Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 133 Thirty-One

chapter 133 Thirty-One

Evelyn’s POV

Hanging up the phone, I go do some washing, hanging out the last piece on the clothesline when I

feel cold hands touch my shoulders making me jump with fright.

“Geez, don’t sneak up on people” I turn around and tell Orion. He runs his hands down my arms

before I bend down picking up the empty basket.

“What did you do today?” Orion asks as we are walking inside.

“Nothing much, washing, spoke to Lana” I tell him not realising Ryland and Thaddeus on the back

porch listening.

“How did you speak to Lana, Evelyn?” Thaddeus growls out as I reach the top step. I roll my eyes

at his angry tone only for him to grip my chin forcing me to look up at him. He presses his lips together.

“There is this thing called a phone, you know sends signals to a satellite in the sky allowing you to

speak to people” I tell him, and he growls at my sarcasm.

Thaddeus grips my chin tighter, a little too tight making me smack his hand away from my face,

pushing past him he grips my arm above my elbow. “Hand it over” he says holding his other hand out.

“No, Thaddeus I am not going to stop talking to her just because of April” I tell him ripping my arm

away from him, only to be ripped backwards as he yanks me back with an arm around my waist pulling

me against his chest. His voice deadly calm yet, I could feel his anger surging through the bond.

“I am not in the mood today to put up with your tantrums, now give me the phone.”

“Thaddeus leave her alone, she isn’t doing anything wrong,” Ryland tells him, stepping forward but

Thaddeus refuses to let go instead starts rummaging through the pockets of my shorts until he finds it.

He lets me go flicking through my phone before handing it back to me and I see he has deleted and

blocked her number. I try to undo it, but it comes up I need to put in the password he added.

I hand it back to him and he takes it. “Keep it,” I tell him walking off pissed off with him.

“It’s for your own good, Evelyn,” Thaddeus tells me, and I ignore his words instead walking into the

laundry and chucking the basket in the corner before walking upstairs and locking the door.

I don’t see what the problem is. Lana is fourteen and no threat to me. One thing I do know is, that

none of them will take me to see her, so that leaves only option two. Find Thaddeus keys, but I feared

his wrath if I went against him. Hearing a knock on the door before hearing Orion’s voice just as I lay

down on the bed.

“It is only me.”

He says and I get up off the bed and unlock the door. Orion comes in shutting the door before

laying on his back next to me. “He just worries about you” Orion states rolling on his side and propping

his head up on his elbow.

“Doesn’t mean he can be jerk,” I tell him.

“He is just on edge; the magic is tainting him.”

“But he hasn’t been using it.” Orion brushes my hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead.

“He doesn’t have to, it’s the magic in general. Using it makes it worse. He feels destructive

therefore wants to destroy things himself.”

“Did he destroy anything while you were gone?” I ask.

“No because he knows you would have heard about it on the news or radio, but he doesn’t know

what to do with it but bottle it up, which will just make it worse” Orion tells me, and I look away and sigh.

How the hell are you supposed to help someone that actually needs the destruction that gets him in


“Don’t think too much about it, Ryland and I will figure something out to help him” Orion says, and I


“Did he kill anybody?” Orion shakes his head.

“No, but he needs to feed, his bloodlust is making him worse.”

“Fine then,” I tell him getting up.

“No, not you, Evelyn. Not when he is like this. Ryland is going to let him,” Orion says grabbing my


“He can feed off Ryland?” I ask wondering how that works with him being Lycan.

“Yes but…” NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“But what?”

“He is just rough with him. Thaddeus nearly killed him when he marked him, put his hand through

his chest” Orion says, and I feel fear hit me.

“But he has fed off me?” I tell him.

“He held himself back and he wasn’t tainted like he is now, Evelyn. Not only that, your scent is

stronger right now. It’s not a good idea,” he warns me, but I ignore him walking downstairs, Orion

chasing after me.

I find Thaddeus sitting at the dining table with his chair turned watching Ryland make something in

the kitchen. He looks up when we walk in and I walk over to him sitting on his lap facing him before

moving my hair off my shoulder.

