The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 6 Out With The Bad Boy

“Would you stop pacing child, there’s no need to give yourself a heart attack,” Claire chides as I continue to pace relentlessly in Lucy’s room. Said child begins to giggle as Claire begins to mock me behind my back.

“What if he sees her and tries to take her, I swear I don’t know what’s wrong with Kohl, why would he do this?” I run a hand through my hair in frustration.

“Your brother has his reasons for which he does the things he does, but you have to believe he has your best interests in sight,” the wise woman placates. Her words finally sink in.

“What do you mean?”

Instead of wording an answer she waves me off and continues to entertain the giddy child in her hands. Lucy seems especially happy today, she seems to be jumping in place.

“Just go and get ready, I laid some proper clothes out on your bed already. Things have been taken care of, the young man will not see Lucy, rest assured,” she motions for me to leave the child’s lilac room.

I sigh in defeat and make my way out of my princess’s room and head to my own. I head into the bathroom to take a relaxing shower before having to face a walking devil. Just the thought of Drew causes a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach. I stand under the hot water allowing it to pelt my skin and relieve the tension from my stiff muscles.

What could have Claire meant, does Kohl know something I don’t?

I shake my head from my lingering thoughts and finish my shower. I wrap a towel around my body and head out to look at the clothes Claire picked out. I’m not one to dress over the top so I hope it’s something remotely close to what I’d usually wear. I smile when I see the dark jeans, a blue dress shirt and some matching heels. She’s been waiting to get me into those for quite a while.

I put some light make up on and let my hair fall down in its natural wavy state before finally getting dressed. I’m glad the heels aren’t so tall, the height adjustment seems to throw me off a bit but I manage. I throw a black jacket over the outfit just to complete it to my taste and head downstairs with my gaze on the ground.

“Wow sis, you look beautiful,” I hear Kohl whisper as he comes to stand by me. I keep my head down as a faint smile curves my lips, but I’m not willing to give him the satisfaction.

“I know you’re mad but trust me, I know what I’m doing,” he squeezes my shoulder reassuringly. I nod and finally look up just in time to see joy fill his brown eyes. The doorbell ringing moves our gaze towards the front door. Guess the guys are here, I look over at the clock by the mantle and they are indeed punctual.

Out of the corner of my eyes I catch Claire take Lucy out the backdoor towards the garden. I sigh in relief, the fear of losing someone I love subsiding a bit with the small reassurance that Lucy will be a way’s away. I faintly hear Roger greeting the guys as they step inside. All three gaze around the vast house, they are the only people from school who have ever stepped foot into our home.

“Wow, I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman,” yes people, Lucas just made that reference. Adrian looks at him like he lost his mind while Drew’s unnerving gaze is on me. Kohl seems to notice and clears his throat.

“Cool house,” his blue eyes snap towards Kohl momentarily before finding their way back to me. I let my gaze linger on his frame, he’s wearing black slacks with a blue button up shirt that compliments his eyes perfectly. I furrow my eyebrows. His attire looks different than the other guys’ more casual one, including my brother.

“So, where are we going?” I finally voice to no one in particular.

“We’re going to a club,” Kohl points to himself, Lucas and Adrian. “You, you better take care of my sister,” he says pointedly to Drew. Whoa, wait, am I missing something?


“I have something else planned for us,” Drew answers. I think my face visibly paled much to Drew’s satisfaction because he flashed a smirk in response.

“I don’t think I’m feeling too good,” I begin to mumble to no avail, as Drew grabs my hand and lead me outside. What is with him and invading my personal space?

I plant my feet on the ground preventing him from hauling me around anymore. I thought I had won this battle, until he wrapped his arms around my waist and carried me out into the driveway and towards a black car. I look at the black sports car with a scowl as I’m set on my feet right in front of its sleek exterior. I refuse to get in. Drew takes the liberty of opening the passenger door for me.

“Do I need to buckle you in, too?” he smirks as he leans on the door, waiting for my reaction.

Fight or flight?

