Sold to Moretti Mafia

Chapter 115


I try to abate the shivers and tears, but I can’t. I can’t get them to stop. I haven’t since he left me here two nights ago. He’s been coming to bring me food and to let me use the bathroom, but he doesn’t even look at me, and he barely speaks at all.

I’m still naked beside the pair of panties I’m wearing.

The only thing to keep me warm is the blanket and the two pillows that were down here from before. The book remained here as well, but my mind is too scrambled to even attempt to read. Plus, my constant crying would make it hard to see the words.

The tears slip freely from my eyes and down my cheeks, leaving wet tracks behind. It was a mistake to think I could go into that office and make a phone call without him knowing.

I knew it was a trap, knew he was testing me, and I still did it. But I had to try, and I did, but unfortunately, I didn’t succeed. Another shiver wracks my body, and I shake like a leaf in the wind. The cold down here isn’t normal. It pierces your insides, making it impossible for the warmth to ever return.

At least he left the light on, but that was only after I begged and pleaded with him. I felt so weak doing so, but the thought of being in the dark for days, I couldn’t fathom it.

Sighing, I bite the inside of my cheek to stop my lips from trembling. However, it doesn’t stop my teeth from chattering. Curling up on the two pillows, I wrap the blanket tightly around my body and let my eyes drift closed. I’m exhausted, so exhausted. I’ve barely slept while down here, and I don’t think I will be able to until my body completely shuts down.

I know whenever sleep comes, it won’t be restful. Time seems to drag on when you’re cold. Eventually, I stop sobbing, and my entire body becomes numb to my surroundings.

I’m not sure how much time has passed, but I feel myself sinking into a fitful sleep when the sound of approaching footfalls meets my ears.

My eyes flutter open and my heart jumps in my chest. Suddenly, I’m awake again, my eyes darting around the cell. Is it time for food again? Is he coming to let me out? It’s false hope since I know there is no way he will bring me upstairs, but I want to think he will because it makes me feel better and gives me a sliver of warmth when nothing else does.

The door creaks open a moment later, and Markus appears on the other side. His entire face is cloaked in a mask of complete darkness. A shudder works its way down my spine as a new kind of coldness washes over me.

I notice then that his hands are empty, which means he is not here to bring me food.

Markus is watching me like a predator watches its prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Unsure if I should say anything, I remain quiet and unmoving. It’s like I’m seeing a side of him I’ve never seen before, and if I’m not careful, I won’t survive.

My stomach tightens into a ball of nervous knots. My entire body trembles, and I’m struck with terror. I’ve never been more afraid of Markus than I am right now.

What’s he going to do to me?

As soon as he’s close enough, I can smell it. The distinct smell of alcohol sticks to him like a second skin-bourbon with subtle undertones of cinnamon and cloves. I want to push off the wall and rush into his arm and breathe in his scent, to bury my face into his chest and let his warmth seep into me, but I don’t move.

Rigid like a stone, I remain staring forward.

“Go use the bathroom.” His words are a little slurred, but not nearly as much as I figured they would be since his entire body is swaying. Is he going to be able to stay on his feet?

I get up and follow him to the bathroom, where I do my business quickly. I’m not sure about what to do. Should I try to use him being drunk to my advantage? Could I overpower him like that? Or at least outrun him? I just need enough time to make that stupid phone call. But that’s exactly what I thought the other night too.

“Hurry,” his deep voice booms through the door, making me jump.

When I exit the bathroom, he is leaning against the wall like he needs its support.

“I knew I never should’ve trusted you. You’re nothing but a toy to me. Or maybe a pet, a misbehaving pet.” His words cut through me like a dull knife.

This is the most he has spoken to me in days, and the hatred in his voice hurts more than I like to admit. He’s still angry over my betrayal, and I understand why. We were headed somewhere better, and now… now we are headed nowhere.

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” I really wish he didn’t. Despite all of this, there is a part of me that wants him to like me, and not just out of survival instinct. “Can I have something to wear, please?” I dare to ask.

Markus’s eyes immediately lower to my body, my nipples are hard like small diamonds, but it’s not because I’m turned on. I’m freezing. Markus can’t seem to differentiate that thought because his gaze turns heated a moment later.

