The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 25 He’s The Weasley To My Potter

“What do we do? What do we do?” Kim asks, looking frantically around the room while I crouch next to Drew’s dad. This girl cannot act calm and composed under duress. She doesn’t quite have my finesse for these types of situations.

“Kim, calm down. First, we have to get him somewhere the guys won’t find him because if Drew sees him, Mr. Collins will not be waking up. Second, we have to clean up this mess and act like everything’s fine,” I explain standing up from my spot on the floor. She breathes in deeply before nodding stiffly. We both know just how beastly Drew can get.

“There’s just one problem with your plan,” I roll my eyes before speaking.

“Don’t worry, I’m like a ninja they won’t know what we’re up to,” I placate her worries.

“Uh, no you’re not, and I meant how are we going to carry him? Mister Collins is freaking huge and we’re not exactly athletic,” she motions to her body.

“I’ll have you know I have a muscle mass of…,” I trail off trying to think of a plausible number.

“You don’t even know what muscle mass is, do you?” Kim dead pans, her baby blues shining with amusement.

“No, I don’t, but the point is somebody’s life is at stake here. If we get discovered he will be the steak because Drew’s going to chop him up,” she rolls her eyes as I put emphasis on my statement with my hands.

“Okay, let’s move him. Wait, where are we going to put him in?” Kim questions and I stop to think. Not on the second floor because that’s where we sleep and it’ll be too dangerous. The movie theater is in the basement along with the new work out room, so that’s a no.

“I got it, my mom had some sort of panic room built under the stair case, you need a special code to get in there,” I snap my fingers.

“Hey, what’s taking so long with the popcorn?” Kohl’s voice carries into the kitchen and we try to cover the man on the floor with anything. Sadly, dishtowels are too small to cover a man of his size.

“We’re going,” Kim calls out just as my brother bursts in through the doors with a goofy smile on his face. Kim and I immediately stand in front of Daddy Collin’s body.

“We’ll be out there in a minute,” I nod towards the door hoping he gets the hint.

“I could help you guys carry the stuff out,” he replies, the damn gentleman.

“Nah, we can do it,” Kim smiles.

“I’ll help,” he protests, moving closer to us.

“No,” we scream simultaneously. Kohl stops in his tracks and looks at us weirdly, as if he just ate our secret stash of chocolate.

“What?” he holds his hands up in surrender, it doesn’t help that Kim suddenly has a knife in her hands. I look at her like she’s crazy.

“What, I was just going to cut some lemons for lemonade?” she states uncertainly. Kohl looks relieved when she drops the knife onto the counter. Unfortunately, my nerves are on point and the clang of the metal makes me jump and it only takes that second for Kohl to get a glimpse of what we’re trying to hide.

“What is that?” he looks at us suspiciously while stepping closer. I push Kim in front of me and pray to God that she works her magic. He sidesteps her and moves in front of me. When I refuse to budge he picks me up by the waist and moves me himself. He looks down at the unconscious man then to us, then back down again. “I’m going to ask why you guys are hiding a body. Please be honest, and Khloe if you went off the deep end and somehow took it out on this poor soul, I won’t judge,” he finishes.

“I don’t have a single evil bone in my body,” I gasp, offended that he would think I could do this.

“You can’t tell anyone that he’s here,” Kim speaks up.

“Please,” I add.

“Who is he?” he folds his arms across his chest, staring at us in the eye.

“He’s a friend,” I mutter looking away.

“He’s too old to be your friend.”

“He’s Drew’s dad, but you can’t tell him he’s here because there’s a possibility he might kill him,” Kim explains in one breath. For a quiet girl she sure can ramble. Kohl’s eyes widen and he steps away from us like we’re literally on fire.

“He is going to kill all of you,” Kohl points at us.

“Not if you help us, please, we have to carry him into that room under the staircase,” I plead.

“Sis, maybe you’ve forgotten that he’s the bad guy,” he contradicts.

“No he’s not and if you don’t help us, I’ll tell the guys about your obsession with Tweety as a kid,” I threaten. He glares at me before looking at Kim nervously, like that would ruin his chances with her.

“Shut up, I’ll help you carry him into the room but that’s it,” he states. We smile before he speaks again.

“On one condition,” he smirks.


“If Kim agrees to go on a date with me,” the both of us look at Kohl in shock. He leans back on the counter, tapping his fingers waiting for an answer.

