Start With An Unexpected Affair

Ruining Her Date

Kyler Black have never had to fight for something, ever since childhood he always have what he wanted with ease, even when he doesn’t want it.

Born with the good brains, good looks, and much wealth make life a leisure for him.

And seeing the woman he want going into another man’s car make his blood boil hot.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

He look pissed at the traffic light turned red and inhale out not to burst out in anger

“Go after that car” he suddenly said

The chauffeur look back confused at his Boss and follow his gaze after his intense stare direction, the car was few cars away from them

“Okay sir” he said and tighten his hands on the sterling wheel, ready to drive the instant the sign turns to green.

Kyler took his phone lying beside him on the seat and pull a call through to Alex, the call was picked on the first ring

“Yes President Black”

“I need you to do something for me…”


“Where are we going?” Yasmin asked

She thought he would stop at some nearby eatery for them to just have a meal and go back home but the drive has been going on for fifteen minutes and he has not stop at any of those restaurants.

“We’ll be there soon” he told her

Yasmin shudder and focus her attention on the road once again, the light change to the green sign and they continue

“I want to give you a treat for the job well-done” Thompson told her taking his eyes off the road for two seconds

“Really? There’s really no need for that, if any all anything I should be the one treating for being so good to me”

“It’s only right i do this, your outstanding proposal caught the attention of Kyler Black and made us win the contract”

“That’s because I’ve worked with him before and know his taste” she said making a joke out of it

Thompson glance at her with a smile that vanished in a second, the sentence seem to sound differently to his ears

“Know his taste?” He was force to ask

“Yeah… like his preferences, he’s really a difficult man to please so I learn some tricks while working for him”

Thompson nodded his head and focus on the drive, he shouldn’t let that ruin the perfect date he planned, after the deed is done he just need to bring her to his side forever.

They get to a fancy restaurant after a twenty five minutes drive and stop.

Yasmin hesitate before getting down from the car and let her eyes survey the place in admiration

“Where is this place?” She asked looking delight

“It’s a secret place” Thompson replied in a playful whisper closer to her ears

Yasmin look thrilled and find it a bit of a surprise coming to this place with him, maybe she should have dressed more good than she is now

“Let’s go in, Ladies first” Yasmin nodded and go in with him right behind her.


“Who is it?”

“It belongs to Autumn Bays, she is Mr. Bays younger sister”

“Is it also related to ARON?”

“No, it’s a one person establishment”

“I want the whole restaurant now… just rent it for the whole of today”

“… the place have a policy not to….”

“Tell them Black corporation will sign with them”

“I will get on it right away”

Kyler drop the call and inhale, that seems like a childish act to him. He hate using his influence this way and would rather win or get things with his ability and capability

But this is the fastest way to get what he wants and the easiest way too, he ask the chauffeur to ignite off while they wait.


Thompson lead her to the left corner of the large room where they could see outside through the transparent glass wall

He pull out the chair for her and let her sit comfortably before taking his seat and snap his fingers for the attendant

“Good afternoon sir, Good afternoon ma’am”


“Welcome to Romantic couples place… how should I help you today?”

“We want your specials, the signature dish”

“Okay, it will be ready in ten minutes” the waiter told them taking it down in his note pad

“What type of wine do you want?”

“You can try Pinot noir, it is the best we have”

“Okay, we’ll have that” Thompson replied with a smile and the waiter gave a little nod before exiting.

Yasmin look around the restaurant for the second time and realize they are really at a romantic place, there are flowed everywhere to give the place a good look

The flowers also give the room a nice appalling scent or maybe some fragrance was used but it give the place the perfect look for it name

“Is this a date?” She wondered

The wine arrived and they are served a glass, the attendant place the wine down and went away.

Thompson pick up his glass and look at Yasmin who force a smile and pick her own glass of wine

“I thought it was an ordinary lunch”

“Did I surprise you?” He asked and Yasmin nodded to answer

“I’m glad then” he said and give another smile.

The attendant came back again but without any dishes, he bow a little before speaking

“I’m sorry sir, ma’am but we need to cancel your order and cut your visit to Romantic couples short”


“Romantic couples is closed for today due to an emergency situation”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Thompson ask getting rile

“I’m so sorry” the attendant give a lower bow again

Thompson took out his phone and dial a number in anger, the phone ring for a while before it got accepted

“Hey Thompson, i kinda busy right now”

“What is going? You boys are ask me to leave… i told you how important this lunch is to me” he questioned whispering the last part

“I know, I’m sorry Thompson but I got a call from Black Corporation, they want to sign with my restaurant on the condition that I rent out the restaurant for today”

“What? Black Corporation?”

“Yes, it’s a big deal that I can’t lose, I’m sorry, maybe you can go somewhere else for your date or do it tomorrow”

“I’m sorry Thompson” she said with a sigh and disconnect the call.

The waiter leave to attend to few other customers and Thompson stood up to leave, Yasmin also get up to leave and they both get out in silent

“I am sorry today’s lunch is also ruined” Yasmin apologize seeing his upset look

“Why are you sorry? It’s my fault”

“Maybe we should go somewhere else…” Yasmin suggested feeling the pangs of hunger.

Thompson look angry enough to hit someone, he has planned this to make known his feelings to her but Kyler Black has outsmarted him once again

He look up towards the west coincidentally and saw the same white car, he arched his brow in a frown

Yasmin look to get a response from him and gaze at the same direction seeing him staring sternly at it

“Someone you know?” She asked observing the car

“No” he answered firmly

The car door open and the driver came out to open the back door, Yasmin stares as the car curious to see who it is


Kyler alight from the car and walk to her in his loosed button suit and with a hand place in his left trouser pocket.

He take a elegant walk giving his aura of dominance fills the air as he takes his step.

Yasmin couldn’t take her eyes off him and have her gaze on him till he is standing in front of her, his over-powering body features hovers over hers.

“President Black?” She called in disbelief and surprise

She overcome her surprise and let out a bright happy smile, she has not except to see him today or soon.

Seeing him now in such an unexpected place make her surprisingly happy and excited as she keep the bright smile forgetting totally about Mr. Bays who is infuriated by the surprise intruder.

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