Sold to my crush

A married woman

Lily’s PoV

Stepping through the doors, my eyes were immediately met with Alex’s. He was shamelessly checking me out and in a very sick way this made me feel good about my choice of outfit. Maybe, just maybe, the Alex Dankworth found me attractive.

I hated myself for how badly i wanted his approval.

I let my eyes run all over him taking him in.

Alex stood stall in a brown three piece suit, and some black shoes. Not a single hair out of place. He stood with his hands in his pocket looking as handsome as ever and he smelled heavenly, i could smell him from where i stood.

He eyes twinkling with some sort of mischief and his face remained stone cold, void of any expression, making me wonder what was going through his mind.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

My dad and Chase walked around greeting everyone present with a firm handshake. Finally infront of Alex, my father had his hand streched forward but Alex still had his eyes trained on me never flattering.

Alex simply ignored him, as though there was no one in front of him.

“Alex”. My dad tried to get his attention. Something quickly passed in his eyes, between shock and embarrassment but before i could determine what ever it was, he quickly composed himself. His expression more colder then before.

I’m certain it was shock from being snapped out of whatever haze he was in. And embarrassment from being caught by everyone that he was indeed checking me out.

“Son are you okay”. I heard a feminine voice speaking. I looked towards the sound of the voice and i immediately concluded that she was Alex’s mother.

She had a striking resemblance to Alex. She even had a somewhat cold expression but as she spoke to Alex, she looked somewhat worried before she returned back to earlier cold expression when Alex affirmed that he was okay with a nod.

She was wearing a red suit and some black heels. Her aura was everything elegant. She carried herself with grace. Her presence in the room was not something you could ignore. I felt as though i should bow before hrr as courtesy.

Alex finally shook hands with my father and Chase before we took our seats. I ended up opposite him.

“Now that we’re all settled shall we begin”, Alex father said with so much enthusiasm. I wonder why he’s so excited about this union.

Earlier i had accepted my fate but now that it’s about to play out i can’t help but be nervous.

The lawyer passed around papers, the document that was to be signed by Alex and I. If i was nervous before then scratch out, i was about to shit myself at this point.

“Does anyone have any questions about the terms of the contract”. The lawyer asked, looking expectantly at everyone.

‘The contract’ was more like an agreement of sales of goods and i was the commodity.

‘The contract’ expressly stated that i would be married to Alex after signing this document and The Dankworths would give my family $30000.

So basically I’m being sold for $30000.

The exception Clause to this agreement is that if i don’t go through with the wedding or if after we’re married and i file for a divorce then my family would refund the money and also pay for whatsoever ‘damages’ that it might have caused the Dankworths.

“I would like for it be stated in the contract that she is not be with any other man during the marriage. We’re all aware that this is a just marriage of convenience and there is no love between us but i wouldn’t want her sleeping around and therby tarnish my image”. Alex said not even sparing me a glance. It hurt me to know that he thinks that way of me.

“Yes, we wouldn’t want her whoring around. Not that i would be surprised since that’s all they know in that family.”

“Susan please”. Even her name was elegant. Alex’s father seemed to beg Susan, Alex’s mother. I wonder if it was because he felt bad for me or if it was something he was hiding and he did not want her to reveal it.

Susan did not even spare him a glance as she continued speaking. “It should also be stated in the contract that Lily wouldn’t get anything from us if she decides to divorce my son”.

“They’re are whores and gold diggers”. She glared at me with so much hatred and disgust. I haven’t met her before now and i had not even spoken a word to her so I’m utterly confused as to why she hates me so much already.

Perhaps her son had expressed his hatred towards me and she decides to feel the same way. Not that Alex’s hatred is justified.

“If that is all then”. The lawyer stood up to draw up another contract with the adjustments made. All these time neither my Father nor Chase said anything. They did not even try to defend our family. They just sat like robots taking every insult that came. They were cowards and i couldn’t be more eager to be away from them.

We all sat in silence for few minutes before the lawyer walked back in, sharing the papers once again to everyone.

Alex read through the paper and signed them. The paper was moved to me and my heart was thumping loudly in my chest.

“Please sign”. The lawyer said. I thought about everything. The reasons why i should do this and the reasons why i should not. I was saving my family, that’s for sure. But i wanter to be selfish for once. So i thought about the reasons why doing this woukd benefit me.

I was going to be free from Chase.

Even if Alex didn’t like me, at least i wouldn’t be raped and i would just be left alone.

That was what i wanted.

I looked towards Chase and my father, they were already looking at me. I smiled brightly at them and signed the papers.

I was free.

Everyone stood up almost immediately and shook hands. Chase and my Father were grinning most widely.

“A wedding has to happen so that the public would believe this is a marriage of Love other wise it could ruin the image of the company”.

“Yes, that is true. A wedding date should ne fixed as soon as possible”. The lawyer added.

“This weekend should be good enough right?”. Alex’s father said looking at everyone.

Alex and Susan just stared ahead quiet, not making any attempt to contribute to the discussion.

“That would be fine sir”. Chase said. I’m sure he can’t wait to get rid of me. Well the feeling is mutual.

“Don’t worry about the preparations, we’ll handle everything. Just be at the wedding on Saturday. ” Alex’s father said.

They all shook hands for the last time before ‘my family’ and i left the conference room, leaving the Dankworths behind.

I came out of the room a married woman.

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