Skyler’s Revenge






#Skylar P. O. V

I slowly open my eyes holding my head as I groan from the pain. My head feels like its gonna explode

“Babe! are you okay” I look at my side and find Adrian looking at me with worry in his eyes

“My head”I hold my head from the intense pain

Adrian gives me two pills which I swallow drinking a bottle of cold water

I soon find my eyes falling as sleep takes over





“How is she doing?”I hear Jason ask someone

“She’s got a headache but that’s it”Adrian answers as warm hands wrap around my hand

“You know there targeting her right”Jason’s statement is followed by a long silence until Adrian answers

“I won’t let them have her”He says possessively like a child that doesn’t want to share its favourite toy

“We all will protect her”Jason states and I hear fast footsteps

“Don”A voice i don’t recognize greets.

“What!”Adrian snaps at the guy.

“We came to tell you that we just been informed your wifes parents are dead.”At that news my eyes snap open as I get up from bed and look at the man.

“What did you just say”I question looking at him

“Leave us”Adrian commands and they quickly run out the room leaving just me and Adrian

“I’m sorry”Adrian whispers as he wipes a tear I didn’t know had fallen

“They can’t be, They never loved me but still they are my parents they gave birth to me”I cry as I place my head on Adrian’s chest

“Sir”A man barges in holding an envelope in his hands

“What?”Adrian harshly snaps at the man making step back a little in fear

“We found this in the house it didn’t burn” The man hands Adrian the envelope and quickly leaves

“What is it?”I ask wipping away a few tears.

“A letter”Adrian opens the letter and reads it out aloud

“Skylar if your reading this then I’m probably dead or you went snooping around my room and found it. Anyway the truth has to be told your not my daughter or John’s.

Your real mother was a woman I met when I was a prostitute , she was the wife of the owner of the bar I worked in she died after giving birth and I took you away from your father his name is Michael Pierce and he’s the Russian mafia leader”



To say I was in shock would be an understatement I was overwhelmed in one day I just found out I’m the daughter of a mafia

“Do you know him?”I ask Adrian because he’s been too quite too…..

“Yes he’s the Russian mafia leader, they are our trusted friends I was engaged to marry his daughter when she was to be born but her mother died and she was never found”Adrian looks up from the letter and at me.

“But I guess fate had other plans”He gives me a small smile which I return

“I want to meet him”I say holding Adrian’s hand

“Your in luck I have a meeting with him in a few minutes you get ready “Adrian kisses my forehead and leaves me with my thoughts while I get ready

I put on dark blue jeans , an off white shirt and my hair in a high ponytail.

“You look beautiful”Adrian gives me a peck on the lips as we walk to Adrian’s study room



Adrian steps into his office with me behind him holding his hand

We walk to the desk and I sit on his lap and look at a middle aged man he has ginger hair that’s now turning grey and light blue eyes he has wrinkles on his face showing his old age

“Adrian whose this beauty” The man questions my husband sending me a kind smile

“This Micheal,, is my wife Skylar”Adrian introduces as I shake Michael’s hand

“So Michael where is your wife”I question smilling

I say as a look of pain crosses his eyes even though he doesn’t show it

“She died giving birth to my daughter”His voice contains pain as he looks at me

“Michael can you please see this”Adrian hands him the letter and kisses my temple rubbing my arm comfortably as Michael reads the letter quietly

He places the letter down and looks at us his eyes slightly teary even though the tears aren’t falling

“You know where my daughter is?”He questions his voice slightly shakey as he looks at us

I got off of Adrian’s lap and around to the old man sitting before me he looks at me curiously as I stood before hi

“Daddy”My voice cracks as I look at the man before me. Before I know it I’m pulled into a bone crashing hug

I wrap my arms around his broad figure and let the tears run freely

I watch as Adrian walks up to the door about to leave so he can give us privacy he looks at me and I shake my head ‘no’ I want him here I needed his support this is too much emotional stress for me.

Adrian bonds his head and walks back to his seat

Me and my father pull apart and I walk back to Adrian sitting on him and resting my head in his chest

“Let me explain everything to you”My father says as he pulls out his wallet he pulls out a small phone and hands it to me

I look at the woman with dark brown hair and light green eyes just like mine, in the picture she’s laughing as she holds her swollen belly lovingly

“That’s your mother she was the love of my life, Lilly she was my sunshine on the stormiest days’ He said with a smile as if he’s remembering memories

“She was kidnapped just a few days before she was to give birth to you, I looked everywhere for her and do you know where I found her?”He clenches his fists in absolute anger

“I found her in the side of the road wearing a white dress which was stained with blood she had a smile on her face”He swallowed hard as if remembering is more painful than being thereText content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“The doctors confirmed that she died minutes after giving birth but I couldn’t find my daughter, I looked for you everywhere”He says looking at me with a new found joy

I notice how wet Adrians shirt is I hadn’t even noticed I was crying until now

“And now I have you my princess”He smiles at me as I smile back at him

I found my father, I now have a family.

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