She Prince

Chapter 21

“I… Um.. I,” I stutter trying to give her a reply, my mind going crazy whether my words would sound rude or hurt her feelings.

“You don’t have to answer now,” she smiles gently looking at me her eyes lighting up “I get that we have known each other for a short time,” she steps forward and pulls my right arm burring my palm into hers she gazes at me “I would like to know about you,” she states her voice coming out as a whisper in excitement.

“You know..,” pulling out my palm instantly from her I rub the back of my neck casually while her large eyes are glued on me waiting for me to speak “I actually…,” my brain is still creating a sentence.

I sometimes really just hate myself for the way I react to some circumstances it really makes me look stupid.

“I actually have someone I ,” the word ‘like’ plays in my mind when she keeps step next to me and grabs my arm, my eyes widens when I see Henyu, FengLei and Cheng Li walking towards us.

What are these three doing here?

“Did you follow me here?,” I punch on Henyu’s arm give him a deathly glare.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He scratches the back of his head and lets out a crooked smile biting his lower lip “I thought that you hid your relationship,” he answers cheekily his eyes glued on my arm.

Looking at him curiously I move my gaze to where he was watching “Ohh,” removing my arm from her grip casually I place my arm on Henyu’s shoulders “So you will spy on me?,” I fold my arm around his neck which makes him to laugh and choke dramatically making me laugh.

“Wait,” taking my hand off I step forward “Why is he here?,” I question glancing at Feng Lei and then at HenYu.

He isn’t someone who will be interested in gossips.

“I was dragged here,” he speaks dryly avoiding eye contact.

“Is it?,” Leaning forward I bend low and look up at him with raised eyebrows a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

His eyes meet mine while I watch him “Boring,” he turns around and walks.

“Actually I forced him with me,”, HenYu utters from behind.

“You’re the one who is boring,” I grunt low watching him walk away, turning around I jump over HenYu’s shoulders lifting my knees up I lean back avoiding my breast getting in contact on his body “Let’s get back it’s time for class.”

I watch FengLei while he walks in front of us, a smile makes it’s way on my lips spontaneously when the picture of his face when I looked closer flashes in my mind, the awkward expression made him look adorable and the way he tries to cover it up in a cool way is something cute too. I never thought that he is someone who can be cute when I first met him, he is different from the person who always puts on a rigid face.

“What are you smiling at?,” the images in my mind slips away as I feel my vacant smile disappear.

“Did I?,” I turn to my left to see HenYu who is looking at me, curiosity written all over his face.

Abruptly he stops in his steps and I do it gaping at him, keeping a step closer he looks deep into my eyes humming.

“What?,” Moving my head back I curl up my eyebrows pursing my lips against each other flatly.

“Hush,” he places his index finger on his lips and leans further forward his eyes never leaving mine “You like her right,” he blurts pointing his finger at me his lips forming to an enigmatic smile.

“Such a bad joke,” pushing his finger away I glance behind “Why is he upset?,” Moving my eyeballs to my right indicating him to look behind we continue to walk.

“Can’t you see, he likes that girl,” crossing his arms over his chest he looks straight with his chin raised up “Didn’t he pull up a fight on the first day for her.”

“Ohh, yeah,” I almost register it to myself.

ChengLi didn’t like me from the beginning because of Xiang, Is it because he saw me with her before the day of enrolment.

How come I didn’t figure out that he is into her

“You’re great,” I show him a thumbs up “Go ahead with him,” tapping on his shoulder I turn around and walk towards ChengLi who is keeping slow steps looking at the ground his face showing that he is unhappy.

“What’s in your mind?,” Budging him by his shoulder I walk beside him following his slow steps.

“You look bad when you’re upset,” I continue trying to cheer him up.

“Aren’t you happy?,” He finally speaks after a long moment of silence his eyes glued to the ground.

“Why should I be?,”

“Because I’ve been bad to you since the day one,” moving his eyes from the ground he looks straight “I misunderstood you,” he states softly.

“What do you mean?,” My question comes out as soon as his sentence ends.

He stops in his tracks and looks at me when I halt “I thought that you were playing bad on her when I saw you both in the house of Jin, I never thought she likes you”

“What?,” I almost choke listening to his explanation.

Play bad on her … Like seriously…

“I know…,”

He stops when I burst into laughter which I tried to hold back. He stares at me with knitted eyebrows, bending low I hold my stomach trying to stop my laughter but I couldn’t. Biting my lower lip I look up at him trying my best to seal my lips.

“Why are you even laughing?,” letting out a loud sigh he walks away, jumping up I catch up with him.

“Alright, don’t be mad,” budging him I lean over his shoulder “Do I look like someone who play dirt on girls,” the last five words comes out as a whisper.

He gazes at me and back to the front “Yes you do,” he chuckles, hopping forward he runs.

“You’re dead,” I follow him behind and stop in my tracks when he halts “You’re really something,” he grins making me surprise as I’ve always seen him wearing a scornful smile.

“Let’s celebrate our end of misunderstanding,” I force him to atop by the cart where the white smoke of steam is blowing out from it, the smell of spicy dumplings hitting my nostrils.

“YuYu,” I call out smiling ear to ear waving at HenYu and FengLei who is in a few distance away from us.

“Are you both okay?,” Henyu hurries towards me, standing beside me he places his palm on my head his eyes glued on ChengLi “I will always be your first buddy alright,” he demands his tone sounding like a prosecutor.

“Aiiyaa, you’re embarrassing me,” pushing his hand off I order the dumpling for us.

“We can’t stop by, we will be late,” there comes the stern voice which makes my smile drop in an instant.

“Yeah right, we will be late,” holding the air in my mouth making my cheeks go like a balloon I stroll forward.

I didn’t argue with him as he is right, we will be late if we don’t go by now, we will surely be late for class.

“Eating few won’t take much time, I’m hungry,” placing his hand over his stomach he looks towards our direction his face flushes up when his stomach growls at the right time.

“Why didn’t you have lunch?,”

“I was waiting till you were done with your punishment,”

“Okay.. okay don’t remember me that,” I shove off and stand opposite to FengLei between HenYu and ChengLi our faces sending forceful vibes.

“Eat quickly,” he walks to the table and takes his seat on the bench.

Taking the bowls we take our seats and begin to dig in. Carrying the dumpling from the bowl I rub it against the bowl where the chilli gravy is poured, licking my lips I take a bite enjoying the taste on my tongue.

These dumplings are always good

“Aren’t you eating,” I ask my mouth stuffed I look at him.

“I don’t like spicy food,”

“Oh, but these tastes really good I feel bad for you,” leaning forward I put the dumpling in his mouth when he opens his mouth to speak.

Covering his mouth with his palm he glares at me when I fill my mouth with another dumpling “It’s a waste if you spit,” my smile grows bigger to watch him struggle trying to make a thought.

A person who toes the line like him will never waste food for sure.

Ignoring his glare I continue my appetite as I didn’t have lunch, he munches the food slowly which grabs my attention. Placing the chopstick on the bowl I look at him leaning forward examining him chew it down his countenance doesn’t seem like he dislikes it, the form of his lips and the movement of his eyes in every next munch I can see that he is enjoying it.

“How’s it?,” I ask leaning forward in interest my eyes never leaving him.

“Not bad,” he answers lowly.

“Shall I order one more bowl for you,”

My lips moves up to a triumphant smile when he nods.

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