The Billionaire Mafia’s Slave




Someone hugged me very tight from behind, I flinched from the sudden hug and the intense smell of alcohol.

“GIRLIEEE!”, I relaxed when I heard who it was, the girl of the hour, Stephanie.

I turned around and hugged her, patting her back.

“Hey! I haven’t s… seen you or Ollie a-all night. Don’t tell me y-you guys are just ar.. riving?”, She was already drunk.

“Of course not! I’ve been here for hours!”, I exaggerate a bit.

“Where have you guys been then… and where is Olivia?”, Stephanie asked, looking around.

“Oh come on, you know how she is. She’s probably somewhere with the guys… partying”, I said, I don’t want her to know about the little argument Olivia and I had.

“By the way, happy birthday girl!! You look incredibly breathtaking tonight!”, I praised her.

She was putting on a baby pink sequins dress that stopped her right below her crotch area,

If she was to bend a little, her butt would definitely be on display. God it was too short! But knowing Stephanie, she couldn’t care less.

Stephanie and Olivia are known to be party freaks, and I? I’m a complete introvert.

Sometimes I try to deny it but I know deep down I am.

“Thank you!!!”, She squeals and hugged me very tight, almost suffocating me to death, just kidding.

“If I… if I see Olivia anywhere, I would skin her alive!!”, Stephanie let go of me and said.

“Please, don’t be like tha–“, I tried talking her out of scolding Olivia when her boyfriend came and kissed her hard, in front of me!

He too was equally drunk but he was still sane… I think.

“Hi Lily”, He said once he was satisfied with the kiss.

“Oh now I’m suddenly visible Adam”, I joked.

“Sorry, not my fault you’ll like… what? 4 feet?”, He said with a proud smirk on his face.

Stephanie and I gasps.

“Babe!! Be nice”, Stephanie scolding him by smacking his chest just a tiny bit.

Adam laughed hard and adjusted his long black hair that got to his face.

“It is the truth! isn’t it?”, He said again trying to taunt me.

“Excuse you! For your information, I am 5 feet 6 inches!”.

“Hahahaha… What are you 9?!”, Adam said and this time, Stephanie joined him in laughing.

I’ve always been the shortest amongst all of them, with Olivia being 5 feet 7, Stephanie is 5 feet 8, Troy and Adam were of the same height, 5 feet 11.

But it didn’t bother me or did it matter to my boyfriend. He loves me regardless.

Just like the way Olivia and Troy bicker, Stephanie’s boyfriend, Adam and I bicker, it is nothing serious. We are all friends.

“Let’s go babe!”, Stephanie tried to drag him away from there, I could see she was trying to help me.

“I got the condoms”, He whispered to her but I heard it clearly.

“Yey! Let’s go upstairs”, Stephanie replied happily.

Adam turned to me one last time and gave me the middle finger and I did same.

He took her away, they were eating each other faces, gross.

Oh, I just remembered Troy and I do the same thing.

Now… it’s back to my search for Olivia.

‘Where could she have gone to?’, I asked no one in particular.

Or was she that mad at me?

I shook my head to get rid of anymore negative thoughts, when I see her I’ll hug her so tight until she forgives me.

I took out my phone and tried calling her, it kept ringing and ringing but no one was picking up. I tried it again but it was the same thing.

‘Has her phone gone missing? Is she in trouble?’, I started to panic.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I was so confused I didn’t know what to do, I took out my phone and tried calling her again, this time it rang twice before it disconnected.

She ended the call? Why?

Okay, now I’m really worried, ‘Should I call my dad and ask him for help in finding her?’ No, that’s too sudden.

“Maybe I should ask Troy to help me find her”, I said to myself.

I went back inside to look for Troy, I couldn’t find him where I last saw him.

“Uhm, hey, have you seen Troy anywhere?”, I asked the guy he was talking to not long ago.

“He got a phone call and went upstairs”, The guy said.

“Phone call? Who called him?”, I asked curiously. I didn’t call him.

“That I don’t know of, sorry”, He said.

“Oh yeah, silly me… thanks anyways”, I said to him.

