accompanying moan. She wasn’t expecting her first
orgasm to come so quickly but she clenched around his fingers as her body suddenly convulsed.
“J-Julius,” she moaned breathlessly.
“We’re only getting started,” he whispered close to her ear. “You have no idea the things I’ve been
dreaming about doing to you.”
“Show me,” Macey’s hips pressed against him as she came down from her first wave of euphoria.
“Show me everything.”
Julius chuckled, “Glad to know I wasn’t the only one suffering. Patience, babe. We have all night, plenty
of time.”
He trailed kisses down her neck to her partially exposed chest. Her pajamas of choice were a silky,
short black bit of lingerie that wasn’t particularly revealing but drove him wild nonetheless.
“Mhmm,” Macey moaned as his mouth found her breast and teased it as his fingers continued teasing
her within. “Julius…”
Her next orgasm came readily and left her shaking. She was already panting but she wanted more and
tugged impatiently at his sweat pants. Julius almost growled as he pulled away to be rid of it himself.
Almost immediately the baby monitor suddenly came to life with a single baby cry.
They froze in their passionate embrace looking over at it as Coda continued to whimper as if talking to
himself. Julius held his breath willing the baby back to sleep.
Please, little man, back to sleep. Just this once for your daddy. Please.
As if hearing his father’s silent plead the baby quieted and obediently fell back to sleep.
“Thank god,” Julius praised before silencing Macey’s laughter with a kiss. “Are you ready for this?”
“Hmm,” Macey sighed feeling his hard member pressing against her entrance. “You do realize this is
how we got three kids in the first place.”
Julius groaned. Were women more fertile just after they had a child? He wasn’t sure but he ached with
holding himself back. His gaze settled on hers as he said, “Then we’ll buy a house.”
Macey snickered but her mirth was quickly replaced with a moan as he pushed himself into her. After
that there was no room for critical thinking.
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