The Billionaire’s Son Chose Me!

Chapter 3_ Don’t scold me!

Almost immediately a screeching sound was heard as a car drove into the surrounding, Ray could already guess who that could be.. some minutes passed by before the door opened slowly, and in walked a tall figure.

He was dressed impeccably in a tailored suit, and his eyes scanned the room with a cool, collected gaze.

He moved across the floor like a cat, smooth and graceful.

There was an air of confidence about him, but not arrogance.

He was in control of himself and the situation, and everyone in the room knew it.

He stopped in the center of the room, and his eyes met those of the person across from him

A small devilish grin graced his handsome face “Hello son”

Ray sneered and crossed his arm, he pulled his gaze away from his father’s burning eyes..

“I don’t want to talk to you” Came Rays short reply..

Kyle gave a small nod to his men and they all dispersed from the living room leaving only him and the angry little Ray.. He calmly walked to the black leather couch where Ray was currently sitted on and took a seat..

“You got me worried today Ray, why do you keep running away?”

Ray shot him a mean look “you don’t want to tell me who my mummy is so I will keep on running away until I find her!”

Kyle sighed and massaged his temples softly, how was he going to explain to Ray the real truth about his birth..

“But I thought you liked Vanessa”

Ray’s lips parted, he scrunched his face in disgust at the sound of that..

“Eww no! I don’t like Vanessa.. she gets on my nerves.. you won’t understand since you hardly spend time with me”

A hurried clicking footstep was heard and in came a curvy lady on red.. she had a hour glass figure and an undeniable pretty face which complimented her brown eyes..

Ray rolled his eyes when she came into view, speaking of the devil and here she comes..

Vanessa threw her purse away and hurried to Ray, she suddenly engulf him In a tight embrace..

“Sweetie you got me so worried thank goodness you’re okay” She released her embrace on him and planted multiple kisses on his cheeks..

Ray shrugged her off and wiped his cheeks with the back of his palm..

“That’s enough! stop pretending to care about me when you actually don’t!”

Kyle was pissed off at the tone Ray used on Vanessa “Be quiet Ray!”

“Don’t scold me! I don’t want to pretend to like her, you never pay attention to me because of her, I don’t want her to be my mummy either!”

Endless streams flow down his eyes as he was done, Kyle was about to speak when Ray bolted out of the living room and shortly after the sound of his door banging was heard..

Kyle returned his gaze back to Vanessa who was sobbing quietly, he knew Ray’s words must have hurt her badly..

“I just can’t fathom why the kid I love so much could say such mean things to me, I was so worried about him that I left my movie shoot.. and at the end I….

Kyle placed a white neat handkerchief on the couch beside her and walked out of the living room without saying a word to her..

He was already used to Ray’s behavior by now but Vanessa was just getting the hang of it.. He thought his son will finally be happy once he found a new mother for him but Instead he got the opposite…

Vanessa’s fingers dug into her skin as her eyes were fixed at the direction Kyle followed..

Her eyes burned with intense hatred towards the rude and spoilt little brat..

“He ruined my perfect chance once again like every other day!” She gritted her teeth in anger..

Kyle had been her main goal since college days, and when she finally had the chance to be with him, his son got in the way.. first it was Charlotte now it’s Ray..

Later that night…

Kyle knocked slightly on Ray’s door and pushed it open.. he stood still seeing it was dark.. his hands calmly roamed on the wall till he found the light switch..

The lights came on to reveal a torn apart room, with toys littered everywhere..

He searched around the room till he spotted Ray on his torn apart mattress..

“Come on Ray.. are you still upset with me?”

Ray clutched onto his big brown teddy bear tightly “Don’t listen to his apologies Conny… he is a bad daddy” Ray whispered to his teddy bear named Conny..

Kyle made his way to Ray who wasn’t giving him a look..

“Listen Ray I know you’re upset with me because of the way I scolded you but I did that for your own good”

Ray shot his dad a look “You scolded me because of Vanessa… can’t you see that she doesn’t care for me?”

Kyle raised his hand to touch Ray’s head but was shunned.. “Daddy! not my hair”

Kyle smiled and pulled Ray into his arms, how could he have forgotten how Ray hates it whenever someone touches his hair..

Now that was a trait, Ray got from him, he chuckled at the silly thought and planted a kiss on Ray’s forehead..

“I love you a lot silly boy… I’m always nice to you yet you don’t see that”

Ray pulled away from Kyle “But Arya is way more nicer than you..”

Kyle had a confused look on his face, Ray hardly ever made friends.


Ray nodded eagerly, but when he remembered how she was pushed by one his father’s men his mood changed..

“She is…

Kyle’s phone rang out, he pulled it out of his inner pocket..”Aidan this is important.. I have to take it.. you can spend a night in the other room.. I’ll get the servants to clean this place up goodnight son” He said hurriedly and planted a kiss on Ray’s forehead..



Chloe embraced Arya warmly before getting into the cab waiting for her..

“Goodnight Arya.. make sure to give me a call once you get home”

“I sure will.. bye” she waved as the cab sped away..

Few minutes passed by and a cab hasn’t stopped for her yet, she noticed a shadow behind her and when she turned she saw no one standing close enough to her..Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

This went on for two whole minutes, her eyes darted to and fro.. she opened her purse to get the pepper spray she got last week just in case something like this ever happens..

Her eyes remained fixed on the shadow as it came closer, just when it was close enough she turned around with the spray ready to blind whoever it was.. but her hand was caught back as she saw who was standing in front of her..

“You?!” her eyes widened in shock and surprise, it was him…

The young man in front of her gave her a small smile.. “Yes babe.. me!”

Arya smiled at Cole before throwing herself into his embrace..

“You jerk! you scared the hell out of me!”

Cole bursted out laughing hard at Arya’s frightened face..

He snatched the pepper spray from her and brought it close to his face..

“Pepper spray? do you really want to blind the eyes of your soon to be husband?”

Arya’s ears reddened, she threw a light punch to his chest..

Cole was her soon to be husband, they got engaged six months ago after two years of courtship but he had to leave the country two months ago to sign a business deal.. and today he suddenly showed up to give her the fright of her life.. how romantic..

“I’ll drop you off at home it’s getting late”

Arya nodded and obliged to his words, how could she refuse his offer? they had a lot to catch up on..



Vivian rushed to the window when she heard the sound of a car pulling over..

She sneered at the two who were acting lovey dovey with each other.. her nails dug into her skin at the sight…

Minutes later they bade each other goodbye, Cole watched her Arya’s back leaving.. he averted his gaze to the window with the lights still on..

Immediately he looked up Vivian turned her back to him, he sighed and returned back into his car..

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