Ryland instantly trying to rip me away from him and I feel his hot hands on my arms and feel panic

hit me through the bond. Thaddeus arms wrapping around me waist tugging me to him and I put my

hands on his shoulders. His eyes turning pitch black, and he growls making goosebumps spread all

over me and my stomach to backflip with fear before remembering my fear only entices him more and I

push it away trying to not to be scared of him. Thaddeus eyes on my neck making me wonder if I just

made a mistake.

Orion and Ryland stepping closer and Thaddeus growls so loud, I fight the urge to shiver as it

vibrates from his chest, like a predator about to attack.

Thaddeus grip on my hips tightening and his nails digging into me making my heartbeat pick up

leaning forward I kiss him, trying to distract him. Thaddeus instantly reacting and kissing me back. His

tongue tasting every inch of my mouth hungrily before I pull back and offer him my neck.

A scream escaping my lips has his fangs puncture my skin. Before his grip tightens and I feel the

fog slip over me, rushing over me in a cold wave. His bite no longer painful and I feel arousal coil within

my belly, my core pulsating and I roll my hips against him. His tongue moving over my neck lapping at

my blood making me moan at the sensation. I feel his teeth leave my skin before feeling his tongue

running over his bite mark and I shiver before pulling back, Thaddeus watching me his hand moving to

my face and I lean into his touch, loving the smell of his skin.

“You shouldn’t have done that,“ he whispers pulling my face toward his and kissing my lips softly

before sucking my lip into his mouth. I feel Ryland’s hands move over my waist making me look up. He

smiles down at me before pecking my lips. Thaddeus lips moving to my neck before he runs his nose

across my shoulder.

“You smell divine,” he says making me laugh when I feel his stubble run over my skin tickling me.

Ryland bends down pushing his face into the crook of my neck inhaling my scent.

“That she does,“ he whispers before I feel his hand move over my stomach to the front of my pants

before he slips his hand under the waist band and cups his hand over my pussy, his fingers tracing my

slit. I throw my head back against him moaning at his skill full fingers teasing me. All to soon he pulls

his hand away from me and I instantly miss his touch making me pout.

Thaddeus chuckles kissing my lips. “Have you eaten today?” he mumbles against my lips while

kissing me. I shake my head and Thaddeus pulls back before kissing my cheek and tapping my butt.

“What do you want to eat?” he asks looking in the pantry.

“Ming goreng noddles.” He nods before grabbing them and filling a pot with some water. When

they are done, I get up and start cutting the sachets of seasoning open while he drains the water out

before mixing it through the noodles. He hands me bowl before giving Orion and Ryland theirs. I go and

sit on Ryland’s lap stuffing my face while, Thaddeus picks at his and I can tell he isn’t very hungry after

feeding on me.

Getting up I grab some milk, my tongue burning from the noodles. When I used to make them, I

always left the chilly out now I remember why, I think to myself gulping down the glass.

“There not even spicy” Orion says.

“To me they are” I tell him, and he just shakes his head finishing the rest of his bowl. When we

finished, I wash the bowls and Ryland walks out before coming back in with a pair of boots.

“Want to come hiking with me?” he asks.

“Hiking where?” I ask wondering where there was to hike beside the huge ass mountains

surrounding the place.

“The mountains” he states confirming what I thought he was going to say. Looking out the kitchen

window I look up at the mountain, it was covered in thick trees and so god damn high.

“That would take me all year to walk up,” I tell him, and he chuckles.

“Probably longer than that, shorty.”

“I am not short, you’re all just freakishly tall,” I tell them.

“Nope, you’re short,” Thaddeus tells me before walking over and placing his elbow on my head. I

was only up to the middle of their chests.

“This is the average height; I will have you know. Not everyone can be giants,” I tell him pushing

his arm off.

Ryland shrugs before reaching for me and pulling me over to him so I was standing between his

legs and wrapping his arms around my waist then standing making my feet leave the ground.

“See short,” he says kissing the top of my head. I smack his chest before sliding down. Orion

comes out with my joggers and I put them on before groaning when he pulls me to my feet. We head

outside walking across the paddock towards the forest.

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