Sweet Revenge: Jace & Emerald

Chapter 67

“Dad, can you come with me on the rollercoaster?” Ace asked. Jace looked at Emerald, who was laughing. That’s how the boy was; she knew he would never stop unless he got to ride there. They were in an amusement park where their son requested they go for family bonding.

“You see, ahm”

“Don’t tell me you’re scared to ride, Dad.” Emerald couldn’t contain her laughter and let it out, making the father and son look at her, confused.

“I’m sorry,” she said while waving her hands in front of them.

“Are you laughing at me?” Jace asked with a furrowed brow.

“Yes, Daddy. I’m sure Mommy is laughing at you because you look scared to ride the rollercoaster.” Little Ace said, teasing, making Emerald wink at him.

“I’m not scared!” Jace exclaimed. Although he’s not fond of rides in an amusement park, he’s not a bit scared to try them. It’s just that he was worried for his son.

“Will you be okay?” Young Higginson asked worriedly. Ace nodded in excitement, thinking his father would accompany him. “Alright, let’s go then.”

“Yehey!!” Ace jumped for joy before looking at his mother, who gave him a thumbs-up.

“How about you, dear wife? Are you not going to come with us?”

“Mom is scared of riding rides like the rollercoaster. She never came with me; it was always Uncle Liam,” Ace answered for his mother. After hearing that, Jace was more eager to join his son; he didn’t want to be outdone by Liam.

Jace carried his son, took Emerald’s hand, and walked them to the ticket booth. “I am not going there,” young Morgan said.

“Okay, but stay where I can see you,” Jace replied, and she nodded, smiling.

After buying their tickets, the father and son lined up and waited for their turn to get on the ride while Emerald watched them. She was happy to see how her son and husband bond together. “Mom, wait for us, okay?” Ace shouted while waving his hand.

“Alright, I’ll be just here!” Emerald shouted back, assuring her son she would be waiting for them.

After a few more minutes, the rollercoaster began to move, and Emerald followed her beloved husband and son with her gaze. She watched them enjoy the ride as it rushed down, and she could almost hear Ace shouting, which was mixing with the other people’s screams.

Emerald sighed deeply when she realized how happy her family life was. Yes, she never thought that Jace would be coming for her once they met, and revenge was all on her mind when she returned. However, everything changed when she found out she still had feelings for her husband.

Young Morgan looked up and thanked the heavens for bringing her family back together, and she promised to cherish them. ‘Yes, I should be happy now. And when we finally find my real mother, everything will be okay.’ she thought.

After the rollercoaster ride, the family stayed in the amusement park all day. Giving Ace the happiness the couple thought he deserved. It was afternoon, and they decided to grab a bite, so they looked for a kiosk. “Dad, I want hotdogs and marshmallows.” Ace requested.

“Hotdogs and marshmallows it is,” Jace agreed and started walking hand in hand with Emerald and Ace in his arms.

As they eat their food in a shaded part of the park, Jace notices someone looking at them. He doesn’t inform Emerald about it to avoid scaring her. He wants to know whether the man who has already diverted his gaze to another family is a threat to them, so he assesses the situation calmly. He doesn’t want to overreact and ruin his son’s mood, so he stays calm.

The amusement park was filled with families and friends who wanted to enjoy themselves with their little ones. Jace looked around casually. To his left, a massive Ferris wheel dominated the skyline. Each cabin was filled with wide-eyed children and their equally enthusiastic parents, who pointed and gasped at the panoramic views below.

His eyes made their way to the man he had seen earlier and found him looking at them again. He realized that he was posing a threat to his family, so he averted his gaze to Emerald and Ace, who were busy eating their hotdogs and marshmallows. “Are you not done yet?” he asked.

“Not yet!” the boy shouted; he smiled and kept himself alert for whatever might happen.

“Is everything okay, Jace?”

“Of course, dear wife. Why do you ask?” young Higginson asked with a creased forehead. He intentionally shows his wife his confusion so she doesn’t need to think or be suspicious.

“Nothing, you just seem off?” Jace chuckled before he pulled his wife closer and hugged her.

“Daddy loves my Mommy so much!!” Ace celebrated when he saw his parents hugging. Emerald and Jace smiled at him, happy they had satisfied their son with their simple gesture.

“Alright, where do you want to go next?” Asked Jace.

“Why don’t we walk around first?” Emerald suggested, and he thought it was a good idea since he wanted to know about the man looking at them.

Jace tightened his grip on Ace’s small hand as they walked through the bustling crowd of the amusement park, but his focus was laser-sharp. A carefree smile lit Emerald’s face beside him as she pointed out a nearby stand selling giant rainbow lollipops. Ace’s eyes widened with excitement, and he tugged at Jace’s hand, eager to rush over.

“Daddy, look! Can I have one? Please?” Ace pleaded, his youthful voice cutting through the noise.

“Sure, little man. Let’s go check it out,” Jace replied, trying to match his son’s enthusiasm. Yet his eyes flickered at a man standing a few paces away, half-concealed by the crowd. The man had been watching them for several minutes, his gaze unwavering and unnervingly intense.