I begin to stroke my imaginary beard as I ponder over my options. There’s a big possibility I’ll never make it back inside before he catches me, so I reluctantly plant my tushy inside his stupid awesome car.

Momentarily forgetting that I’m practically being ambushed into whatever this is, I begin to stroke the dashboard and all its glorious features. It reminds me of my fast approaching birthday and the car I’ll be getting then. Just the thought fills me with joy.

“You like the car?” Drew’s voice snaps me out of my small indulgence. I shrug in response, not about to let him know I’m in love with his car.

“Play nice and I might let you ride on the way back,” he smirks at my stunned face. He’d let me ride this beauty?

“Where are we going?” I ask calmly, yet on the inside there’s a unicorn galloping his merry way about at the thought of me driving this car. So I like cars, sue me.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“You’ll see,” he turns in his seat, starts the car and swiftly speeds out of our driveway. Oh, I just love the speed and the quiet rumble of the engine.

“I hope you’re not taking me to some stupid fancy dinner,” I singsong, sure that that’s what he’s up to.

“I’m not,” he smirks at me before returning his glance onto the road. Damn, I thought that for sure would ruin the evening. I sink lower into the comfy leather seat and just breathe in deeply, allowing the car to soothe me.

“So what’s your favorite color?” Drew pops out with one of the most clichéd asked questions, making me burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry, it’s purple, you?” I redirect the question.

“Brown,” I roll my eyes.

“Is this where you say because it’s the color of my eyes,” I taunt. He turns to me smiling and places a hand on his chest, above his heart.

“Conceited much, and no, I have a slight obsession with chocolate,” he clarifies. Oh, a blush of embarrassment creeps up onto my face and I look away making him chuckle.

“Chocolate, huh?” I smile out the window while trying to dissipate my small moment of embarrassment.

“Yeah, can’t get enough of the stuff. I have to custom order some from a small little shop in France because they don’t sell those delicacies anywhere else,” he explains.

“I would’ve never guessed,” I respond honestly. Who knew the bad boy’s weakness was chocolate? Just imagine: ‘Drew, either you do your homework or no Snickers for you,’

That’d be a sight to see.

“What about you, there’s got to be something you like?” he asks.

“Hm, charm bracelets, ever since my dad bought me one for my eighth birthday I’d beg him to bring me one from wherever he went,” I explain. I can feel a faint smile slip into my lips as I reminisce in those memories.

“Where are your parents, nobody’s ever mentioned them before,” he questions.

“It’s a taboo subject for Kohl and I, they died years ago,” I elaborate.

“Oh, yeah, I know about that, my mom died not so long ago,” he whispers. I turn to him and notice he seems a bit crestfallen, must be a fresh wound. I sigh and do something I’m sure I’ll regret later, I grab his hand and give him a reassuring squeeze.

“It’s going to be okay, I can assure you it does get better,” I smile.

“What about your dad?”

“We don’t really speak, the guys are my family,” he brushes off. Okay, no more personal questions. Hm, he didn’t mention a daughter though.

“We’re here,” he jumps out of the car as soon as he cuts the engine. I, however, take my time until he grabs my arm and stops me.

“Get in,” he motions towards the car.

“What’s the point of driving here if we’re just going to leave?” I raise an eyebrow.

“The point is I’m trying to be a gentleman so I’m going to open the door for you, now get in,” I huff and get in very un-lady like. His tone of voice leaves no room for argument.

I look up when the door’s opened once again.

“Can I get out now?” I ask sarcastically.

“You’re ruining the mood,” he pouts like a little kid. Aw, he’s so adorable.

Ugh, now he has me thinking about how cute he is, resist the charm, resist the charm, I repeat. I sigh before stepping out of the warm car.

“So, where are we?” I look up at the big building with intricate design, trying to somehow figure out where we are.

“A little bird told me you have a soft spot for Shakespeare,” he mumbles before leading me past the architectural columns and into the pristine building. Marble floors give the place an air of mystery while the arches make the place look grandiose.

