Tale Of A Cursed Alpha


Luna’s Pov

I turned to look at the man who had spoken. I recognized him instantly from his role in passing judgement on us. Just like the first time, he was sitting down which prevented me from seeing just how tall he was. He still seemed pretty intimidating though as his eyes blazed, commanding respect. I remained at the door from where I had been admiring the room but even from here, I could feel his displeasure washing over me in waves. I shuddered subconsciously as I noticed that not only his but all the eyes in the room were focused on me. Us, I had forgotten Jamil was still standing beside me until he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room.

We arrived before the Beta at the head seat and following Jamil’s lead, I bowed. “You are late.” Up close, his voice sounded deeper and more intimidating. “You didn’t tell her that we do not condone lateness here?” He asked and I raised my head a little bit only to return to my former position when I saw that Jamil was still bowing.

“I am sorry, my lord but the tour ran on for much longer than we thought. A lot of time went past without us realizing it. It will not happen again.”

“That is no excuse you know?” He boomed and I very nearly raised my head to tell him to buzz off but I managed to keep my cool. The last thing I wanted was to get Jamil in trouble and give that white eyed bitch more reason to chew my head off.

“I know my lord and I apologize. I promise to make sure it never happens again.” Silence reigned in the room for what seemed like forever before the Beta finally spoke again.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get on your seats. The food is starting to get cold.” He grumbled.

“Thank you uncle!” Jamil nudged me as he made his way around the table. I was about to follow him when the Beta cleared his throat. I frowned as I stopped in my steps staring back and forth between Jamil and their leader. When none would speak, I started to go after Jamil again when the annoying sound was repeated. I was about to throw away all reservations and walk up to the man to whack him upside of his head when Jamil signaled me to go to the other side of the table. I frowned but his eyes told me that was the only way we were going to have peace. Sure enough, when I turned round to the other side of the table, nothing stuck in the throat of the Beta. I cursed the craziness of this place and its inhabitants under my breath as I made my way past a broad, brown haired figure who looked familiar as he hunched over his empty plate. As large as the room was, (and by that, I mean large enough to swallow The Haven whole and still have room for two more), there was no one else sitting on the left wing except the guy and now, myself. On the other side of the room, the first seat was empty, like it was waiting for someone who was yet to arrive. The second was occupied by Ulo, followed by Luna and finally, Jamil. A very large number by all standards, you would agree. A room that could seat over a hundred people being used by six people. Wasn’t that just perfect?Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I took up a seat opposite Ulo. His hair was combed slickly and he looked dapper in his black robe. He spared me a glance that was fit for a fly before returning his face to the plate like he was receiving a message from the gods in it. Maybe he was. Heavens knew that these people needed a divine message on hospitality. I mean, I had only been here for what? 2 days? And I had already gotten into more trouble than I had ever gotten into in my entire life and that was saying a lot. And to think that I wasn’t even all that big a troublemaker.

Beside him sat Luna who had her long hair tied into a pony tail. She wore a plain white dress and her makeup appeared shabby, barely hiding her eye bags. She didn’t seem to have changed since I had seen her this morning either which was rather unusual for her, at least from what I had gotten to know about her. Unlike Ulo, she spared me more than a glance. Each look she shot my way bore enough venom to burn an army to dust. Someone really ought to tell that girl to get off my case because I really am starting to tire of her tantrums. Finally, there was Jamil who smiled at me. I smiled back. It sure was great to have a friendly person in the midst of people who all seemed to not be able to wait until they could eat me alive.

Someone tapped on the table and as if on cue, several feet pounding against the ground became audible. Soon enough, about six people in maid uniform, a simple black and white dress came in bearing trays. They spread these on the table between us, filling the air with mouthwatering aromas. It was at this time that I finally saw the face of the only other person that sat on the same row with me. It suddenly made sense why I had found him familiar. Looking at me with a deep scowl etched on his face was anchor man, Leon. I suddenly recalled what Jamil had told me about him being the son of the Alpha. I also recalled the warning to stay away from him but I wondered how that was possible if we always managed to run into each other.

I peeled my eyes from him and almost got drowned in Luna’s swirling pools. Nope! Luckily, the maids placed a plate before me at this time and started to dish out the food. I sighed as I stared at it, my instincts telling me that this was going to be a very, very long day.

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