” Do you love me then? ” Phoenix’s question kept ringing in Axion’s head as he stared at her with gapped lips, not knowing the reply to give.

Does he love her?

Phoenix gazed at him in expectation, her eyes glittering in hope. Axion not wanting to answer, let go of her waist and turned off the shower. He took the towel and started drying her body.

” Axion ” Phoenix called but he ignored her, carrying her off to the room and after dressing her up and changing his cloth, he laid her gently on the bed, all along, avoiding her stare.

He turned to leave but Phoenix gripped his wrist and nudged him back to herself. Wrapping her hand on his neck, she nuzzled her nose on his.

” You haven’t answered my question Axion ” She spoke softly and Axion gulped hard as her big, round and cute brown eyes peered into his. He just couldn’t resist them or anything about her. It was as if she cast a spell on him.

And to worsen the matter, Phoenix claimed his lips in a kiss. He clasped the bed sheet, trying hard not to kiss her back. It was difficult but he was able to get a hold of himself and pulled out.

” Go to sleep, Phoenix. You need to get adequate rest so your wound can heal ” He said coldly but Phoenix wasn’t giving up… not yet.

” I want to sleep on your chest… please ” She pouted and Axion couldn’t resist that. He nodded, crawling into the bed. Phoenix veered closer to him and placed her head on his chest.

She could clearly hear his heart hammering against his chest making her giggle, using her finger to draw circles on his chest. Soon, she slept off.

” I love you, Axion ” She mumbled in her sleep. That made Axion’s heart skip and he looked down on her peaceful face.

” I don’t want you to love me, Phoenix. I’m only going to bring you pain… nothing… but pain ” He clenched his fist in anger.

× × ×

Cruella weakly opened her heavy eyes and groaned immediately as she felt the intense ache all over her body. She was exceedingly weak, her breath slow and broken. She was still pinned to the tree, her dark blood not ceasing to ooze.

Just then, the unknown woman appeared before her making her eyes beam a bit.

” Medusa… thank God you’re here. Please… please help me ” She pleaded. Medusa nodded pitifully at her, stepping closer.

” Poor you, Cruella. Suffering the same fate as your mother. It must be painful, right? ” She taunted.

” I’m in pain Medusa, this isn’t time for joking around. Help me! ” Cruella snapped faintly.

” Why should I help you? ” Medusa raised a brow at her.

” Because you’re my abettor. We’re in this together ”

” Are we? ” Medusa snorted.

” As far as I can remember, our deal was for you to get Axion. But you failed again… woefully… like you’ve been flunking. If you can’t accomplish a simple task, why keep you alive? ”

” Besides, your Master will kill you eventually. Today is your last day remember? ” Cruella’s eyes widened in horror as tears buckle up her eyes.

” No. Medusa please help me, I’m begging you. I can’t die… not yet. I can’t fail my people, my kingdom. No Medusa… please ” She pleaded, her tears rolling down.

” Too bad… you already did ” Medusa grinned.

” When you get to hell… tell your momma you’re a loser just like her ”

Cruella’s anger flared up as Medusa turned to leave.

How could she betray her so easily?

” Step an inch out of her Medusa and I’d expose your hidden agenda to Phoenix and Axion ” She threatened and Medusa halted immediately. A lazy smirk drew up her lips and she turned, her eyes locking with Cruella’s angry and teary eyes.

” And how are you gonna do that? The dead don’t talk or do they? ” She questioned.

” And why will Phoenix even believe you… an enemy? ”

” Phoenix might not believe me but Axion will for sure ” Her face died down instantly and a smirk crept up Cruella’s lips. Medusa glared at her.

” Don’t… try threatening me Cruella or I’d end you way before your Master does ” She scowled in rage and Cruella puffed weakly.

” You want me to keep quiet… free me ”

Medusa fastened her fist in irritation, breathing out angrily. Not having an option, she walked back to Cruella and gripped her chin, tilting her head up.

” Even if I help you, you’d still die Cruella. Get that in your fucking mind! ” She spat.

” Free… me… first! ” Cruella insisted and she let go of her chin. Using her magic, Medusa removed all the spikes pinning Cruella to the tree and she plunged to the floor with a thud. She tried standing but her legs wobbled and she slump back to the floor.

Seeing her struggling to stand, Medusa grinned in satisfaction.

” Even though you’re free, he will still get you here and kill you, Cruella. That is your fate ” She laughed and vanished. Hot tears ran down Cruella’s cheeks.

Is she really going to die without restoring her kingdom? What about her people, her family, and her friends?