“You are welcome”, he replied and continued chatting with his friends.

I walked away from him and his friends but I could still here a bit of their conversation.

“Ouu, who’s the chick?”, One of his friends ask.

“Your new girl?”, The other added and they all laughed.

“That is Troy’s chick, so drop it”, I heard him say.

I’ve always had this gift of hearing from a far distance so I don’t care if they were gossiping about me.

I took out my phone and dialed the caller ID that showed ‘My Heart ‘, It ranged but no response.

Are these two playing a game with me? Why are they not picking?

I called again, but this time Troy picked up and I was relieved.

“Babe what is it?”, I heard him ask.

“Where are you? I need your help in finding Olivia”, I said.

“Is she lost or something?”, He asked me.

“Uhm, I don’t know, we both had an argument and she got angry and left now I can’t find her”.

“Have you tried calling her?”.

“Yes, she isn’t picking up that’s why I’m worried”.

“You said you two had a fight right? Maybe she’s avoiding your calls on purpose, give her time”, Troy said.

“But what if something bad actually happened to her–“, I didn’t get to complete my spent when Troy interrupted me.

“She isn’t a baby is she? She knows her way around. And besides she’s at a huge party, she couldn’t have been kidnapped or killed by a monster without anyone seeing, right?”, He asked.

He is right, Troy is always right.

Olivia and I have had multiple arguments just like normal friends do but at the end of the day, we’re like sisters, we always reconcile with each other.

This was no big of a deal… right?

“Hello? babe?”, I heard Troy say from the other side of the line.

Oh, I forgot I was still connected with him.

“Yes babe, I’m here and you’re right. Olivia isn’t a child so I shouldn’t worry myself too much”, I said.

“Good. I’m gonna hang up now okay?”.

“Wait! Where are you–“, Too late, he hung up.

“Great!”, I felt frustrated, my best friend and I had a fight now she doesn’t want to speak to me, my other best friend is somewhere in her big party probably riding her boyfriend and my boyfriend doesn’t even feel like hanging out with me.

What do I do? I don’t know anyone here, these are all Stephanie and Olivia’s friends from school or somewhere I don’t know, I’m the introvert here.

I can’t help but feel like a stranger in this party, I clinged to the small shoulder bag I was holding and went to a restroom, just to escape.

“Sorry, excuse me”, I apologized to the party goers as I headed to the restroom, I got inside and it reeks of weed and alcohol, two girl were on the floor of the restroom kissing and exchanging drinks from their mouth, it was disgusting to look at.

I ignored them and went to the sink, put on the tap, closed my eyes and splash some water on my face.

I did it two more times then I put off the tap. I took out my phone from my purse and stared at it, contemplating whether to call Olivia again or not.

‘But Troy said not to’, my inner thought argued with me.

“I know right?! A lot of people are horny these days! Hahaha”, I heard someone say, I turned to see who it was. There were three girls, I recognized the blonde one to be Kimberly and the brunette is Stacy and the last, I couldn’t remember.

“They were literally fucking like pornstars!”, Stacy said and the three girls laughed.

They entered the restroom to reapply their make-up.

They were probably gossiping about someone, I don’t care. I put my phone back in my purse and rearranged my hair.

“Why did I miss it!!”, The girl, who’s name I didn’t know said.

“They are still upstairs in the bedroom by the right if you wanna see”, Stacy said.

“My God, it’s been like what… three hours?!”, Kimberly said and they all laughed.

“Oh Kim, you’re over exaggerating. It’s been an hour”, Stacy corrected.

“Seems like the whole day. I mean they should hurry up, someone else might be waiting to use the room or is he trying to destroy her pussy!”, Kim said again, laughing out loud.

I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but they were being so loud.

“Is the guy hot?”, Their friend asked.

“I think so. I mean he’s tall, maybe around 5’10 or 6. He’s got golden hair and a nice body…”, While Kim was describing the guy, I felt my ears slowly listening to them.

“… and oh yeah, he had like a scar or birthmark on his lower back, it was brownish and the size of a baby’s foot”.

I gasped and my purse feel to the ground, that was exactly the description of my boyfriend, Troy.

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