The billionaire’s true love


Part 30This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Looking at the door got me into a conflict. I wasn’t sure whether I should go and open the door or not. It could be Trent; actually, my heart was shouting his name, telling me that it was him behind the door. But my mind was telling me to be careful; it might not be Trent but it could be someone else, either way my mind was telling me not to open the door.

The bell rang a second time. And I stood up, since it suddenly became too uncomfortable for me to remain sitting. Where was Brynn? Why wasn’t she coming downstairs? Couldn’t she hear the bell ringing? I mean, the sound echoed throughout the small house, and yet no one was coming out to see who was at the door. These people were heavy sleepers.

Without thinking, my feet shuffled across the floor all the way to the door. My hand, working on its own accord, grabbed the door knob, but didn’t turn it. My limbs were no longer mine to control, but my mind still gave the command.

Ask who it is! My mind commanded.

But at the same time, I was afraid to ask. What if, it really was Trent? What would happen then? What would he do? I won the bet fair and square, so he could not be bossy and force me to marry him.

“Wh-Who is it?” I finally found the courage to ask.

Please don’t let it be Trent. Please don’t let be Trent.

“Amanda, it’s me Trent. Open the door right now,” he ordered. Of course, why would God ever listen to me? Why?

“No. Why are you here? How did you find me?” I knew my second question was utterly dumb, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

“I am here to take what’s mine. And as for finding you, shady, you can never get away from me. I have eyes and ears everywhere. There is no escaping me,” he replied. I still hadn’t opened the door.

“What’s yours? I haven’t brought anything with me that is mine. So go check with someone else. And you were spying on me?!” The man clearly didn’t know his limits.

“You are mine, sleeping beauty. And I’m here to take you back home. And as for spying on you, well you didn’t leave me much of a choice. You are not wearing the ring I gave you, which I need to punish you for, so I had no choice but to send my men after you,” he stated.

I rolled my eyes. “I won the bet, Trent. You came after three days, so we are not getting married. And how did you know I’m not wearing the ring?” I left the ring in my apartment before leaving for Japan. I knew that if I brought it with me, the ring would only remind me of Trent.

“Oh bumblebee, if you only knew how you actually won. But that is a discussion for later, right now, I want you to be a good girl and open the door so I can take you home,” Trent said.

“How do you know I don’t have the ring right now?” I repeated my question. I sighed in relief when I saw Brynn entering the living room with her laptop. When she saw me, she placed the computer on the table before coming towards me.

“The ring tells me where you are. And when I went to your apartment and saw the ring there, I was bloody pissed, so that is how I know. Now open the door, Amanda.”

My eyes widened at hearing his words. A tracker. He had a tracker embedded in the ring. I looked at Brynn to see her expression mirroring mine. She was as shocked as I was.

“Yo-You had a tracker in the ring? Ho-How could you do this, Trent? Do you know anything about privacy?” I tried to keep my voice low because I didn’t want to wake up the people who were peacefully sleeping.

“You do not have the liberty to ask me questions. It was my decision and I am happy with it. Open the door right the fuck now!” He commanded.

“No. Go away. I don’t want to go with you. I don’t even want to look at you. Just leave and don’t come back here.” I told him.

“Fuck this shit! I didn’t come all the way to Japan for this.” I screamed when the door was suddenly kicked open, hitting the wall, shaking the whole house. Before I could process what was happening, Trent circled his arm around my knees and slung me over his shoulder, before turning around and marching out.

“Trent, you asshole! Put me down right now! I don’t want to go anywhere with you!” I punched his back but he kept on walking.

Fear accelerated my heart as I saw a black car with tinted windows standing idle on the road. The back door was open, which made it easier for Trent to deposit me in the car before climbing inside with me.

“Drive. And don’t stop until you reach the airport,” Trent ordered the driver, who nodded and drove out.

“You are not taking me with you! Do you hear me?! I will not go with you!” I was hysterical, I had no idea what I was saying. I was terrified, I wanted to run away. But Trent was taking me with him, and the look on his face told me exactly how angry he really was.

Instead of replying, Trent grabbed a small bottle and dipped the contents of it on a piece of cloth. My mind was working at a million miles per hour, making it difficult for me to focus on his actions. I just wanted to escape.

“Trent, I swear I will scream at the airport until security comes. I will accuse you of all sorts of horrible things until you are locked up in prison. I will-”

When Trent placed the soaked rag over my nose, that was when I felt the true meaning of fear. He held my head in place, his grip tight, unrelenting; while his other hand was firmly placed over my nose.

The sweet scent took seconds to invade my senses. No matter how much I tried to push his hand away from my mouth, I couldn’t, he was too strong. My vision dulled, the fight left my body, and my mind started to go blank.

“I tried, I really tried to control myself, but I failed. I cannot control myself anymore.” Were the last words that entered my mind before I was robbed of my consciousness.


My eyes opened to dark blue walls and a very comfortable bed. But when my mind started to recall every tiny detail that took place in Japan, I bolted upright, breathing heavily.

Placing a hand on my neck, I rubbed it a little, trying to get rid of the thirst. I looked around for some water but found none. My mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls and my vision still hadn’t cleared up, I could only make out the dark blue walls and other major furniture in the room.

Son of a bitch kidnapped me. So much for winning the bet!

The door opened and in walked the man who I wished to hell and back and back to hell. He held something in his hand as he sauntered over to me, his face void of emotion or maybe I just couldn’t see due to my impaired vision.

