The Accountant

Chapter 14 Shot Through The Heart Beau

Chapter 14 Shot Through The Heart Beau

"Aren't you tired of sleeping? You should wake up. I want us to become friends. We can go to an

amusement park. I have never been to one and I hope you could show me how fun it can be to ride a

roller coaster. Or a big octopus. I also want to win all the stuff toys on all the shooting games we can

get our hands-on."

She had never been to a carnival. Was her first coherent thought. Then the biggest migraine she had Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

ever experienced made it difficult to open her eyelids to look and speak to her. Whoever she may be.

There's a constant throbbing in her temple that had somehow disturbed her deep healing slumber.

Healing? Disorientation was never a good feeling.

Slender and dainty fingers rhythmically combed her hair, soothing her, however, it came from a foreign

touch. It was not her lover. Dominic. Where is he?

Beau willed her body to move but she felt so tired, similar to a newborn kitten. She must have


Her face tilted to a beeping sound next to the bed, it was annoying the hell out of her. Not enough to

distract her from her still muddled thoughts though.

One thing kept nagging her mind was this girl in her house. Who was she?

It was definitely not Lily. Her eldest sister and her best friend can't talk, let alone sing a Disney song.

"Or if you don't want to visit carnivals, we could shop until we dropped. But it has to be with my mom

and aunt Sandrina. I'm also sure we'll all be busy preparing your wedding soon."

Hell, no! She was not getting married. Not to anyone. It was not for her. And she was sure Dominic was

a type of man who would never want to be tied down to one woman. Whoever concocted the idea

should go to hell!

The need to open her eyes and talk to express her thoughts on the subject gave her the strength to do

so. She needed to correct this cheerful girl.

Fuck it! Her lips were dry and her throat was parched. Her nose wrinkled a bit when the girl applied the

cream on her face and a scented oil on her lips. She had to admit the girl was nice. Yes. They can be

friends. I think.

" look so beautiful, Beau. No wonder my brother is so crazy about you."

Me too. Shit! That admission jolted her from her prone state. She couldn't.

Her weak hand caught the girl's slender ones and gave it a gentle squeeze. She squinted her eyes at

the unexpected brightness of the unfamiliar room and she met her shock unusual blue-violet ones.

"" Beau whispered in a croaked voice.

Her forehead creased at the roughness in her voice. She tried to swallow. Still parched.

The pixie beautiful girl suddenly screamed. Damn! It was enough to wake the dead and bring the roof

down. Beau closed her eyes from the pain in her temples and the discomfort in her chest as she tried

to move to make the pixie stop.

"What the fuck Dinara!?" Dominic. Thank God.

"Language, son." A mature female voice chastised.

Who are these people? She moaned. She couldn't talk and she was in too much pain.

A familiar rough hand touched her cheek. "Water," she whispered. He helped her sit slowly. Her whole

body quivered like she hasn't made any movements in a while.

Dominic helped her with the glass and she took a grateful sip of the cool water slowly. She opened her

eyes and surveyed his tense expression.

"Easy, moya lyubov." He had her full attention. She frowned upon what she saw. Her jaw dropped.

What happened to him? This was the first time she had seen him She didn't know the words.

His beautiful fathomless grays were bloodshot and his perfectly chiseled face was covered with thick

dark stubbles.

Dominic had always look intimidating and impeccable but now his countenance was harsher and more

rigid. He was still handsome in a rugged panty-dropping way. She mentally frowned.

She tried to get up. Fuck! She couldn't. Her lover had to support her back to help her.

"Dominic..." She whispered. Finally realizing she was badly hurt. Her whole body was throbbing in pain.

The most pronounced was on her chest. Her face on his neck. She didn't know why she did it however

she could sense that he needed her to let him know she was okay. Even in her state of pain, she just

wanted to comfort him. Instinct. Pure instinct.

"Fuck!" He groaned and buried his face on her hair, his arms supported her. "Detka..."

A lump formed in her throat. He was breathing harshly. Barely containing his emotions. Why?

"What happened, Dom?" She murmured. Oblivious to their audience.

He placed a few inches between the two them to gaze into her confuse brown eyes.

Two of his rough thick fingers grazed her flushed cheek down to her collarbone and further down to her

thin pale blue night shift that covered the thick bandages on her chest.

She gasped. Bandages? "You were shot. I almost lost you." He uttered in a deep menacing voice,

there was an underlying agony in his words.

Dominic pulled her in his warm embrace once more and he sighed deeply.

Patting his back awkwardly to reassure him, she shifted a bit, only to gasped in pain. The skin pulled on

her bullet wound and she groaned in discomfort. Shit! She should be careful.

"I'm sorry, detka. Let's have the doctor check on you?" She shook her head, agreeing, and for the first

time, she glanced around the room.

Beau gasped. Bewildered and shocked. They have a freaking audience. Her eyes fell on a handsome

couple and the pixie girl from earlier, hovering excitedly at Dominic's back. There was also a young

female doctor and three nurses by the door.

"Who are they? Where are we?" She held onto his biceps. Loathe to let him go because he was the

only person she knew and she was conscious of the people around the room.

The heart monitor accelerated. It alarmed Dominic. "It's alright, baby. Shhh... it's alright. They're my

parents and my sister, Dinara."

The doctor approached the bed. "Sir, I need to check on your fiancee."

Dominic growled. Fiancee? She looked around her. Why are they grinning?

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