The Billionaire Mafia’s Slave




Standing in this conservatory and holding each other, feeling each other’s warmth and consumed by our own thoughts, I could feel Nikolai’s heart beating faster than normal.

When he attacked Roman back at the party, I felt so scared that he went back to his monstrous ways. I was terrified he was going to kill Roman but after telling me the reasons for his hate towards his brother, I can finally understand him better even though he didn’t tell me in details how his brother tried to kill him.

‘What kind of brother does that? And two times?! Do their parent know about it?’, I wondered.

For the first time since I’ve known Nikolai, I saw fear and worry in his eyes. His brother is who he’s most scared of and that’s not how it should be, he as the younger brother should be looking up to his older brother and should feel secured around him.

I sighed and detached from the hug.

“Should we go back to the party or our room?”, I asked Nikolai and he smiled at me.

“Why? Want to finish what we started?”, He said with a knowing smile and I gasps in shock, my cheeks burning. I hit his chest and he chuckled.

“Wh-what are you t-talking about?”, I asked, looking away to hide my red cheeks.

“You don’t need to be shy my Kukolka. Trust me, I have been refraining myself from claiming you long ago”, Nikolai growled, stroking my red cheek with his finger.

“L-lets go back to… to the party”, I said, quickly moving away from him and picking up my shoes but he held me back, I turned around and looked at him in confusion.

“Let me”, He said, taking the shoes from me and guiding me to sit, he squat and took my foot, carefully putting it into the shoe and he did same for the second leg, my eyes was on him the whole time, watching him do it with ease and making my heart flutter, falling in love with him again and again.

“All done–“, Nikolai raised his head to say but I interrupted him by kissing his lips. He was still at first but slowly eased up and kissed me back.

“Thank you”, I said once I broke the kiss, I heard a low growl from him and I smile, biting my bottom lip.

“You need to behave unless I won’t hold back, for real”, He said.

“I’ll behave. I promise”, I said.


We didn’t go back to the party, Nikolai suggested we took a drive to the riverside.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“This late hours?!”, I asked and he nodded.

“It would be fun. Trust me”.

“You know I trust you”.

He took the keys from a guard, got a bottle of whiskey and we left.

Nikolai parked the car at the beach side, he got out of the car and like a gentleman, he opened the door for me and helped me out.

“Thank you”, I said to him.

I breathe in the fresh and cold breeze from the beach, it was extra cold here and I was wearing something revealing.

“Here”, Nikolai said, putting over my shoulder a blanket. I smiled at how well he notices every detail about me.

He took got himself a blanket, we sat on the sand, watching the waves and enjoying the quiet.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Irina was coming”, Nikolai suddenly said and I turned to him.

“And I’m sorry I got in the middle of you and Roman, I ju– I just didn’t know he was that bad”, I apologized, wrapping myself the more.

Nikolai noticed my discomfort, he dragged me closer to him, opening his hands wide to cover me.

“Better?”, he asked and I nodded.

He opened the bottle of whiskey and drank directly from the bottle.

“Want some?”, he asked, I wasn’t really that much of a drinker but I was cold, so…

“Yes please”, I replied and he handed the bottle to me.

“Take a sip. Don’t drink much”, he said and I smiled.

We stayed that way, passing the bottle of whiskey and talking about random things, laughing and loving each other.

I couldn’t imagine myself with someone else, Nikolai was the only one for me and I am happy Olivia did what she did.

“Kukolka?”, He called.

“Hmm”, I replied, already getting drowsy.

“You will see your Papa in two weeks time”, he said and I froze. I turned to face him and he had a faint smile on his face.

“Re-really? My Papa?”, I asked just to be clear.

“Yes… I am sorry it took this long”, he apologized and I hugged him out of excitement.

“Oh I love you so much!!”, I exclaimed and he chuckled.

“I love you too”, he responded.

I let the tears of joy pour down while I hugged Nikolai. It has been a year since I saw my father, I can remember the last time Nikolai took me to see him and he was old and lost weight.

I can’t imagine the emotions he would feel when he sees me, would he think I am a ghost or a dream?

How would he feel when I tell him that Nikolai is the man that I love? That his only child was in a relationship with a mafia leader and the person he so badly want to put in prison and he was keeping me captive since I went missing.

I pray he wouldn’t hate Nikolai or be against our relationship, I can’t see my future without Nikolai in it.


After spending an hour or so at the beach, Nikolai drove us back to the mansion.

‘How can he drive so we’ll even when he took more alcohol than me?!’, I asked myself in amazement.

The ball has slowly come to an end, most of the guests have retired back to where they came from.

Nikolai held my hand as we walked into the ballroom, I saw Mr Vladimir talking to a man and they laughed so heartedly while Mrs Vladimir just smiled. Elena was beside the man, holding his hand and leaning closer to him.

‘Must be her father’, I said to myself.

I felt Nikolai gripping my hand tighter and I placed my other hand on his, just to let him know I’m always here.

“Aha! There he is!”, Mr Vladimir exclaimed once he spotted Nikolai.

‘Oh great!’, I said in my head.

Nikolai walked up to them, with me still by his side.

“Mr Andrei Petrov… It is nice to see you”, Nikolai greeted the man.

“My boy! You have grown up to be a man since the time I last saw you!”, The man who Nikolai referred to Mr Petrov, said.

It was too obvious up close how much Elena resembles the man. He was tall even at his age, profound cheekbones, deep stares and the way he raises the side of his lips screams Elena.

“Well, I got shaped in this rough world to be a man too quickly”, Nikolai responded making his father and Mr Petrov laugh.

“The true son of his father!!”, Mr Petrov said.

“Of course he is, my dear friend!”, Mr Vladimir replied.

“… and who is this young girl you are so glued to? Don’t think I didn’t notice you at the party”, Mr Petrov asked.

“She is Lily, MY woman”, Nikolai said and my heart fluttered.

“It’s nice to meet you sir”, I greeted, trying hard not to feel shy or intimidated.

“Oh my, she is a gem indeed… you must be so proud Oleg, a foreigner for a daughter in law”, Mr Petrov said and I frowned, what was he implying? The apple surely doesn’t fall far from the tree. He was just like his daughter, slow poison.

“Oh come on Andrei, foreign or not, she is the best daughter in law I could have ever asked for”, Mrs Vladimir replied before her husband or Nikolai could say anything. My eyes teared up at how she was defending me.

“How so?”, Mr Petrov just wouldn’t give up.

“For starters she is caring, considerate, beautiful, a sweet talker, has a heart of gold, keeps me company, a good friend to Galina, loves my Nikolai to the bone, very peaceful… I mean if I go on and on I would write a whole book!”, Mrs Vladimir said and Mr Petrov laughed to cover it up.

“True true, we all want what’s best for our children, don’t we?”, He said, “… Okay, we should be on our way. Thank you my friend, once again, the fundraiser ball was a success!”, He concluded and Mr Vladimir saw him off.

I dashed to Mrs Vladimir and hugged her tight.

“OH! hahahaha… oh my child”, She said, patting my back”.

“Thank you mom”, I said, sobbing.

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