Sold to my crush

A Rollercoaster Of Emotions

Lily’s Pov

I woke up feeling sore all over. My body hurt like a bitch. I guessing sleeping on the hard floor was not a good idea.

The sun was already out so i had to squint my eyes as i walked naked to the bathroom.

As i walked into the bathroom, i picked up my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. I tried to avoid looking at the mirror but that was almost impossible as i was literally in front of it. Perhaps i was just scared of what i might see.

I finally looked at the mirror and now i wish i was blind. My hair was in a bed nest, my eyes bloodshot and swollen probably from crying so much.

My face swollen from the slaps i received yesterday. My lips busted. My whole body was covered in bruises.

I looked and felt terrible.

Memories of what happened yesterday replayed in my head and i broke down again.

I rushed under the shower and began scrubbing my body. I stood under the hot water and scrubbed my skin under it was red and it felt as though my skin would fall off.

I would even be delighted if that happens. That way i know that i have a new skin that hasn’t been touched by Chase.

No matter how much i scrubbed, i could still feel his hands roaming all over my body, his disgusting kisses and his filthy words.

One would think that after all these time that i would be accustomed to this feeling but i wasn’t. And God forbid that a day would come where i would see this as normal. Perhaps i wasn’t entirely broken yet.

After a while, i walked out of the bathroom though i still felt dirty, i couldn’t stay in all day. I walked into my closet and picked a clean set of underwear and a casual black dress.

I sat in front of my mirror trying to detangle my hair before my door was pushed open.

I jumped out of my chair startled, dropping my comb in the process. I feared that it was Chase again.

I was relieved when i heard a softer feminine voice that did not sound anything like Chase. “You look terrible”. Rena said crossing her arms and her eyes inspecting me.

“Geez, thanks”. I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

“Well, dad asked me to make you’re sure up and the Dankworths sent your dress and a crew to get you ready. I’ll send them in now.”

“Okay”. I quietly whispered. Seemingly content with my answer, she walked out of the room.

I turned around and continued combing my hair, so i could appear a bit decent when the crew arrived. On cue with my thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing a knock, i concluded that it was the crew and not one my family members. As it they have a thing with barging in to my room.

I whispered a soft come in and the door opened revealing four causally dressed ladies.

I heard gasps before one of the ladies spoke up. ” Oh My God, honey. What happened to your face”. She walked closer, her red hair bouncing in the process before she stood in front of me inspecting my face.

The question caught me off guard as i wondered why she cared to asked. No one ever cared to ask not even my family.

When Rena saw my face, she simply ignored it.

So having being asked this question made me a bit emotional, that maybe she cared.

“I.. I, uhm fell in the bath tub”. I couldn’t tell them the reason so i just came with this. I hope they believe it though, i don’t want to cause any more problems for myself.

“Oh really,”. By the look she was giving me right now, I’m certain she did not believe me at all.

“Yeah”. I quickly responded. I was hoping she would just drop it . I did not want to speak about it.

As if she heard my thoughts, she dropped the issue.”By the way, I’m Iris and this is my team”. She gestured towards the others standing in my room. “We’re here to get you ready for your big day”. She said smiling with way too much enthusiasm for my liking.

I responded with a simple nod before they all gathered around me. Iris assigned them to different things before they all got to work. The short brunette was fixing my hair, the other two blondes handled my manicure and pedicure while Iris was applying different things to me face.

It was a full makeover for my wedding.

I flinched everytime iris touched my face and my scalp still burnt. Iris’s face was etched with worry but i was glad that she didn’t say anything.

They all worked in silence and my thoughts were consumed by the wedding. I was a nervous wreck.

The silence was disturbed by sound of Iris’s voice. “So where did you and Alex meet”. She asked smiling and looking at me expectantly.

“We met at school”. I replied while trying to smile but it came out as a girmace. “Awwn, that’s so cute. You guys must love each other much.”

I just smiled, not knowing how else to respond to that.

“You know when he booked us, he repeatedly reminded me not to come with a large crew so as not to make you uncomfortable. He even went as far as threatening to ruin us if he got to know that we made you slightly uncomfortable”. She said while laughing.

“He must really care about you Lily”. I was full blown blushing and my cheeks couldn’t get any redder.

“Now let’s get you into your dress”. Irisi motioned for the brunette to get the dress.

I did not want the others to see my bruised body and recieve questioning looks fron them, so i asked just Iris to accompany me to tbe bathroom.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I removed the dress i was wearing earlier. Iris observed the bruises but she remained silent. Her eyes saying everything at once.

She quietly helped me with the dress and we walked out of the bathroom towards the full length mirror i had in me room. I couldn’t believe i was the one standing there.

My hair was put in a low bun with pins holding it down. My bodice of my white wedding dress hugged my upper body. It was a lacey material with flowery details. The dress flowed down after the waist leaving a long train behind me.

The sleeves were worn in separately from the dress. My make up was in minimum, my nails painted in nude colour and with simply Jewellery. My shoes were hidden beneath my dress.

I looked elegant and so beautiful. I looked so different and a like whole new person. I couldn’t help but hope that Alex would be pleased.

Iris walked up to me teary eyed. “You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve seen today”.

“Thank you so much”. I replied trying to hold back my tears.

I couldn’t pin down what i was feeling at the moment. I was feeling sad and then also happy. I was sad because of all that was happening around me that i couldn’t control and then happy because for the first time i looked and felt beautiful.

“Oh, i was just doing what i do best “. She said brushing me off. Unknown to her that i wasn’t thanking her for just getting me ready, but just because of her presence here today. She made me feel so much better.

“Princess you look stunning”. My dad said enveloping me in a hug and planting a kiss on my forehead.

“If you’re ready, we should leave now”. My dad asked softly. I turned around and hugged Iris. She was shocked at first before she quickly returned the hug, wrapping her arms around me.

My dad stood by the door, his right hand stretched out awaiting mine. I walked towards him and put my hand in his. He smiled sweetly at me before we walked to the car where Chase and Rena were already waiting for us.

Nobody said a word as we drove quietly to the where my wedding was to be held.

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