” Hello aunt Glinda ”

” Phoenix my dear, how are you doing? ” Glinda asked.

” I’m fine aunt. What about you… and ma’am Kelsey? ”

” I’m ok but Kelsey isn’t. She had refused to eat anything since Axion left. All she’d been doing is crying her eyes out ” Glinda muttered sadly and Phoenix let out an unhappy sigh.

” I think Axion is still angry with you two but I’m sure he’d come down soon. Tell ma’am Kelsey to stop crying, please ” She advised.

” If only she would listen ”

” Anyway we both want to visit Axion but I don’t know… I don’t know if he would want to see us ”

” That is an awesome idea aunt ” Phoenix beamed a bit.

” If you two visit him today… maybe he will give you the chance to explain ”

” You’re right dear. We’ll come over today but… please don’t tell Axion we’re coming. I want it to be a surprise ” Glinda expressed.

” Don’t worry aunt, I won’t ” Phoenix assured.

” Thank you, dear. Take care of yourself ok? ”

” Ok aunt and you too ” Phoenix ended the call. She let out a deep sigh, staring out the window.

Will Axion get angry if Glinda and Kelsey visit him? What if he doesn’t want to see them just yet?

” Who were you talking to just now? ” A voice asked and she turned. There at the door was Axion, glaring at her with folded arms.

” Aunt Glinda ” She answered and that made Axion hiss. He entered and headed straight to the wardrobe. Seeing how he was ruffling the clothes, Phoenix knew he was angry so she walked up to him.

” Axion don’t you think it’s about time you forgave your aunt and mom. They deserve another chance, don’t they? ” She spoke up but Axion ignored her, ruffling the clothes even more angrily.

” Axion ” She held his hand but he fling her hand off, glaring at her.

” Why should I forgive them? I should give them a chance? Chance to do what… lie to me again? ” He scorned.

” They’re still your family. For how long will you keep being angry with them? ” A snort left Axion’s lips on what Phoenix said.

” Can you forgive your mom and aunt for what they did to you? ” He demanded and Phoenix’s face clouded in a deep frown.

” That’s a different thing, Axion ”

” Different thing? ” Axion scoffed.

” You can’t forgive your mom but I should, really? ” Phoenix couldn’t help but sneer in disbelief.

Why is he bringing Lilly to this?

” This is different, Axion! They both tried selling me off to a human trafficker for money. They almost ravaged my life! Your mom and aunt still love you. They only lied and hid the truth from you because they thought it was the best thing to do. They did it with your interest in mind because they love but my mom and aunt don’t even love me, Axion! ” She snapped, breathing angrily.

Axion only clenched his fist in anger, glowering at her.

” You don’t have the right to tell me what to do with my family, Phoenix. Don’t traverse your limitation ” He warned and stormed out leaving Phoenix who huffed, folding her arms.

× × ×

A car pulled over at Axion’s house and Glinda and Kelsey stepped out. Kelsey turned to look at Glinda who flashed an assuring smile at her. Luckily the entrance was open and they both strolled in.

Immediately their legs stepped into the house,

” Stop it right there ” A voice snarled and they both looked up only to see Axion scowling at them. Their heart skipped in fear and they both swallowed nervously.

” Axion, my son ” Kelsey made to move but,

” I told you not to take another step forward ” Axion shot her a hard glare. A sharp pain pierced into Kelsey’s heart and a strand of tears rolled down. Seeing her tears, Axion’s face thawed.

He wanted to walk up to her and pull her into a hug but he was still furious with her and his anger was taking over. His face hardened again.

” Get out ” He commanded and Kelsey gasped.

” Axion, please hear me out. I’m sorry my dear, please stop pushing us away, please ” She pleaded and broke down in tears. Glinda held her arms, stroking them gently to console her. She looked up, glaring at Axion.

” Axion, are you happy seeing your mother cry? She has been doing that since you left and refuse to eat properly. Do you want her to die?! ” Axion clenched his fist as he tried to hold back himself from going soft hearing Kelsey crying.

” I don’t have time for you two but I better not come back and see you two here ” He gritted and stormed upstairs.

” Axion please my son, I’m sorry ” Kelsey whimpered wanting to go after him but Glinda held her back.

” No Kelsey, let him be. Let’s go ” She muttered.

Meanwhile, Phoenix was upstairs watching everything in shock. Axion made to walk past her but she grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

” Axion. What was that? ”

” How can you talk to your mother that way? ” She demanded in disbelief. Axion shoved her hand away but she stood in his way when he tried to leave.

” I thought that maybe if they both visit you, you’d want to give them the opportunity to explain things but… you just threw them out. Why? ” Axion shot her a hard glare instantly.

” So you told them to come? ” He snorted.

” I just wanted you to let go of the anger you have for them and…” Axion didn’t let her finish when he grabbed her arms tightly, scowling at her.

” I never told you I needed your help, Phoenix. This is between me and my family so stay out of it! Know your fucking boundaries! ” He yelled to her face but Phoenix nudged his hands off her arms, glaring at him.

” And what boundaries are you talking about, Axion, huh? Who am I to you?! ”

” A nobody who shouldn’t try transcending her limits! ” Axion growled in anger. An intense, bitter pain stabbed Phoenix’s heart immediately and she let out a painful scoff.

” A nobody? ” She mumbled as tears flooded her eyes. Seeing her tears Axion looked away as guilt struck his heart.

” Am I really just a nobody to you? Am I merely a property of yours with no value which can use anytime you want? ” An excruciating pain pierced Axion’s heart making him frown deeply.

