Start With An Unexpected Affair

Severing All Ties

Everything felt silent around Yasmin as she walk down the path back home, she wish for rain to fall at the present moment to hide her tears filled face and save herself from getting all stared at.

As much as Yasmin want to stop her tears, it just keep coming and her limps suddenly turn weak, her kneels force her to stoop down and she bury her face into them giving a loud cry

Time felt like it’s going so slow and people are also passing so slow as she could barely hear any other sound apart from her pounding broken heart.


“She’s crying” the manly voice who seems to have been watching over her said to the phone

“Make sure to stay with her till I get there” the other voice on the phone said

” Yes sir” the man replied and drop the call

He wait for about six minutes until a black car pull up beside the crying lady, he watch him come out and approach her before disappearing from view.


Thompson came to a abrupt halt just beside her and quickly get down from the car, he took off his suit jacket and put it around her

He look worried as he try to get her up and help her to the car, she look up to see and sigh when she saw it’s not the one she wishes to see.

“Yasmin? Are you okay? Yasmin!” He called trying to get her to respond as she look almost lifeless.

He took her to the car and carefully help her in, he then rush to the driver’s seat and drive off hoping to see an hospital nearby.

“Hang on, we will get to the hospital soon” he said to her and Yasmin snap out of her trance

“No, I’m not sick”

“Are you sure? Are you not hurting anywhere?” He said taking his eyes off the road

” Please take me home” she plead in a weak voice and he nod his head turning back to the road and changing direction.

Due to the very fast speed they got to her house in few minutes and Thompson hurry out of the car to her side to help her out.

But Yasmin was already out of her gloomy state and politely decline the offer helping herself out instead, she do not mean to make her crying a big deal but it seems it has to him

She told him she will be okay alone and ask for him to go back but he refuse and insist on going in with her to make she is really okay.

Not wanting to brush him off after getting a ride from him, she consent to his request and they both went into the house.


As he step in, he close his eyes to inhale the air in the room finding it appealing to his body and brain ‘it has her scent’ he thought feeling mesmerized by it.


Since it’s his first time here, Yasmin decide to set aside her grief and be a good host, she ask if he would like anything to drink and he ask for water, she nod her went quickly to get it for him.

Thompson pick up one of her throw pillows and take a long sniff at it, he close his eyes to absorb it and smile.

He heard her walking back to the room and put the pillow down taking his seat like nothing happened

She pour the warm water inside a mug cup and give it to him to drink, she then excuse herself again to go inside and change her clothes.

Thompson stare at the cup and take a slow sip turning the cup as he drinks so his lips could touch every part of the lid with a grin face.


Yasmin came back after few minutes so she wouldn’t keep him waiting so long and take her seat beside him feeling a bit embarrassed about crying in front of her Boss.

“Are you okay now?” He asked dropping the cup

” Yes, thank you Mr. Bays” she said and purse her lips

” Why were you crying beside the road though? Did something bad happen?” He asked with care in his eyes that Yasmin smile in her heart happy to know he cares about her

She stares at him for seconds trying to think of what to say, ‘I just end my illict love affair with Kyler Black, the man I claim to have a revenge on” she thought as she gazes at him.

” It’s about my family….” She said nodding her head wanting to make herself believe her own lies too.

She hasn’t seen her foster parents for more than four months now except calling them when she needs to send money to them.

“Did something happen to anybody?” He asked again to be sure

“Huh” she said and look down to fake tears not wanting to continue the conversation.

He move closer to comfort him and take a seat beside her, he place his hand gently on her shoulder to comfort her and whisper to her

“I’m here if you need my help with anything at all, whatever it is” he said and stroke her shoulder a bit to comfort her

Yasmin nod her head and look up to his gaze to show her appreciation for his care but as she look up, his face seems a little closer than she expect and before she could move her head away he suddenly kiss her.

For the first three seconds Yasmin’s eyes widen in shock at what just happened but she regain herself after and push him hard, off the chair and sending him down to the floor before moving away

“What are you doing?” She yelled with a look of horror.

Thompson get up on his feet and try moving close to her but she put her hands forward to stop the action all her five senses being on an alert

“Look Yasmin…” He seems like he want to make a confrontation but stop himself and turn gently and apologetic at her

“I’m sorry, I lost myself for a second” he said

“I just want you to know I care for you”

” Care for me by smashing your fucking lips on mine!” Yasmin scream inwardly really vexed about the kiss

“Can you please leave now?” She said as he take another step forward and she takes hers backward.


