Taming My Mafia Stepbrother

Chapter 8: Distractions

Cara’s pov

A merry go round with shock, confusion and disbelief as the riders spinned carelessly in my head as I witnessed the scene before me.

The beautiful woman was still hugging Luca, her hands resting on an intimate part of his body while he blinked down at her. Not at all making an effort to enforce physical boundaries.

She pulled back after an eternity and beamed at him, her hazel doe eyes shifting to every inch of his face as if they were re-registering it to memory.

“I’m really happy to see you again,” she gushed with a flip of her glistening dark hair. I picked up on the slight kink to her accent. She was Italian and her hands were still linked around Luca’s neck.

Who was this woman?From NôvelDrama.Org.

I coughed and the both of them finally remembered I was in their company. Luca pulled her hands off him and turned to me.

The fu c k ing jerk, it had taken only three minutes of the Italian princess’ presence for him to totally forget me and the bickering we had been in the middle of. I cursed him off in my head.

“Oh,” the princess said, her eyes darting from Luca to me and back to Luca.

Luca cleared his throat, “Valentina this is my stepsister Cara. Cara, this is Valentina.”

That was it? I wasn’t getting any more information on who she was? A friend? A cousin? An ex? Not even a last name? I hoped to God my irritation wasn’t showing.

Valentina also seemed to be miffed by the lazy introduction but she was smart enough to mask it immediately. Her eyes trained on me and I wondered if they were actually staring me down or I was just imagining it.

She stretched out a well manicured hand. “Hello, it’s nice to finally meet Luke’s stepsister.”

I bit my lip from sneering. Did she just call him Luke?

I took her hand and shook it briefly, “nice to meet you too.” My smile didn’t reach my eyes.

The smile she returned didn’t either and it was clear to me that she saw me as a threat, an opponent.

“Welcome to the family. It might be a lot to handle considering the fact that it’s a whole different turn from the life you once had-” her eyes really were staring me down.

The f u c k ing b1tch.

Luca shot her a warning glare while I blinked at her, scoffing under my breath. Yeah, I totally despised her prissy a s s already.

“-but I promise you, you’ll adapt in no time.” She finished sweetly.

She shifted closer to Luca, linking her arm around his. “We have so much to catch up on,” she purred, looking up at him but was only awarded with a frown.

I was sure she had once again dismissed the fact that I was in their company, but her gaze coasted back to me. “We haven’t seen each other for three months.”

I didn’t expect the explanation to hit me the way it did. Along with the fact that Valentina was definitely not family to Luca.

My gaze darted to him and I wondered if he had been playing with me all this time while being in a relationship with her. The thought scratched at me and a bitter bile formed in my throat.

Luca looked like he was about to say something but I didn’t want to stay to hear it.

“Ah, I see.” I started. “Congratulations on your reunion. I’m sure you both have a lot to tell each other so I’ll take my leave now. It was really nice meeting you.” I finished. Not wanting to wait for any response, I made my way away from them immediately.

I didn’t stop until I got to the champagne fountain and I grabbed a glass as soon as I was within arm’s reach. I gulped down the golden liquid, the sweet-sour taste refreshed my dry throat but it wasn’t enough. I needed a stronger drink.

The makeshift bar was at the opposite side of the courtyard, an area Luca and Valentina weaved through as they went about socialising. I swore under my breath.

“Isn’t that the don of the Sicilian mafia’s daughter?” A redhead a few feet from me asked.

“Valentina Cortini? Her gossiping partner asked in a whisper. “Oh my God, yes it is her.”

Valentina was now in the midst of Luca’s partners who were dons or held other important roles in the Mafia. The men were focused on her, some of them even vying for her attention but she only had eyes for Luca, literally.

“I thought she was in Italy. Why is she here?” I could hear the redhead rolling her eyes.

“Come on Gianna, you know she was never going to disappear from Luca’s side for too long.” Gossiping partner sighed wistfully.

The two of them shuffled away, with Gianna groaning something about Luca marrying Valentina as soon as possible and getting her off the market while her friend gushed dreamily about how perfect they were together.

The whole conversation filled me with irritation as my mind spiralled with different thoughts and possibilities as to what Luca’s relationship with Valentina was.

The bitch was too refined to be just a regular lay and regardless of the illegality and illicit nature of the mafia world, they had a very conservative approach towards relationships between Mafia royalties. Someone like Valentina and Luca wouldn’t just date for the heck of it. A relationship between them would surely be marriage minded.

The possibility of Valentina being Luca’s fiancee was higher than my chances of getting a glass of scotch. Luca didn’t give off the vibe of one who was to be bound to someone very soon but then again men never did.

For all I know, this party could be their engagement announcement. My blood boiled at the realisation that Luca had messed around with me while being engaged.

I glared at him, he had managed to wound my ego three times in just the space of two weeks. The first time at my apartment, the second time in the hallway of my apartment and now.

How dare him play around with me when he obviously had a fiancee.

The live orchestra suddenly switched their soft tunes into a louder one and people began to make way for the centre, waltzing softly to the sensuous music as soon as they got there.

I watched as Valentina tried to cajole Luca to the dancefloor but got waved off. I got a strange satisfaction from it.

A tall mannot as tall as Lucaappeared at my side.

“I know this is the most cliched thing a man can ever say but why is a beautiful woman like yourself alone and not-” he jut his jaw to the dance floor, “-out there enjoying the party.”

He raised his hands when he peeped my side eye. “No, really, I’m genuinely curious.”

I cocked my head at him. He was handsome, very even. Chestnut brown hair, light blue eyes, chiseled jaw. There was this boyish lilt to his grin that felt light and refreshing. I considered the thought of pulling out of here to a private spot for a quickie. Lord knows I could use the distraction.

“I don’t know,” I heard myself say. “Maybe it’s because I’m yet to meet someone interesting.” My smile was sweet and suggestive enough.

He grinned and stretched out his hand, “I’m Cadain.”

“Cara,” I put out mine expecting a handshake but he took it and pulled it to his lips.

“It’s an honour to meet a beauty like you.” He declared, looking at me from beneath his lashes.

I couldn’t help but blush, he was sweet. He asked me for a dance but I politely declined, I didn’t want to be anywhere near Luca and his mafia princess.

Thinking about them, my eyes reflexively strayed to where they were still seated. Valentina’s eyes stared forlornly at the others waltzing away but I didn’t spare her a second thought because Luca was glaring straight at me. His eyes sending hot lava coursing through my entire being. His gaze was so potent, so forceful that I looked away, unable to withstand it.

I mentally scolded myself, I had nothing to be afraid of, it’s not like I was caught cheating. I wasn’t the one kissing other people in their apartments while being engaged to someone else.

I could still feel his stare on me, the spot it faced burning hotter than a furnace. Cadain was staring expectantly at me, his puppy eyes hopeful. I realised he had insisted on his offer.

The side of my face burned hotter with Luca’s glare. He was watching, he was watching, he was…

I know I shouldn’t, I know it would be stupid and childish and reckless and crazy and… but I wanted him to feel at least a fraction of the irrational feeling I’d been feeling since Valentina showed up.

I leaned closer to Cadain,”I will on one condition.”

Cadain’s expression matched the flirtatious one on my face, “anything.”

“You’ll tell me where I can get a glass of whiskey and if you get it yourself,” I leaned even closer, my lips a few inches from his ear, “we just might see ourselves after this cursed party.”

Cadain brushed a thumb over his bottom lip in excitement and I smiled sweetly at him as he led me to the dancefloor.

The hotter than a furnace sensation followed us all the way. Never once leaving my skin as an army of goosebumps invaded every single pore.

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