Tame Me My Brother -in-Law By Sweet Sakura

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40



When I thought about Brylee, my twin sister and the person who had killed

my mother, I came to a complete stop. She deserved to be punished! She

deserved to be hurt just as much as she hurt my mom! She didn’t bother

herself or show any care about our mother at all. She only cared for this man,

Sebastian Anderson!

After having that thought, I glanced back and saw that Sebastian was still

looking at me with his brows furrowed. The hatred I had been feeling

transformed into a sly grin on my face.

“Sebastian…” I whispered as I took a step forward and pressed my body

against his. My arms were wrapped around his neck, and I felt like I was going

to burst out laughing when I felt him stiffen even though his icy eyes

darkened. “Is it really true that you were a virgin?”

He groaned as he brought his fingers up to my chin and cupped it. “Do you


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Chapter 40 Migeing

want to die, hmmm?”

“A*… Did I hit a nerve, Mr. Sebastian Anderson?” I smiled alluringly and

wiggled my eyebrows in a teasing manner. “It’s flaccid, isn’t it?”

The expression on his face Indicated that he didn’t understand what I was

saying, and at that point I burst out laughing. And that’s when he realized

what I was talking about.


“Celine…” he groaned. “Do you really think that by provoking me, I will sleep

again with you? No fucking way!”

Ouch! That hurts!

“Really…?” I chuckled. “Do you really think that I’m willing to let you do it again? Well, guess what? Your skills downright sucks, Mr. I am inexperienced.

I knew that nothing unsettled a man more than when a woman calls into

question of his manhood and masculinity. In addition to this, he considered

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me to be his archenemy. However, this is the way I play. And he must be

aware of that…


At this same instant, there was complete silence; nonetheless, I was aware

that his rage was reaching its breaking point.

In point of fact, the very next second, I was hoisted off the ground and hefted

onto his shoulder, which caused the entire world to spin around me like a top.

“Hey!” I screamed. “What do you think you’re doing? Put me down!” But he

pretended as though he hadn’t heard me at all. “Put me down, you asshole!”

I flailed my arms and legs, punching his back but he didn’t even budge as he

strode into the deepest part of the forest. “Oh my God! What are you doing?”

Is he going to feed me to wild animals?

I was anxious, but I didn’t feel terrified because I knew that even if I went

missing, no one would come to look for me.

However… this is an excellent idea to annoy Brylee. I maintained my silence

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Chapter 40 Missing

as I opened the phone that I was still holding. I smiled for the camera, and

took a picture of myself while Sebastian carried me on his shoulder, I made

sure that I got a good side profile shot of him so that Brylee wouldn’t think

that it’s not her boyfriend who’s carrying me.

As I pressed the button to send the photo to Brylee, a grin spread across my

face. Let’s see what kind of response she gives if she happens to see this.

“You asked for this? I’m going to give it to you!” I heard Sebastian say and I

couldn’t help but giggle quietly.



“We’ve got no choice but to get back into the hotel right away!” Suddenly, Mr.

Lee yelled out in a state of terror. “It looks like there’s going to be a

tremendous storm!”

The sun couldn’t be seen because of the thick clouds that were covering the

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Chapter 40 Missing

sky, and the sea breeze was acting quite strangely. Mr. Lee recommended

that they leave the area as soon as possible because the repercussions of

being there were impossible to fathom.


However, as they were packing up their belongings, they became aware that

two persons had not shown up.

“Where’s Celine?” Jake asked as his eyes were searching around.

“Mr. Anderson has been missing as well!” Everyone’s attention was obviously

different from Jake’s. Celine was never a concern of theirs at any point.

“Sebastian! Seb!” The terrified screams of Brylee could be heard. “Where on

earth is Seb?”

After a short while, Brylee’s phone began to buzz, and she saw that she had

received a message from her sister, which was addressed as “Nobody.”

As soon as she opened the photo message, her pupils contracted, and she

gripped her phone even more tightly as rage began to consume her. At that

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Chapter 40 Missing

precise moment, Brylee felt herself beginning to panic.

“I will not leave until I do not find Sebastian!” She declared, yelling at Jake

while grasping his arm. “You’ve got to move it, Jake! Let’s look for the two of



“Hey! Why is everyone freaking out?” Jake chuckled. “Of course… we’re going

to look for them. I won’t allow anyone else, especially Celine, to be left behind

on this deserted island…”

Everyone started looking around and calling out their names as if they were


Jake pulled out his phone and attempted to make a call to Celine, but he

was unable to do so because he was unsure whether or not the absence of a

signal was caused by the weather.

Despite this, the weather continued to deteriorate. After observing the

strange waves on the water’s surface and the slow lowering of the dark

clouds, Mr. Lee’s countenance exhibited clear signs of concern. Because he

had been here before, he was familiar with the conditions that prevalled

during a storm at this location.

“We have no choice except to depart right away! If that doesn’t work out,

we’re going to be stranded on this island!” Mr. Lee Instantly came to a halt

and didn’t proceed ahead.


“No!” Almost immediately, Brylee voiced her opposition. “Seb has not yet

made his way back. I can’t just leave this island without him! Are you going to

take responsibility if something bad happens to my fiancé?”

They looked at each other in turn. Everyone wanted to get out of there, but

nobody dared to say anything about it. They were friends of Sebastian’s, and

the most of them wore partners in business ventures.

“But, if we don’t leave right away, the storm will make no one to leave.

Nobody can give us any assurance that we won’t be in danger while we’re

here!” Mr. Lee explained and everyone seemed to agree except for Brylee

who wasn’t paying attention to what Mr. Lee was saying. Her thoughts were

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Chapter 40 Missing


occupied thinking about what would Celine and Sebastian be doing just now.

“Miss Lauren…”

“I don’t care! I have to find Seb as quickly as possible! Otherwise, no one will

leave this island!” She yelled in a very loud voice.

“Bry…” Mia comforted her by holding her arm and assuring her that

everything was going to be all right. “What if Mr. Anderson and your sister had

already gone back to the hotel?”

“No fucking way!” she exclaimed. “Why would he go back with her?”

“That’s right, Brylee…” another girl interrupted. “Maybe they leave first. I

noticed earlier that your sister isn’t feeling well. Maybe he rushed her back to

the hotel so that she could get some rest…”

“Why don’t we check the yachts to see whether it’s still there?” Mia’s

boyfriend made the suggestion, and they all unanimously agreed to do it.

“Yes. And if the yachts are still there, we’ll go back and look for them…” Mia

Chapter 40 Mis


was able to reassure her, and now she has no choice but to concur with her


The sky was dark and dreadful, every second that’s been wasted would bring

a second closer to danger. The island was deserted and in the event of an

accident, the loss would be greater than the benefit. So everyone went back

to the beach right away.

And as they all cast their gazes on the water, their eyes brightened when

they noticed that there were now only two yachts waiting for them.

“They left! They must have gone back first! If that’s not the case, how are

they going to explain the missing yacht?”

“Let’s head back to the hotel!” Brylee abruptly changed her mind. “Let’s get

back! Now!”

“Wait!” Jake was looking at his phone at the time he stopped her. “Shall we

check it out and contact the hotel to

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