” To kill the King of all Dark Genie, you all need to go to the Lone Forest and find his heart. Inside his heart dwells all his power, his caged feelings, and weaknesses. When you find his heart, destroy it with the Golden Dagger. Doing so will render him to nothing but a mere, weak mortal… then, you can easily slay him with only but one strike of the Dagger into his chest.”

” But note… only a Dark Genie can find his heart and only a Dark Genie should strike him down with the Golden Dagger…”

Glinda narrated in detail all that Narcissa told her to Axion, Phoenix, and Corbin who were all preparing and getting themselves ready for the battle ahead.

Tonight was just the perfect time to end that Devil. In the Lone Forest, for the first time after 500 years, there will be a Golden Moon summoned by the Devil himself. This means the Golden Dagger will be more effective tonight.

Meanwhile, in his dark cave, the King of all Dark Genie had reckoned with Medusa as they both prepare themselves. Tonight, in the Lone Forest, he was going to make sure he kills each one of them with his own hands.

But unknown to him… they had other plans and surprises in store for him.

Night came back really fast. Axion, Corbin, and Phoenix arrived in the Lone Forest. They went different ways with Corbin heading right in search of the Devil’s heart while Axion and Phoenix headed left to the den of the Devil.

Surprising though not shocking, the Devil was already waiting for them but… something was odd. Medusa wasn’t with him.

Where was she?

With the light of the Golden moon hammering brightly all over the Lone Forest, Corbin rummaged and searched for the Devil’s heart while Axion and Phoenix distracted him. It was never part of the plan to fight him but to destroy his heart.

Using his Genie’s sixth sense, Corbin’s eyes and ears flickered open and alerted, ready to sight or hear any slight beat of a heart. With a small orb in his hand which glowed brighter as he moved forward, it only indicated that he was very close to the beast’s heart.

Just then, a figure jumped down from a tree and stood in his way, startling him a bit. But then he snorted seeing it was none other than his sworn enemy… Medusa, who had a wild grin on her lips.

Her eyes were burning dark purple and her claws and fangs were in view implying she was ever ready to attack.

” Looking for something, son? ” She grinned and Corbin replied her with a hoax laugh. He wasn’t laughing because of her question but because he has been drifting a plan on how to kill her since after his near-death and her standing before him was the best and perfect opportunity for him to strike.

He made the orb in his hand disappear and his claws drew out, his eyes turning purple. He was surely going to find the Devil’s heart but first of all…

” You’re going down, Medusa. I am going to fucking reap you apart ”

Back to Axion and Phoenix facing the Devil who was laughing so loudly and hoax. He was amused to see them, especially Phoenix in the Lone Forest. This is a forest meant for dark powers not a naive Red Phoenix like her.

” So after years of plotting to end me, all you come up with was coming with your wussy mate to fight me?…

” I’m not impressed at all, Axion, not even one bit ” He disdained.

” This isn’t the matter of a wussy mate, Genie. You’re going down tonight, we will make sure of it ” Axion scoffed.

” Oh, Phoenix! Have you forgotten our deal so easily and planning to kill me too? ” Phoenix shot him a hateful glare.

” There was absolutely no deal between us. Know the difference between a deal and blackmail, Genie. You blackmailed me into giving you my child and as it is now… sorry but there is a change of plan. My child is going… nowhere! ”

The Devil’s anger flared up and he scowled at Phoenix.

” Don’t you dare go against your world, young lady! That child of yours is my possession, mine! ” He roared angrily and the force that came with his roar almost swept Phoenix and Axion off their feet but they stood firm.

Axion wrapped his hand around Phoenix’s waist and tugged her to his side in a possessive manner, glaring at the Devil who was red in anger.

” My child can… never… be your…. possession! ” He snarled.

The King of all Dark Genie was already losing it. They were tasting his patience and challenging him and he doesn’t take such challenges lightly.

” Don’t make me lose it in you two or I will…

” You will what? ” Phoenix snapped him off immediately.

” What are going to do? Com’on tell me…” She dared but what she said next shocked the Devil to the bone.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

” Lucifer ” She called his name out to his face and his eyes widened.

” Oh wow, Corbin. Looks like you’ve been wanting to kill me for some time now ” Medusa laughed wryly.

” Wanting? ” Corbin snorted loudly.

” I’ve been dying to tear you apart Medusa, apart! ” He howled making Medusa chuckle.

” You’re making the exact mistake you did last time. Remember, Corbin, a slave ca…

” Can be higher than his Master sometimes. Especially if the Master… is a weakling ” Corbin rounded up the sentence for her. What he said angered Medusa who sent him a glare.

” How dare you?! ” She bellowed and sent a strong force to him but Corbin stood firm on his feet and immediately crossed his arms, wedging the impact of the force and sending it back to Medusa. It carried her away and at full speed, she slammed into a big rock.

Growling in pain, she stood up, breathing heavily.

” Don’t start a war you can’t finish, Corbin ”

” Are you giving up so easily like the weak thing you are? I thought as much ” Corbin scorned.

Medusa charged toward him immediately, setting her claws ready to gnaw it into his stomach but Corbin was faster than her. He quickly ducked her and grabbed her neck, his claws digging in instead.

Medusa yelped and struggled to yank his claws out but her neck was tightly gripped. With an evil grin on his lips, Corbin gnawed his other claw into her throat, straight to her windpipe, and damaged it.

Medusa’s eyes almost fell out in horror and she began gasping heavily for breath.

” Surprise! ” Corbin grinned and flung her away. This time around her head collided with the rock and her dark blood rolled down. Corbin couldn’t hold back his laughter seeing the shock on her face.

” You seem to have forgotten you just came back from your wonderful vacation from Hell and I was right here, waiting for you to make it out alive so I can kill you myself as you did to me, remember? ”

Using her last strength, Medusa staggered up still rasping for air. Her face has already turned pale due to a lack of air. She knew she was going to die soon but before she dies, she needed to kill him too so they both will be even.

Foolishly, she charged toward him again aiming for his heart this time around but to her surprise, he disappeared.

” Oh, Medusa! ” She heard his voice and turned swiftly. There was Corbin very close to her and he immediately shoved something into her stomach making a stinging pain hit her. Her already protruded eyeballs widened even more. She looked down and was shocked to see the Golden Dagger driven into her belly.

” I thought he lost this dagger the last time, how the fuck did he find it?! ” As if Corbin could read her mind, he smirked.

” I didn’t lose the dagger Medusa. It has been handed over to me so no matter what… I am its Master, forever until I get killed by It. When it vanished earlier, it went back to my house, waiting for me to claim it back ” He revealed and tears flooded Medusa’s eyes.

Was this how she was going to die? Her own son killed her just like she did to him.

Karma is a bitch!

” Now for causing me, Axion, Phoenix, and Aunt Glinda so much pain… die! ”

Corbin howled and immediately, with force and with all the hatred and anger inside him… he dragged the dagger up to her chest, tearing her flesh open.

Blood pumped out without control to the floor and the dagger was already covered with her blood. Corbin pulled it out before shoving it back into her heart. The excruciating pain Medusa felt was enough to kill her. She wanted to scream in agony and alert the King of all Dark Genie but couldn’t find her voice.

And like that, with her blood and tears pouring down, she dropped to the floor, dead.

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