” Why don’t you figure it out yourself… Phoenix? ”

Phoenix’s eyes broadened and her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

Did Alastair just call her Phoenix?

She gulped nothing, deciding to play cool.

” Erm… excuse me? ” She chuckled nervously and Alastair slammed the door tight, startling her.

” A daughter pretending to be her mother.. what will I call that? ” Alastair raised a brow at Phoenix whose heart digested into her stomach.

Shit! He knows. She’s busted.

” How did you find out? ” She tried not to stutter. Her question made Alastair crack up in a laugh, much to her surprise. And just like a fading wind, his laughter was wiped off and replaced with a fierce glare.

” What were you thinking, Phoenix? That I won’t be able to differentiate between Ashley and someone else? ” He scoffed, stepping closer. Phoenix bit on her lips, keeping her head up to show she wasn’t deterred by his glare.

” I’m a wizard if I’d gladly remind you of that. And I know Ashley more than anyone else. She died 25 years ago after giving birth to you ”

” You know, I must commend you on your great acting skills. You’re just like your mother and I almost fell for it but… you seem to have missed some crucial points and information which ended up blowing your cover ”

Phoenix frowned a bit. What is he talking about?

” For example, Ashley wouldn’t ask me where the Golden Dagger was because I already gave her access to it… 3 decades ago. And also, she is allergic to grapefruit ” Alastair pointed out and Phoenix tightened her fist.

” Damn it! Why didn’t I know about that? You fucked up, Phoenix! ” She cursed under her breath.

” You should try better next time, Phoenix ” What Alastair said made Phoenix scoff.

Yes, he caught her but she isn’t giving up yet and she isn’t leaving this place without that dagger.

” Fine then, you caught me ” She raised her hands in a form of surrender.

” And I know that you know why I’m here then. Give me the dagger, Alastair ” It came out rude as she scowled at Alastair. She wasn’t scared of him and is ready to fight him which kind of surprised her.

” Why? To save your mate, Axion? ” Alastair snorted and her face fogged in a deep frown.

How does he even know all that?

” As far I know, a wizard has a limit to his knowledge. So how come you know I have a mate and also his name without me telling you about it? ” She demanded.

” I know more, Phoenix. I know that he is a Dark Genie ” Alastair laughed slightly, an evil grin creeping up his lips.

Seeing those grins, Phoenix knew instantly that someone must have told him everything. Someone was here before her and had informed Alastair about her coming.

But only Axion and Glinda knew and they wouldn’t betray her so who else knew about their plan?

Her question was answered when a hand raised a hefty rod and smacked it hard against her head. She went stiff in shock as a sharp pain ran down her. She slowly reached out and touch the back of her head. Bringing her hand to her face, she was shocked to see the blood on her fingers.

She looked up at Alastair whose grin drew wider. Everywhere went black in her eyes before she dropped to the floor with a thud and passed out.

The face of the person who struck her became visible and it turned out to be none other than Corbin, who had a wide smirk up his lips.

He glanced at Phoenix on the floor before looking up at Alastair whose grin had vanished.

” Good job, Alastair… good job ” One could see the fear and terror in Alastair’s eyes as he gaped at Corbin.


After receiving the letter which actually came from Phoenix, Alastair was overjoyed thinking it was from Ashley.

But then while he was still rejoicing at having to meet his long-gone lover… a visitor came. It was Corbin, standing by the entrance.

” Alastair ” He called and Alastair’s face squeezed in a grimace, hearing a hoarse voice. He swiveled quickly and was shocked to see Corbin who flashed him a grin, walking in.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

As far as Alastair could remember, he made sure no one knows about his secret clan except for Ashley but one thing he wasn’t aware of is that many now know about his hideout and Corbin was one of them.

” Who are you? ” He threw the question at Corbin.

” Oh sorry, I’ve formed a bad habit of not introducing myself to people. My name is Corbin by the way. Nice to finally meet you ” Corbin reached out for a shake and Alastair glared at him in suspicion. Withdrawing his hand,

” I’ve heard so much about you, Alastair ” Corbin smirked but then Alastair gasped with widened eyes as he spotted something that made his heart skip in fear… Corbin’s eyes turning dark and fierce purple.

A realization hit him. The man standing before him was a Dark Genie… his worst enemy. The one supernatural beings he is truly terrified of.

How did a Dark Genie find his clan and what is he here for?

He gulped down in scare and stylishly took his wand.

” Azarath Metrion Zinthos! ” He exclaimed and pointed the wand at Corbin, trying to cast a spell on him but Corbin was fast enough to use his power to snatch the wand from him.

Smirking in satisfaction, he fastened his grip on the wand and it turned to ashes.

This was one thing Alastair was sacred of, the fact that his power is nothing compared to that of a Genie. He covered himself with his cafe and made to vanish but Corbin using his power and without much effort grabbed him by the neck and hauled him to himself.

He gripped his neck and pinned him to the table before him. His finger extended to sharp claws and he dug it into his stomach. Alastair screamed in intense pain as Corbin twisted his claws making his stomach tear and blood oozed out.

” Trying to run away, oh wise wizard? ” Corbin taunted.