“Fine,” Kim answers after a while, looking down with a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

“Okay, I’ll make sure the coast is clear,” they nod and I head out of the kitchen. I glue myself to the wall and slowly walk along it, hoping nobody comes up from the basement. I try to do The Hunger Games whistle as my ‘go’ sign, but it doesn’t work out so I settle for a tap on the door. Kohl and Kim haul Mister Collins out of the kitchen and we quickly go inside the closet under the stairs.

“Why is there another door in here?” Kim questions after I close the first door.

“That’s the entrance to the room, I told you, you need a special password to get in there,” I explain as I move over to the end of the small room. I move some coats over revealing a small keypad.

“Please tell me the password still isn’t Backstreet Boys,” Kohl grumbles. In my defense, they were one of the ultimate boy bands when I was a child.

“No,” I snap and begin to type in the new password. It’s so secret no one would ever think of it.

“It’s Harry Potter, isn’t it?” Kohl asks.

“No, why would you think that?”

“A closet under the stairs and your obsession with him,” Kim answers.

“It has to do with him, doesn’t it?” Kohl smirks.

“No,” I answer quickly.

“The boy who lived,” Kim exclaims.

“How the hell did you know?” I look at her carefully. It was not that obvious. The door opens and we quickly walk inside. I step aside as Kohl and Kim place the man on the cot by the wall. The panic room is rather large considering it’s under the stairs, but it’s meant to look small. I immediately begin grabbing first aid kits and gauze. I lean down by the unconscious man and feel his forehead in case he has a fever. Hey, I’m no nurse.

“I think we have to take his shirt off,” Kim comes to stand by my side.

“You’re a secret pervert, aren’t you?” I look up at her.

“No, but how do you expect to clean his wounds if you don’t even know where they’re at?” she fires back. I try to think of another way to go about this. I’ll feel like a pervert if I just look at the man’s torso while he’s unconscious.

“Kohl, you’re a guy, can’t you do it?” I look back at my brother innocently.

“You guys owe me for this,” he grumbles while moving over towards the cot. He begins to remove the shirt off with scary expertise. He directs orders at us and we just follow his lead and watch as he cleans the wounds expertly.

“How do you know how to do this?” Kim asks looking at my brother with awe. Who knew he could actually do something right?

“They had a course on this crap in military school,” he shrugs, not removing his gaze from his ongoing work. I take the bloody water and go for some clean water. Who could have done this to Mister Collins? I hope we manage to keep him safe here and that this doesn’t come back to bite me in the butt. Like him being evil in reality and I just possibly endangered everyone.

“Good news is he wasn’t shot,” Kohl begins and I breathe in relief. “But, he was stabbed but it’s not deep. I can stitch him right now,” he states.

“Okay,” I smile.

“Grab one of those rags from the drawer,” I do what he says and approach him. “Now, I want you to stand by his side and put this in his mouth if he starts to scream,” I look at my brother with worry, but he gives me no time to second guess his decisions. He does something with a lighter and a needle before he gets to work, and a second later the man begins to wake with a red face. His eyes widen when he sees me and I smile in reassurance, he opens his mouth and in panic I shove the rag into it. He clenches it with his teeth and Kohl continues to thread the needle on the wound. I admit, I did get a little queasy but I managed to handle it. The same thing cannot be said for Kim, who ran into the bathroom after the first minute. I grab Mr. Collins’s hand and squeeze tight as I see the pain in his eyes.

There’s something in this man that makes me trust him, makes me believe that he may be an innocent player in this sinister game. Kohl finishes the stitching up and finishes with wrapping gauze around the man’s torso and the bruises lining it. Somebody gave this man quite the beat down, and I want to know why.

“Done,” Kohl stands up and heads inside the bathroom to clean up. I take the rag from the man’s mouth and throw it in a bin before gathering and discarding the other things. “Okay, give him these pain killers, two should do for now,” Kohl assures. I nod and take the bottle of pills into my hands. It’s a good thing my mom always thought ahead of time, no matter how crazy we thought she was.

“Thanks,” I smile at him.

“I won’t say anything, but you need to keep Drew out of here,” he warns before opening the door and walking out. I shudder, thinking about what Drew would do if he were to find out. I grab a bottle of water and move towards the cot.

“Here, take these and lie down,” I tell Mister Collins. He looks at me with narrowed eyes before downing the pills without water. So he thinks he’s tough. Kim stands fidgeting by the door before making any movements.

“Well, I’m going to go before things get any more awkward. Uncle Damian, I hope you feel better,” she utters before practically running out of the room and letting the door slam behind her. She must want this man to die. I’ll have to ask her later what she meant by ‘uncle’. The room grows quiet and I walk across the room to lean on the wall, not because it was closer by the door or anything. I look everywhere except at the man that’s currently studying me with his gaze.

