Sold to my crush

My New Flatmate

Lily’s PoVContent © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Alex had dropped me at the gate and zoomed off without a word. I guess i should be used to his bipolar disorder.

Technically he has not been diagnosed by any professional medical personnel but i have diagnosed him with severe bipolar disorder from my hypothesis, my few years in biology class and my zero years in medical school.

So yeah, it’s safe for everyone to say he’s bipolar.

I had decided to remove the thought of Chase’s wellbeing from my mind and also my relationship with my father. I would deal with that later.

I just had to take it one day at a time.

I walked into the house thinking of what I’d do for the rest of today.

I did not have school as i wasn’t going to college and i would love to say yet but i don’t know what the future holds for me.

My father and i did not discuss about it prior to the marriage and now that I’m married, i doubt if Alex will let me.

Seeing that he had his own life figured at from the very beginning. Not just him but everyone around me.

Rena is in her final year studying to become a surgeon. Chase , if he survives will continue to work with my dad. My father’s business is going well due to the financial investment from the Dankworths. Alex is already working with his Dad and then there’s me, the house wife.

I just seel so lost at the moment. Like how did i even get here. Everyone is living there lives and I’m just going to be stuck here at Alex’s house doing nothing.

I shouldn’t even call myself a house wife, seeing as Alex is barely at home. I can’t call myself a house wife if there’s no husband now can i?.

I couldn’t even go out to do anything fun as i did not have any friends except Tiffany of course.

Walking into the house, i heard the light chatter of two feminine voices. My curiosity had always gotten the better of me and so I followed the sound of the voices and it led me to the sitting room.

I guess after all curosity killed the cat.

“Oh my, Lily. It’s so good to see you”. A piercing shrilling voice that almost got me deaf rang out.

Before i could fathom what was happening around me. Familiar hands wrapped around me in a bone crushing hug and immediately the whiff of Tiffany’s cologne hit my nostrils, choking me instantly.

I coughed and immediately peeled her off me mirroring the forced smile she had on her face that was covered in my opinion way too much make up.

Her long blond hair was curled and shiny. It seems someone is having a good hair day. Although i don’t think she ever had a bad hair day.

it seemed she had contact lenses on seeing that her natural blue eyes were now covered with brown lenses.

Tiffany was dressed to kill as usual and that was one of the many reasons i befriended her. She was always so confident and could pull any outfit off.

Presently she was a wearing a brown two piece suit , a white shirt underneath paired with a burnt orange bag and heels.

I had never seen her dress so formal and somewhat modest. It was shocking and relieving for once to not see her peeky boobs or the outline of her for ever hard nipples or rather her ass peaking out of a very tiny skirt.

I was convinced she shopped at the children section cause the lengths of those skirts… damn!!!.

But well Tiffany is who she is and she was stunning as usual. I secretly envied her, wishing i could have the confidence to dress however i want and act like the world is my fucking office.

“Hey, Tiffany. It’s been a while”. I said to her grimacing as i remembered the last time we spoke did not end on a friendly note.

“Yeah Lily, I’m not happy with you. You got married and you didn’t care to invite me. Your only friend!!!. I’m deeply hurt.” She said to me and next thing i knew she had tears streaming down her face. I stood there in shock not knowing what to do.

“Here have this”. Susan who had been glaring at me the whole time stood bedside Tiffany and offered her a white handkerchief.

“Oh thank you”. Tiffany said to Susan as she dapped the handkerchief on her face and continued sniffing.

That was some very good water proof makeup. Because no one would dare let a droplet of water touch their face with that kind of makeup unless they wanted to look a naked raccoon.

“I’m sorry. I did not think you would want to come after your reaction to the news when i shared it to you.”. I finally opened my mouth as i spoke to Tiffany.

“You know I’ve always wanted what’s best for you so when you told me about the marriage i lost it, knowing that your dreams of going to college would be shattered “. She sniffed again before she continued talking.

“When you told me that you wanted it and i tried to reason with you but you got upset and hung up”.

“What are …”.

“I always knew you were a gold digger and you forced yourself on my son. You just decided to throw away your life for a rich man. How shameless!!”. Susan caught me off with her harsh words.

“That’s not true at all”. I tried to vindicate myself. I don’t understand why Tiffany would come here and lie about this.

“Why are you here?.” I snapped at Tiffany my hands balling into a fist.

“Oh i work with the Dankworths now and Alex just asked me to pick up a file that he left at home. And i also wanted to see you but it appears you’re still upset.” Tiffany replied while waving a file in my face.

“You work with Alex?. Since when?”. I asked completely shocked. How come Alex never mentioned this. Not that I’m surprised he didn’t since he barely talked to me.

Hearing that Tiffany was also working now left a taste of a jealous in my mouth. It was a reminder that everyone had their lives in check except me.

“Yes, of course she is. Unlike you who’d rather sit at home all day and spend my Son’s money that you don’t deserve.”.

Susan responded to me instead of Tiffany.

I guess her words had some truth in them but she doesn’t have to rub it on her face.

“Susan please, I’m sure she knows better now that I’m not an enemy but a friend who has her best interest in heart.” Tiffany said while walking back to seat on the expensive looking couch.

I stood there dumbfounded listening to alk the rubbish she had to say, wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me. I remember when i told her about it, all she did was insult me, instead of trying to understand the sisituation.

“Tiffany i have a request to ask of you”. Susan said to Tiffany with a small smile on her face as she joined her on the couch leaving me still standing at the entrance of the living room. “Anything Susan”. Tiffany responded as she held Susan’s hands rubbing it softly.”I want you to come live here with us”. Susan said with her eyes on me as if gauging my reaction.

“What!!!?”. I screamed out. My eyes wide in shock as i moved to stand in front if them. I guess i came through for her as i did not fail to give her the reaction she wanted.

“Are you sure Susan?. I’d hate to be a bother.” Tiffany responded with her overly sickenly sweet voice.

“Of course. Since you work with Alex, it only makes more sense to stay here and Alex can also teach you better how the business works”. Susan responded.

“Lily i hope you don’t mind? “. Tiffany asked batting her lashes at me. The action only irritated me more. Before i could object to it, Susan beat me to it.

“Of course she doesn’t. Why would she?. Aren’t you both best friends anymore?. She’d like the company and even if she does mind it then it doesn’t matter. This is my house afterall not hers.” Susan was standing in front of me as she said this. Her eyes boring into mind as if daring me to challenge her decision.

We stood that way glaring at each other for a while until Tiffany’s voice broke us apart.

“Alright then. Only if you insist Susan. I’ll get my things here after work tonight.”. She smiled at Susan before they shared a hug then She picked up the file and walked towards me.

“See you later tonight Lily. We’ll be Flatmates now and it could be like all the sleepovers that you could never make it to.” She enveloped me in a hug but my hands were dangling by my side, my face void of any expression.

“It’ll be so much fun”. She brushed past me and walked out of the house, her hips swaying and her bouncing with every movement.

I guess i can’t wait for my new flatmate to move in.

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