“Drink this,” he ordered, wrapping my fingers around a water bottle. Trying my best to glare at him, I did as he said, simply because my throat felt raw.

Having water flow down my throat made me feel as if somebody watered a wilted plant. It felt so refreshing, it was like coming back to life. The water made me feel a whole lot better. I was no longer thirsty, my mouth didn’t feel like it was stuffed with cotton balls and my vision was back to normal.

“I hate you!” I flung the bottle to the side, finally getting my rage back.

“You can hate me all you want, that would only work in my favor at the end. How do you feel?” Trent enquired, looking poised and perfect as if he did not just kidnap a girl.

“I want to murder you and feed your filthy carcass to my dog,” I spat.

“And I want to fuck you so hard, you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. I would fuck you so hard and deep, your pussy will have no choice but to suck in every drop of my cum, resulting in you getting pregnant with my baby.” Trent kept his eyes locked on mine as he said this.

My heart begun hammering as I felt lost for words. How crass could he really be? Trent never spoke to me like this. What changed? Was he always like this or did I do something to trigger the animal inside him?

Trent kissed my lips softly. “Now I know exactly how to shut that pretty mouth.”

“I wo-won’t le-let you d-do it,” I stammered, finally gaining my voice back.

Of course you would. You want him to do it. You yearn for it.

“It’s just a matter of when. Are you hungry?” How could I switch from one topic to the other so quickly?

“No. I wan-wanna go home. I have to go home,” I replied, pulling the duvet tighter around myself, as if trying to protect my body from Trent.

He caressed my cheek. I couldn’t even move away because I was still shocked over his words. This man was an utter mystery. And the sides that were slowly unravelling in front of my eyes scared me to death.

“This is your home now. I bought it just for you. This was going to be your wedding gift but since you won the bet, I’ll give you some control and will respect your decision of not marrying so soon. But you will live here from now on; we’ll live here together. Can you do that without me always having to worry about you running away?” He shuffled closer to me, his knee touching mine.

“I know I have taken a lot from you. I’ve stolen your rights, taken your control, left you with nothing but anger and frustration. But I want you to give me this. Can you give me just one thing. Can you give me some peace of mind and live here willingly with me? Will you give me your trust, shady?”

He is messing with your mind, do not say yes under any circumstances!

My subconscious was right. Trent was messing with my mind. He once again made the decision for me, and now he was asking me if I wanted to live with him? What was he playing at? And why did he keep pulling me towards him? Why didn’t I find him repulsive? Why couldn’t I hate him because he really deserved it?




“Yo-You can’t ke-keep do-doing this.” I didn’t realize when tears filled my eyes. I was tired, tired of fighting him. I couldn’t do it. Trent was too complicated, I couldn’t handle him. I was not strong enough.

“Can’t keep doing what?” Trent frowned in confusion.

“This.” Tears fell from my eyes, my voice cracked. I was so tired. “You don’t let me make decisions about my life. You threaten me. You make me feel like I have no rights, nothing. I am human, Trent. Please, just treat me like I’m human for once…” I trailed off, my tears taking over.

“Hey no, don’t cry.” Trent pulled me to him, making me sit on his lap; a feat I wondered how he was able to accomplish.

I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t. I just cried as Trent held me, rubbing my back in a soothing manner. It was like the dam had finally cracked and all my emotions were flooding out in a mass heap of tears. He forced me to work for him. He dragged me and tied me up in his penthouse. He forced me to wear a ring. He told everyone we were getting married. He made me leave my home and run to Japan. He told me he had a tracker embedded in the ring. And he kidnapped and told me that I would be living with him from now on.

“You are human. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You are strong and resilient, such an admirable woman,” Trent murmured, kissing my face.

He was lying. He didn’t find me beautiful, he didn’t admire me. He wanted to control me. That’s all it was. He was now using sweet words to get me to forgive him but I couldn’t do it. This was too much for me.

“Home. I want to go home.” I just wanted my warm blanket and my pillow for comfort. And Trent. I wanted him to hold me forever, but I knew that it was not possible. I wanted him and yet he was hurting me.

“I-How can I make you understand that this is your home now? You belong with me, why can’t you see that, sleeping beauty?” Trent whispered.

“You control me. Don’t control me,” I cried.

“I’m trying, bumblebee. God knows I’m trying, but you keep fighting me and it makes me angry, so I fail. I fail to give you the freedom you want,” he uttered.

Was that what this was? Was I fighting him too much? Was he really trying to give me space and I was fighting him?

No, this was not my fault. I tried to tolerate his crazy behavior but it was getting too much. Trent didn’t know when to stop.

“Okay, i-if you want, I can try again. If you give me one more chance, I will make it better, I will try not to control you…as much. Please stop crying, bumblebee, please,” Trent stated.

I looked up at him, not caring if I looked ugly. “Yo-You mean that?” Was he telling the truth or not?

Give him a chance. You like him.

“Yes, I promise to be better if you agree to give me one more chance, please don’t cry.” Trent wiped my tears, giving me a soft smile.

“One more chance. One last chance. And you won’t control me anymore.” I told him.

“I’ll try my best.”

I didn’t know whether this would result in my happily ever after or in an utter disaster, but Trent deserved a second chance, we all did. And I was willing to take a leap of faith, just this once…

Because Trent meant a lot to me.

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