“Uhm, you should really rest,” I clear my throat and hope my voice comes out strong. But, really who am I kidding? He’s the lion and I’m the un-expectant gazelle.

“That’s all you have to say?” he asks with a hoarse voice. I grab the water bottle and give it to him, waiting for him to down the whole bottle. He mumbles a ‘thank you’ before the room grows uncomfortably quiet once again.

“Wow, this is awkward,” I mutter. He surprises me by chuckling and leaning back on the wall. Truthfully, the cot looks even smaller with his looming figure on it. Imagine sending Thor to sit at the kiddie table.

“You’re an odd one,” he remarks. Bitch please, I’m freaking unique, just kidding.

“So, I don’t want to offend you or anything, but who beat you up?” I question curiously.

“You can ask me anything but that,” he answers. How rude of me, he probably thinks I was degrading his manhood or something.

“Are you evil?” I fire another question and he answers with a flat look. “I think it was a valid question,” I remark, holding my hands up.

“How are my kids?” he decides to question.

“They’re good, but if I were you I wouldn’t go outside this room. Otherwise, Lord Voldemort will probably kill you,” I add.

“Lord Voldemort?”

“Oh sorry, I meant to say Drew,” I smile at him.

“Why are you risking your relationship with Drew for me?” he fires an unexpected question. I stop to think about what he just said.

“Drew and I are not in a relationship,” I correct.

“Have you guys kissed?” he raises an eyebrow. I nod.

“Does he get jealous over other guys?” I think on that one and recall how Drew acted towards Derek. I nod. “Does he have any other girls around him?” I shake my head in response. “It sounds to me like you and my son are in a relationship,” he sing songs. Dude, you just got stabbed, are we really going there?

“It’s complicated,” I sigh and take a seat next to my new pal. “So, you lead a gang, huh?”

“They told me you were a little crazy and I didn’t believe it,” he smiles. Hey, being weird is a good thing in my book. “Is Drew pissed off at me?”

“I mentioned your name a couple of days ago and he destroyed his bedroom,” I reply honestly. “Mister Collins, I don’t think you’re the bad guy, but you do know we have to prove it, right?” I look at him wearily. His green eyes lock onto mine and pierce through me as if reaching for my soul.

“Call me Damian,” is all he says. “Where am I?” he looks around the room, trying to figure it out.

“Well, after you fell through my kitchen door, unconscious, we decided to bring you into the panic room. We didn’t want Drew to finish the job,” I explain. He looks at me weirdly when my leg begins to vibrate. I answer my phone with a sheepish look.

“Hello?” I chirp.

“Where are you?” Drew’s voice comes through the line and I immediately clam up. Out of all the chances I’ve had to clam up, my body decided now’s the perfect time, really?

“At the library,” I squeak.

“I’m coming for you. I’m getting tired of Derek,” he grumbles.

“No, I’m almost home already. Like right in the driveway, just give me a minute,” I hang up on him before he can answer. “I have to go back out, please stay here and I’ll bring you some food later. There’s plenty of water here, there should be some granola bars somewhere. Stay cool, stay calm,” I shut up before I sing anymore incorrect Lemonade Mouth songs to the man in front of me. His laughter is left behind as I walk out of the room. The door automatically locks as I shut it and can only be opened on the inside or with the very clever password I created. I walk out of the closet with my head down, my mind whirling with thoughts a mile an hour.

“Why were you in the closet?” Drew’s voice makes me jump about ten feet in the air.

“Uhm, I was putting my coat up,” I answer quickly.

“It’s not cold outside,” his blue eyes look at me with suspicion.

“What’s with the twenty questions, Drew? Can’t a girl go to the library without being accused of something?” I snap.

“Where are the books?” he folds his arms across his chest. I mimic his actions with a glare.

“I didn’t find anything that interested me,” I reply.

“Why do I think you’re lying?” he begins to walk up to me. I sidestep him and launch myself at the couch.

“Why did the chicken cross the road?” I roll my eyes.

“Why?” he retorts.

“What?” I ask as I begin to flip through the channels.

“Why did the chicken cross the road?” he sits next to me on the couch.

“I don’t know, that’s why I asked you,” I stop surfing channels when I notice they’re giving Teen Wolf reruns. Drew mutters something under his breath but stays seated anyhow. After a while, I look back at Drew then at the TV. “You know, you kind of look like Jackson,” I point out.