“I think I like you like this. Naked and helpless. Besides, it wouldn’t be a punishment if you were comfortable. How are you going to learn your lesson if I baby you?”

“I’m going to freeze to death,” I point out, hoping he’ll go for that.

“You won’t. It’s not that cold down there. Just enough to keep you uncomfortable. The only way you can earn clothes back is if you tell me what you were planning on doing?”

“I told you. I was just going to call my parents-”

“Liar!” He grabs my arm roughly.

He drags me back to the cell. My much shorter legs can barely keep up with his large strides, and I almost trip twice. Each time, he pulls me back up by my arm like a rag doll.

By the time we are back in the cell, my chest is heaving, and panic grabs me once more, but this time it’s not because Markus is here; it’s the fear of him leaving again. I’m lonely, so incredibly lonely.

Shoving me back in the room, he turns to leave, and I grab his arm and make a pathetic attempt to pull him back. “Please, don’t go.”

It’s a feeble attempt, and I think the only reason he stops walking out is because he is so surprised by my begging.

That makes two of us.

But every time I think about him leaving, my pride goes out the window. I’m so fucking desperate for him not to leave. Desperate for his touch, his company. I’ve grown accustomed to him, and now he’s gone. It’s just me and the cold now, and I hate it.

“Please, just stay here with me. Just for a little while.”

“Whatever game you are playing, you’re not going to win,” he half growls, half slurs.Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

“No game. I just don’t want to be alone anymore. Please.”

He shakes his head, but his body is leaning closer as if it has already made up its mind. He pulls his arm from my hold, and I immediately miss the contact. I step closer once more, reaching out for him, but he shoves me away like I’m nothing more than an annoying bug.

Stumbling backward, I crash into the wall, scuffing my shoulder against the brick wall. Even with the tears in my eyes, I can see the conflict in his eyes. He is one second away from staying, from rushing toward me, and checking my shoulder is okay.

“Please…” I beg one final time, and I see the resolve crumbling in his eyes. Those crumbles fall away completely when his eyes zoom in on my shoulder, where I now feel something trickle down.

I tilt my head down to look at my skin to find it cut open and bleeding. I don’t even feel the pain that should accompany the wound.

What I do feel is Markus moving around in the cell, heading straight for me.

When I look up again, he is right in front of me, his fingers wrap around my arm once more, but this time his touch is gentler, kinder as he inspects the wound.

“It’s nothing…” I tell him, and he must agree because he looks away from the wound and into my eyes. With a deep groan, he flops down onto the unforgiving ground, taking me down with him. I don’t object or fight him at all.

Quite the opposite, actually. As soon as he is sitting on the floor with his back resting against the wall, I curl up in his lap like a fucking cat. It’s sickening how drawn to him I am like a moth to a flame, like an addict to their drug of choice.

I might be able to chalk it up to the lack of human contact and my body being in a constant state of cold, but deep down, I know it’s more than that.

He wraps his arms around me, and I sigh at the warmth. It feels like he’s giving me a hug. I cuddle into him, unable to get close enough. I’ve never craved anything so much in my life as I’m craving Markus right now.

I don’t want an inch of space between us. I want to be engulfed by his body, by his warmth, and his strength. I want him to surround me in every way, and for once, I don’t care about the consequences. I don’t care about what may happen tomorrow. All I care about is the now and him being here with me.

* * *

The next time I wake up, that imaginary safety I was feeling when Markus was holding me is gone, and so is his warmth. I blink my eyes open, and I’m greeted with the familiar gray brick of my cell. The only difference is, I’m not shivering like normal. It takes me a moment to gather my wits and realize a large, heavy sweater is draped over my naked body.

Jackknifing into a seated position, I hold the sweatshirt out in front of me. It’s dark gray, size extra large, and even before I bring it to my nose, I know it’s his.

Taking a deep breath, I inhale his unique scents, letting them soothe me before pulling the sweater on over my head and down my body. Warmth encompasses me. I’m protected even without him here. A tiny brief smile tugs onto my lips, and I wrap my arms around myself.

He stayed with me.

Then left me his shirt.

It might not be much, but it’s something.

It’s enough to give me hope.

If that’s a good or bad thing, I do not know.

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