A realization then hit her.

How could she have been this stupid? How could she have been fighting the wrong people all this while? Her enemy isn’t Phoenix or Axion but the King of all Dark Genie. He was the one who destroyed her kingdom in the first place. He killed her people and family and now he wants to kill her too?

” No ” She growled, nodding negatively. She wasn’t going to accept defeat that easily.

After several attempts, she finally got up to her feet though they were wiggling uncontrollably.

” I have to talk to Phoenix. Even if I eventually die, she needs to know the truth ”

× × ×

Phoenix let out a wide yawn, stretching a bit.

” That was one amazing sleep ” She muttered with a smile and slowly sat up on the bed. She was surprised not to see Axion.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Where did he go?

She carefully got down from the bed, heading to the door. Opening the door, she stepped out, and almost immediately, Cruella appeared before her making her eyes widen. Cruella was still weak, blood all over her body.

” Gianna…” She didn’t let Phoenix finish when she grabbed her hand and they both disappeared.

They reappeared in a room and Phoenix shoved Cruella’s hand forcefully. Her wound started bleeding again making her groan in pain.

” Why the fuck did you bring me here, Gianna? What else do you want?! ” She whined.

” Phoenix please hear me out ” Cruella spoke up faintly.

” I don’t want to listen to any of your nonsense. Haven’t you done enough? What else do you want from me?! ” She groaned in both anger and pain as she looked down at her bleeding wound.

” I’m sorry ” Cruella mumbled and Phoenix snapped her head up, her eyes broadening in shock at what she just said.

” What… did… you… just say? ” She stuttered.

” I’m sorry, Phoenix ” Cruella bowed her head in shame. Phoenix scoffed in disbelief.

” Sorry? Are trying to play games with me? ” Cruella looked up at her, her eyes clouded in tears. Phoenix was even more shocked seeing her tears.

” I’m not playing games with you, Phoenix. I’m sorry I’ve been fighting you all this while but you don’t blame me, do you? ”

” I was angry… enraged at Axion. He was the reason the King of all Dark Genie destroyed my kingdom and killed my people, my family, all because he was accidentally mated to my mother. I lost everything I cherished in just one night, Phoenix, one night. What do you expect me to do at that time? ” Cruella began, her tears rolling down.

Phoenix’s face softened immediately.

” All I wanted was to get my kingdom and people back at all cost. I was ready to do anything to have back what I loved. But one thing I forgot at that time was that… no matter what… you can’t change the past. I can’t bring back the dead no matter what I do ”

” I have been fighting for the wrong thing and the wrong person all along. You and Axion had nothing to do with what happened to me. The King of all Dark Genie was the one who took everything from me, I should be fighting against him to bring justice to my people and my kingdom not work as his slave ” Cruella gritted her teeth in anger.

Phoenix’s heart started aching for her. She felt sorry for her. If she was in her shoes, she would have probably done worse.

Trying to hold back her tears, Cruella sniffed. She stepped closer to Phoenix and took her hand.

” I’m sorry for trying to take your mate away from you. As it is now, I don’t have much time left. He will soon come after me but there is something crucial you need to know ” Phoenix frowned.

” I am not the main enemy in you and Axion’s life, Phoenix. There is someone else who wants Axion dead, someone you and he knows. Someone who is ten times more powerful than me ”

” The King of all Dark Genie? ” Phoenix asked.

” No. Medusa. The beginning and cause of Axion’s problem ” Phoenix’s face squeezed up in a deeper frown.

” Who is Medusa? ”

” She has been living right under your nose, Phoenix She is someone very close to Axion. She pretends to love and care for him ” Phoenix’s heart skipped in fear and she forgot about the pain she was feeling.

” Who? ” She snapped impatiently.

Cruella was yet to open her mouth when a long, huge, and sharp arrow pierced into her back, coming out from her chest and she froze instantly. Phoenix’s eyes widened in horror.

Cruella looked down at the arrow in her chest before looking up at Phoenix, her eyes flooded with tears.

” I’m… I’m… sorry ” She coughed out some blood before slumping to the floor. Phoenix caught her immediately and gently lowered her to the floor.

” Gianna… open your eyes, Gianna ” She shook her vigorously, tapping her cheek.

” Gianna…”

” She’s dead… Phoenix…” A voice spoke up and Phoenix slowly looked up. Her eyes almost popped out of their sockets and she went still in bewildering shock seeing the last person she never expected to see, with a bow and evil smirk plastered on her face.

It was none other than…


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