“Which one’s Jackson?” Drew narrows his eyes.

“The homicidal lizard,” I answer.

“I don’t see it,” he shakes his head, leaning back on the couch.

“Hey, you know tomorrow’s the thirteenth,” Drew begins.

“Yeah, so?” I reply without looking back at him. Not when Tyler Hoechlin is shirtless. Or Danny for that matter.

“I was thinking,” he begins. I nod, still looking at the TV. “We’re in January,” he adds. Kim and Kohl walk into the living room at that moment and I hear Drew curse under his breath.

“Where’s Derek?” I ask no one in particular.

“Drew kicked him out,” Lucas cheers as he walks into the living room as well, with Ruby trailing behind. I raise an eyebrow at the boy sitting next to me, but he refuses to look at me. He looks kind of ticked off, actually. He reminds me of Grumpy from the seven dwarfs.

“Did you hide that thing?” Kohl decides to ask at this moment in time, in a room full of people.

“What thing?” Drew asks, and I can feel him staring at me.

“It’s a surprise,” I turn to smile innocently.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“For who?”

“For me.”

“What is it?” he retorts.

“Nosy much,” I answer. He glares at me in warning and I try to think of a lie.

“Her secret stash of chocolate,” Kim pipes up and I nod eagerly.

“Yes, you know how I am about candy,” I look at Drew.

“The last time you told me you were low on chocolate you were hiding a pregnancy test,” he points out flatly. He got me there.

“Now you see why I really did need it,” I retort while adding volume to the TV. Just as Jackson was preying on some innocent victims a crying Sammy walks in behind Adrian. “Damn, what did you do to her, Adrian?”

“Guys, Drew,” Adrian seems to struggle with his words. I turn the TV off and we all turn to look at them. “We just heard, your dad died, Drew,” Adrian finishes with a solemn face. This should be the time where I say ‘no, he’s not dead,’ but the way Drew shrugs prevents me from doing so. He gives us all a look before walking out of the house to who knows where. Sammy sits next to me on the couch, tears running down her porcelain cheeks and I envelop her in my arms.

“It’s going to be okay,” I whisper into her ear. She shakes her head as sobs wrack through her body. “How did you guys even hear that, maybe they lied,” I try.

“Actually, someone sent us a picture of his bloodied body,” Adrian holds up his phone. No wonder Sammy is so distraught, her dad did come in looking like a corpse.

“How about you guys go look for Drew and I’ll comfort Sammy,” I give Kim and Kohl a pointed look before they nod.

“Come on Adrian, you know him better than us,” Kohl heads for the door. Everybody follows them out before it’s just Sammy and me in the room.

“He was still my dad,” she says in between sobs.

“Come with me,” I get up and help her up as well. I head for the closet and she looks at me through watery eyes.

“Please tell me you’re not doing some reenactment for Harry Potter right now,” she sniffs a little. I roll my eyes before pushing her inside and shutting the door behind her.

“You cannot tell anyone of what you see in here,” I state seriously before moving the coats over. I unlock the door and usher her inside before moving in quickly. Sammy stands frozen and the man in the cot sits up, his eyes gleaming and staring at the blue eyed girl.

“What, how?” she gives me a confused look.

“Sammy?” Damian asks before she smiles and launches herself into her father’s arms.

“They said you were dead,” she sobs into his chest. He smiles and tightens his arms around his daughter. I’m like the queen of family reunions, aren’t I?

“Thank your friends, they helped me,” he answers. Sammy looks up at me before pulling me down into their embrace. I smile. “Khloe’s quite the girl, huh?” he looks at me with a smile.

“She’s awesome,” Sammy nods. I don’t want to boast or anything, but I kind of am. Just saying. “What happened dad, why did this all happened?” she wipes her eyes of any trace of the liquefied diamonds.

“It’s a very long story,” he sighs.

“It’s a good thing I love books,” I make myself comfortable along with Sammy, ready to hear how this all started.

How I somehow ended linked into this mess, after having taken a cute little baby from Drew’s arms on one fateful night. How he ended up in my school, how we grew closer as friends.

How I ended up as the bad boy’s… what? I’m still not quite sure what he and I are, yet. Whatever we are, I think we make quite the pair. He’s the Weasley to my Potter, the Robin to my Batman. He’s the Loki to my Thor, the Patrick to my SpongeBob.

If there’s one thing I’m quite certain of, it’s that head are going to roll when he discovers his father in the house. He’ll be like Kesha, he’s going to blow.

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