Thompson clench his fists and pick up his jacket, he apologize again before leaving, once he get to his car he hit the wheel furiously

She just shove him off after doing all sort of things with another man and lying about it.

She is the one who promise to give herself to him in order to get her revenge against Black but it seems she has had a change of mind now.

But he is not ready to lose her yet, the only reason why he’s isn’t moving things fast and being patient with her being with the other man is because he really cherish this one and do not want to lose her like he did the others before her.

He stare at her house again and smirk as he actually make a progress tonight, atleast she knows he has a thing for her now, he drive away dialing a number

“Keep watch on her” he ordered.


Still in shock of what just happened Yasmin hurry to the bathroom to clean her lips feeling disgust by the kiss, not that she hate him but an intimacy with him just feels gross.

The doorbell rings and she furrowed her face thinking it’s him again, Yasmin walk to the door feeling reluctant to open up with her thoughts on why he came back

“Did you forget something?” She asked as she unlock the door but got another surprise instead

“Talia?” She said with a frown face

“What are you doing here?” She asked and quickly guess

” Did he send you here? To pay me off? Go back to tell him I don’t want his money…”

She is still ranting on when Talia took her in to her hands and hug her warmly

Yasmin was more surprise at the sudden act and stare in a perplex state wondering what has come over her


“Why are you here?” She ask after letting her in

” To apologize to you” Talia answered

“I’m sorry Yasmin”

” For what exactly? For not been there when I got fired? For taking my position right after? Or for being harsh to me for no good reason?”

” For everything Yasmin, I’m really sorry for being a bad friend”

“you don’t have to be after all we don’t have any relationship again” she said with sarcasm

Talia saw the sullen look on her face and chuckle moving closer, she took her hands as she try to explain the reason for her action

“I saw you and president Black that night at the party two months ago…” She start

” What do you mean?”

” I went to look for you to go home together since you said you weren’t feeling too well but when I got to the room, you and Boss were both in bed and… I was shock and angry”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

” You’ve always talk about your crush with him and also wish that one day you would have a chance with him so I thought maybe you…

“Make him sleep with me?” She complete and Talia nod her head

” Is that why I got fired? You told him I trick him into sleeping with me?”

” No I didn’t do that” she argued

” Kyler Black is my brother! We have the same father altg6i didn’t take his name..”

” What are you talking about?”

” Yeah I Know it’s hard to believe but I’m just trying not to have him end up like that man and you like my mum…” She said an pause like she has said much

“I don’t get it, you and President Black are related?”

Talia inhales and stare directly into her eyes, this is a secret that has been kept for years without anyone finding out about it

Her mother was Tony Black’s mistress which cause a great disaster to the family as his wife find out and went livid with anger

She remember her coming to visit her mum to beg her to let go of her husband and even offer a check to her mum to back off.

But she didn’t and this lead to the wife indulging into an affair with another man to find comfort away from her unhappy marriage.

When Kyler find out about her existence, he had wanted to send her away to some country so people won’t find out about her but change his mind and decide to keep her instead.


After explaining everything to her and apologizing, Talia left but not without telling her words that keep her up all night.

“I don’t want him to make the same mistake that man made and have his life ruined like him”

” Kyler Black suffered a lot because of my mom illicit Affair with his Dad and I’ve seen him struggle with difficulties”

” If you really love me Yasmin you wouldn’t let his life be destroyed by your love for him, please just let him go” she has pleaded


” It’s an affair” she thought with bitterness

She has tried her best to avoid thinking about it that way and focus on her love for him only but it seems that only can’t be enough to pull through

Just as he told her, he can’t possibly leave his wife for her, what was she thinking fantasizing a happy relationship with him

He was available all these years and he will continue to be and at the end of it all she will be the one getting hurt the most with naming her the bad bitch who had an affair with another woman’s husband

It was all void in the first place, it was her wishful thinking that it’s beautiful and will end up well for them.

Now she will have to end her years of love for him and let it all go, the time they had spend together as Boss and Secretary with him always protecting her

The short relationship they had which she can’t imagine herself forgetting, neither her body nor her heart will forget the time she spend with him

But she really need to forget it all now and move on with her life with Kyler Black

Thinking about severing all the ties she has had with him, Yasmin feel her heart tearing into despair and a drop of tears roll down her face which she wipe off.

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