“Wait, are we here to see a play?” I halt in place.

“Two Gentlemen of Verona,” he holds up a pamphlet. Manners fly out the window as I actually squeal and jump in place which is a bad idea, considering I’m wearing heels.

“Careful,” Drew comes to my side and leads me into a room. I look around but there are only two seats in the small booth.

“I rent the place out, I’ve got season tickets, my mom had a great affinity for the theatre,” he explains as he leads me to a chair. I descend upon it with him on my side just as the lights dim and the crowd quiets down.

“I take it you like it-,”

“Ssh,” I cut him off as I sit there mesmerized. Watching the play written by one of the best playwrights of all time, unfold. He chuckles but I send him a glare resulting in him snapping his rosy lips shut.

I sit there all throughout the play until the last act, until the actors take a bow, until the lights dim and finally the curtains descend. All of this with a look of awe on my face, a feel of pure joy at having the honor to witness such a beautiful play.

“Khloe, everybody left already,” I feel hands shake me. The light jolt that goes through my body informing that it’s Drew the one that’s spoken.

“That was awesome,” I turn to him beaming.

“Jeez, I wonder if you’d have acted like this if I had taken you to see Channing Tatum in Magic Mike,” he huffs.

“Don’t be silly, I would’ve been giggling uncontrollably, Alex Pettyfer would’ve been there as well,” I shake my head incredulously. I mean just imagine, Channing, Alex, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriguez, etc., it’s a recipe for a heart attack, a pleasant one, but a heart attack nevertheless.

“I thought you were a little nerdette,” he pinches the bridge of his nose as hands me my jacket and waits while I put it on.

“You can’t keep nerds from seeing what’s true,” I shake my head at him. I smile in thanks as he holds the door open for me before exiting the booth himself.

“So, what now? You entertained me now I beg of you, I must be fed,” I pat my stomach. Hey, girl’s got to eat.

“Sure, where do you want to go?”

“I’m in the mood for a Big Mac,” I decide.

“Seriously, you want McDonald’s on your first date?”

“Yes, this isn’t a date and if it were what makes you think it’d be my first?” I turn to him before he opens the door to the car.

“It is a date and Kohl said you’d never been on one before,” curse you Kohl Mason.

“I wasn’t informed of this being a date,” I raise my chin indignantly.

“Well now you’ve been informed, get in,” he holds the car door open for me.

“Uh- hem,” I clear my throat before holding my hand out.


“You said I could ride back,” I motion for him to give me the keys. He rolls his eyes as he digs in his pockets before fishing his keys out.

“You take care of her, you hear me,” he states before placing the silver beauties in my hand. I smirk at him before running over to the driver’s side. I think I’ve been hanging out too much with Kohl and the guys if they’ve already got me smirking.

“It’ll be alright my little Black Beauty,” I hear Drew murmuring as I hop in.

“Buckle up,” I chirp before speeding out of the place. Hey, I love speed.

“Jeez, slow down, you drive faster than Lucas,” Drew chides. I roll my eyes.

“Should we go drive thru or inside?” I wonder aloud as we near the fine food restaurant.

“Just go through the drive-thru,” I hear him response as my eyes lock on the picture of a Big Mac on the window. I can feel my mouth begin to drool, my eyes following the picture of the delicacy.

Unfortunately, my eyes followed a little too much as the car heads straight through it. Don’t worry. The car didn’t go all the way, just about a foot inside the place.

“My baby,” I hear Drew cry out, his voice resonating closer than the gasps that fill the occupants of the store.

“Uhm, can I get a Big Mac with the large fries and a large diet coke?” I call out sheepishly. Hey, mine as well cut on some calories.

“I’ll get some nuggets and an apple pie,” Drew groans out. I turn to him smiling slightly, afraid he might lash out at me.

“I’m going to start calling you Bullet,” he smirks before looking at his car longingly.

“You mad bro?” is all I’m able to ask his pain filled face. It’s not like I dent it that bad, I mean come on.

The good thing of this so called date was that Big Mac, it was delicious.

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