“Jace, are you okay?” As she ruffled Ace’s hair, Emerald noticed his distraction and asked, “Jace, are you okay?” she repeated, her voice was soft but tinged with concern.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Jace said, smiling. “Just keep an eye on things.”

As they approached the lollipop stand, young Higginson’s senses heightened. The man’s appearance was ordinary-dark jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. But there was something off about how he lingered, his gaze tracking the family with a cold, unsettling intensity.

Jace pretended to fumble with his wallet, using the motion as cover to glance back. The man had moved closer, weaving through the crowd. A knot tightened in Higginson’s stomach. He couldn’t shake the feeling they were being hunted and observed like prey.

“Here you go, dear,” Emerald said, handing their son the giant lollipops he’d been eyeing. Ace’s face lit up with pure joy, and he hugged his mother’s leg in gratitude. Jace’s heart clenched at the sight, a sense of protectiveness swelling.

“Let’s head towards the carousel,” Jace suggested, his voice steady but his mind racing. The carousel was in a central location, surrounded by plenty of people-safe, or at least safer. He didn’t want to alarm Emerald or Ace, but he couldn’t afford to ignore his instincts. He kept a steady pace as they walked, his body positioned protectively between his family and the man. He glanced at the attractions, food stalls, bright lights, and colorful banners, but his thoughts were fixated on the man trailing them.

“Daddy, look! The carousel!” Ace exclaimed, pointing ahead.

“That’s right, son. Let’s get you on one of those horses,” Jace said, forcing his voice to remain calm. As they neared the ride, he chanced another look. The man had stopped by a pretzel stand; his attention was still focused on Jace’s family, though he made a show of checking his phone.

“Emerald,” Jace said softly, drawing her close. “I think we’re being followed,” he said. He didn’t want to scare her, but he also wanted her to be ready. At least, whatever happens, he thinks she will be ready and won’t panic.

Emerald’s eyes widened, and she glanced around, her smile faltering. “What do you mean? Who’s following us?”

“Don’t look directly,” Jace cautioned. “There is a man about twenty feet back. Baseball cap. He has been observing us from the shaded area we stopped by while eating hotdogs and marshmallows.”

Emerald’s grip tightened on Ace’s hand, her motherly instinct kicking in. “What should we do?”

“We’re going to get on the carousel,” Jace said, his voice firm. “Once we’re on, I’ll monitor him closely. Just act normal.”

They approached the carousel, and Jace lifted Ace onto a brightly painted horse. The ride began to move, a gentle start that soon picked up pace, the world around them blurring into a swirl of colors. Jace kept his gaze fixed on the crowd, scanning for the man still there, standing just beyond the fence that encircled the carousel, his eyes never leaving Jace and his family.

Jace’s mind raced with possibilities. Who was this man? Why was he following them? The park had thousands of people-families, friends, and children. Why target them?

The carousel slowed, and Jace helped Ace down from his horse. “Let’s head towards the Ferris wheel,” he said, steering them in the opposite direction of the man. “Stay close, and if I say run, you run. Understand?”

Emerald nodded, fear and determination etched in her eyes. She held her son’s hand tightly, their steps quickening as they moved through the crowd. Higginson glanced back, his heart pounding. The man had begun moving again, shadowing his steps like a dark omen.

They approached the Ferris wheel. Long line, but Jace saw it as an opportunity to distance themselves from their pursuer. As they waited, he kept his body between his family and the crowd, scanning for any sign of the man.

Minutes passed, and finally, they were at the front of the line. The attendant ushered them into a cabin, and the Ferris wheel began its ascent. From their vantage point, Jace scanned the crowd below, searching for the man. He spotted him near the base of the ride, his head tilted back as he watched their cabin rise.

“Who is he?” Emerald whispered, her voice trembling.

“I don’t know,” Jace replied, his mind churning with scenarios. “But I won’t let anything happen to you or Ace.”

As the wheel turned, Jace kept his eyes on the man below. The ride offered a momentary reprieve, a chance to think. To ensure his family’s safety, he needed to devise a plan to lose their tail. When the ride ended, he took a deep breath. They had to move quickly, blend into the crowd, and disappear. He led them through the maze of attractions and stalls, his mind racing with possibilities.

They dove into a souvenir shop, the smell of fresh cotton candy and the sight of colorful trinkets momentarily distracting Ace. Jace watched through the window, scanning the crowd for any sign of the man. Minutes passed, and there was no sign of him. Had they lost him?

Young Higginson turned to Emerald, relief in his eyes. “I think we’re okay,” he said, his voice steadying. “But we need to be careful. Let’s head to the exit and get out of here.”

Young Morgan nodded as her grip on Ace tightened. “Let’s go,” she said, her voice firm. Together, they made their way towards the park exit, Jace’s senses on high alert and his protective instincts guiding every step.

As they reached the gate, Jace took one last look back, scanning the crowd. The sea of faces had swallowed the man. Relief washed over him, but the sense of unease lingered. He knew they were safe for now, but the threat had not vanished completely.

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