” What do you want from me, Corbin?! ” Alastair yelled in pain and Corbin yank his claws out of his stomach.

” Good you asked ” He snorted, letting go of his neck, and Alastair lowered to the ground like a weakling.

” I need you to help me out with something ” Corbin began. With his legs wobbling and his blood still oozing, Alastair managed to stand.

” I’m here for that useless Golden Dagger. I want you to grant me the access to it ”

” Forget it! I would rather die than give a Dark Genie that Golden Dagger! ” Alastair snapped. Corbin’s anger flared up and his eyes grew even darker.

Without looking at Alastair, he sent many pen knives to him which carried him and pinned him roughly to a shelf, digging into his body. Another cry of anguish left Alastair’s lips.

” You don’t have a choice here, Alastair!! ” Corbin bellowed, sending him the most petrifying glare he had ever come across.

Staring at his hand, Corbin made a sword appear and he slowly walked up to him. He ran the sharp rim of the sword down Alastair’s face, using it to tilt his head up, his purple eyes boring into his.

” No one goes against my order. I won’t hesitate to split whoever it is apart and you aren’t excluded ” He positioned the sword in the middle of Alastair’s face. He raised it and was about to split him into two.

” Please don’t kill me! I’ll do whatever you want, please! ” Alastair screamed at the top of his voice and Corbin stopped abruptly.

He busted out, his evil laughter reverberating the whole cave.

” Coward! ” He snapped and the sword vanished. His laughter came to halt swiftly replaced with a fierce look.

” Now listen to me carefully, if you want to live ”


Axion can be seen pacing to and fro in his room, restless as ever. He couldn’t stop thinking about Phoenix and having a bad feeling that she was in danger. He couldn’t even sleep last night.

He ran his hand through his hair letting out a groan of frustration.

He just can’t take it anymore. He is going to Alastair’s clan right away. He grabbed a random shirt he saw and put it on, dashing out of a room.

The ringing of his phone made him come to halt. It was a video call from an unknown number which made him hesitate before finally answering it.

Then the face of his one enemy popped up on his phone’s screen making him almost hiss.

How did he even get his number?

” Little brother ” Corbin laughed seeing the anger in his face. Axion rolled his eyes and made to end the call. He doesn’t have the time to talk to this fool.

” I wouldn’t do that if I were you ” Corbin as if knowing what he wanted to do, halted him.

” What do you want? ”

” I want us to talk ”

” Why will I even want to talk to you? ” Axion scoffed.

” Well, maybe because I have something very precious to you ” Corbin grinned making Axion frown. He didn’t like the way he sounded saying that.

” What nonsense are you talking about? ”

” Take a look, little bro ”

Axion’s eyes almost yanked out of their socket when Corbin showed him Phoenix, tied to a bed and unconscious. He immediately brought the phone closer.

” Surprised? ” Corbin asked and Axion’s face turned red in furry.

” Don’t you lay a finger on her Corbin! ” He vibrated in anger.

” Or else what? ” Corbin scoffed. He ran his finger up Phoenix’s leg to her knee and stopped.

” She look so tempting right now Axion, I can barely stop myself ” He was only adding more fuel to Axion’s anger. He made to slide his hand into her thigh when,

” Corbin! ” Axion howled and he stopped, chuckling lightly.

” I… will… kill… you Corbin if you even think of touching her! ” Axion breathed out in rage.

” Chill little bro. I will surely have her but not now ”

” So instead of you fuming about me touching her, why don’t you worry more about this ” He showed Axion the buckets lined up just right above Phoenix.

” Inside these buckets are acids… hot… bubbling acids to be precise ” He disclosed and hearing that Axion’s eyes widened in shock.

” Just one snap of my finger and they’ll pour directly on her. She… will become smitten to nothing but mist ” Fear gripped Axion immediately and his face died down. His anger vanished instantly.

Before he could fathom what was going on, he saw himself already in the same room with Corbin and was now beholding everything live.

Seeing his Phoenix lying lifelessly on the bed with the buckets of acid hanging above her and Corbin sitting beside her, shivers of terror went down him.

” Phoenix… no ” He mumbled, nodding negatively. He was about to rush up to her when

” Don’t even think about it ” Corbin halted him immediately. He looked up and their gaze locked.

Seeing the fear in his eyes, an idea popped up in Corbin’s head.

He raised his hand and pretended he wanted to snap his fingers. Axion could feel his soul literally leave his body because of fear and his heart almost popped out of his chest.

” Corbin, no, stop! ” He cried out and Corbin grinned in satisfaction.

Finally, he has gotten him. His plan was falling just into place.

” This is between us Corbin, keep Phoenix out of this! ” Axion snapped.

” Don’t you dare raise your voice at me! ” Corbin growled at him. He raised his fingers again.

” I will just snap…”

” No… please don’t do it ” Axion pleaded, panting heavily.

” And what if I want to? ” Corbin raised a brow at him.

” I’ll do anything you want Corbin, please don’t hurt her ”

Hearing that, Corbin’s evil smirk only grew wider.

” You’d do anything I want? ” He demanded just to be sure and Axion nodded firmly.

Corbin stood up from the bed and gracefully strode up to Axion.


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