Why the fuck did he say that?

Not knowing what to say, he left leaving Phoenix who finally allowed the tears to roll down.


Phoenix refused to sleep in the same room with Axion. She was still hurt and angry with him so she slept on the couch downstairs. Axion on the other hand didn’t want to face her due to guilt so he stayed upstairs in his room.

Phoenix despite being angry with Axion just couldn’t sleep. Not until she checks on him. Groaning angrily, she stood up and headed to check on Axion just for her peace of mind.

She was yet to get to his room when she saw him coming out. She watched as he walked over to the other end of the passage.

” Axion ” She called going after him.

” Axion! ” She yelled but he didn’t even halt or turn.

” Why is he acting weird? ” She thought. Just then Axion stopped and a door appeared. Phoenix’s eyes almost popped out when she saw Gianna appear out of nowhere and took Axion’s hand.

She whispered something to him and Axion just nodded before the both of them entered the door and disappear.

” Axion! ” Phoenix yelled in horror and went after them. Immediately she entered the door, it disappeared.

Phoenix reappeared in a bizarre place making her grimace deeply. The place looked like a forest with trees all around. It was dead silent and not even the sound of birds chipping can be heard.

The ground was all rocky and rough and looking at the sky, there was a full blood moon which was very close making red radiant reflect everywhere.

” Where the fuck is this place? ” Phoenix wondered.

” Axion ” She called out and her voice echoed through before bouncing back to her.

” Axion! ” She yelled, looking around for him. She was starting to get worried and scared.

” Axi…”

” He won’t hear you Phoenix ” A voice cut her off and she veered swiftly. And there, not so far from her was Gianna, smirking from ear to ear. Phoenix glared at her.

” Where is Axion? Where did you take him to? ” She demanded.

” Axion? ” Gianna scoffed feigning surprise.

” I don’t know what you’re talking about. Axion isn’t here ” She shrugged.

” Stop getting on my nerves, Gianna. Where did you take Axion?! ” Phoenix snarled.

” Axion isn’t here Phoenix, I’m telling you the truth ”

” I saw you taking him Gianna, do you think I’m stupid? ” Phoenix scoffed.

” I wasn’t taking anyone anywhere, Phoenix. It was all just in your head ”

” What are you talking about? ”

” It was all just an illusion, an illusion I created in your head to draw you to me ” Gianna revealed making Phoenix roll her eyes.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

” Really Gianna? What the fuck do you want? ” She groaned.

” I want to kill you ” Gianna hit straight to the point, glaring at her with so much hate. She didn’t want to beat around the bush.

” What? ” Phoenix scoffed.

” You want to kill me, seriously? And you think you can do that? ” She mocked.

” Of course not. In a literal sense, I can’t. I can’t even stand a Phoenix. But just because I can’t kill you, doesn’t mean I’m stupid ” Gianna grinned and Phoenix frowned deeply.

” Look around Phoenix. Do you know where we are? ” Phoenix raised a brow at her.

” I’ll tell you where we are. This is the ‘ Lone Forest ‘ or should I say… the forest of the Dark Genies ” Gianna began as her eyes turned dark. Three sharp arrows appeared and using her power, she sent them to Phoenix who reached out and tried destroying them with her power.

But to her utmost shock, she couldn’t feel her powers.

What the fuck?!

She closed her eyes to gather her powers but she couldn’t feel anything. Her hair tie didn’t even glow talk more of her necklace.

” What the fuck is happening? ” She mumbled, staring at her hand. The arrows were about to stab her but she quickly dodged them.

A burst of evil laughter from Gianna erupted, booming the whole place.

” You can’t feel your powers, can you? ”

” What did you do Gianna? ” Phoenix scowled at her.

” In here, only dark power works, Phoenix. Good powers are rendered completely useless. That is why it is called the Lone Forest ”

” I told you I’m not stupid, didn’t I? I know that in a normal sense, I can’t kill you. So I lured you here using the illusion of Axion, so I can kill you silently ” A sharp knife appeared in Gianna’s hand.

Phoenix’s eyes widened in shock. Gianna ran past her at full speed before returning to her original position.

” Stop whatever nonsense you’re trying to do, Gianna. You can’t kill me, you know that ” Phoenix warned.

” Oh can’t I? ” Gianna grinned.

Just then Phoenix started feeling an intense pain in her stomach making her grunt in pain. She slowly looked down and her eyes widened on seeing the blood oozing out from the side of her stomach. She covered it before looking up at Gianna.

” Surprise!! ” Gianna burst out a mockery laugh. It turned out that when she ran past Phoenix with speed, she stabbed her unaware.

From where she was stabbed, the pain circulated throughout Phoenix’s body and she grew weak instantly. She almost slumped to the floor if not that she held herself. A painful moan left her lips.

” Gianna…” She called out weakly.

” Stop what you’re doing, I’m… warning… I’m warning you ” Her eyes were starting to grow weak as she tried to endure the excruciating pain she was feeling. Tears escaped her eyes.

” Too late Phoenix, too late ” Gianna smirked and her fingers grew into long, sharp claws. She released her claws and they turned into spikes, flying toward Phoenix at vast speed.

Phoenix tried moving but she couldn’t even feel her legs. The stab rendered her completely immobile. She closed her eyes, expecting to feel the spikes dig into her body. But seconds passed and turned to minutes yet nothing happened.

She slowly opened her eyes and they beamed on seeing a familiar figure backing her…

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