

-Because even if you don’t want to see it, I feel a glimmer of jealousy in your words -confirmed Benjamin, looking me straight in the eyes.

In any case, I preferred to end this conversation and invited him to have lunch with us. He accepted, so, after discussing some points and agreeing on them, we both walked to the garden.

When we got there, I found Rafael again with my mother and my children, who were arriving. Benjamin greeted him and this time, he stopped to observe the extraordinary resemblance between my children and him. I could only appreciate how he examined them.

-Good afternoon, Rafael,” said Benjamin, extending his hand, “I’m glad you’re here, welcome to Paradise Island!

-Grace, Benjamin! This is my first time here. From what I’ve seen, with Estefania and her grandchildren, it’s very beautiful! Just like your women,” he answered, briefly passing his gaze over me.

-Hello, Sofia! How are you?” he asked me seriously.

-I’m very well, Rafael! I’m glad you found the island beautiful,” I answered without holding his gaze, leaving to ask the service staff to serve lunch for everyone. Taking for granted that my mother had invited him to lunch.

After giving instructions about the food, when I returned to the garden, I realized that Rafael was not there. Not seeing him, I asked for him, without looking at Benjamin because I was sure he would make fun of me.

-He’s gone! -my mother answered. He had an invitation to eat at his friend Martin Elias’ house, with whom he arrived last night.

Hearing this answer, I turned my gaze to Benjamin, who raised an eyebrow at me, with a very expressive gesture. I preferred not to speculate and wait for the news or actions, to know how far Rafael’s friendship with the Medinas goes.

In any case, I regretted that he preferred to eat with them rather than with us. Although I must admit, at no time from my lips came an invitation addressed to him. Later, I met again with Benjamin, who asked his people to keep him informed of this meeting.



When I left Sofia Morales’ mansion, I went in the van I rented to the residence of Martin Elias’ family. They invited me to lunch that morning. Although I was not very convinced to attend, I did it to please my friend.

When I arrived, I was greeted by his sister Yoly Del Mar, who, like Mirelys, is becoming a headache for me. They are beautiful women, with spectacular bodies, but very toxic, neither of them catches my attention, like Sofia.

-Good afternoon,” I greeted everyone, who apparently were waiting for me, along with other people who were there.

-Hello, my love! -Yoly Del Mar greeted me very affectionately. She took my arm and led me to the main hall, where the others were gathered.

-Hello Yoly! -I greeted cordially, without effusiveness and trying to loosen my grip on her. Looking at Martin Elias, who seemed to be angry.

-What happened, my friend? -I asked, approaching him, taking his sister’s hand off my arm, since I didn’t want any kind of confusion and even less with the attitude assumed by Sofia.

-For the record, I have nothing to do with what they are going to propose to you! -he assured me angrily.

-Calm down! It’s up to me to accept or not what your family recommends,” I replied, not feeling obliged to anything.

“Ha! I’m the one who’s up to it,” I thought, observing each one of the people present.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

At that moment, Martin Elias’ father Reyner approached me, while his brother Jose David was just watching me irritated. He did not seem to agree with my presence there.

-It is an honor, Rafael, to receive you in my humble home! -he commented.

-Gee, Reyner, I don’t think your house is humble at all! -I said, “In fact, it is very beautiful,” I added, looking at the waste of luxury that it boasted.

-Thank you! I’m glad you liked my house. Consider this one as yours from now on. You can stay here every time you come to the Island, you don’t need to stay in a hotel,” he offered.

-Thank you, Reyner! -I answered without adding anything else.

Then, we all went to a very wide terrace, where we could see part of the extension of the land that the house covered. Unfortunately, I was placed in a seat right next to Yoly and I was already feeling overwhelmed, annoyed by her insistence to isolate me from the group.

I tried to have a cordial conversation with her and Martin, but obviously, there were other plans here. After lunch, Reyner invited all of us to his office to tell us the main topic of the lunch.

-I know you are wondering why I invited you to lunch today,” Reyner commented, moving from one side to the other, with an air of grandeur, fixing his gaze on me.

My objective is only one: to confront the immorality that constitutes our Shipping Line being led by a woman who doesn’t even know who the parents of her children are,” he said, making me furious.

-Who are you referring to? -I asked, unable to remain indifferent to this attack on the woman who is driving me crazy.

-To Sofia,” he answered, furious.

-Why are you pointing out that it is immoral for Sofia to be the CEO of her own company? As far as I understand, it was her father who founded it and who had the largest number of shares,” I argued in disgust.

-Rafael, there are many things you don’t know! Don’t get angry,” he replied.

-People’s private lives are to be respected, in any case, I don’t know what I’m doing here? I am not a shareholder, so I have nothing to do with the Shipping Line,” I commented irritated.

-However, you are interested in the CEO of the shipping company, aren’t you? -Jose David asked me, approaching me with an aggressive attitude.

-That’s not your problem. This is something that only concerns me and her, no one else,” I answered in the same challenging attitude as him, not caring at all about the place where I was.

-Just a moment! -Martin Elias growled, “Is this why you made me come with Rafael, to make a trap? I really thought that with the passing of time they would have changed, but I see that they are still the same mediocre ones as always,” he declared.

-Martin! -How dare you call us into question in front of our guests?

-And how dare you involve my friend in your corrupt and fraudulent activities? -he questioned.

-Come on, Rafael! -my friend suggested.

-Wait a minute! Your friend is not going to leave here until he removes Sofia’s mask,” he growled again.

“Do you know that Sofia is a single mother? That in a night of partying with drinks and drugs, she slept with every man who came her way and got pregnant,” he lied, knowing that this would destroy the image he had of her.

-I am a gentleman and as such, I don’t talk about ladies. Nor do I lend myself to such vulgar gossip. Good afternoon, I’m sorry you were wrong about me! -I answered, walking towards the exit together with Martin…

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