Serenity and Zachary York

Chapter 3976

Married At First Sight Chapter 3976-3980 Chapter 3976

Jasmine couldn't help but shake her head. "Evan must've lost his mind, but hey, it's his mess. I'm just a bystander."

Even Serenity didn't have the standing to meddle in Evan and Abby's relationship drama. Serenity's parents didn't care about the situation, so what could she possibly do?

Honestly, if Serenity hadn't just brought it up, Jasmine would've completely forgotten about Evan and Abby's tangled past.

"So, Abby really threw his bouquet and jewelry into the trash?" Jasmine mused.

Serenity lowered her voice and leaned in, adding, "Here's the kicker: Abby has several aliases, and one of them is Changeable Fox. The woman

Evan thinks he fell in love with hasn't disappeared-she's still Abby, just under another name. And remember Bianca, the woman who visited last time? She's actually Abby too. Bianca is Grandpa Silver Fox's apprentice, but it's all her."

Jasmine froze, eyes wide in disbelief. "Wait, what? But Abby doesn't even look like them. I've never seen this Changeable Fox, but I've met Bianca. We've had dinner together. They seem like two completely different people!"

Serenity smirked. "And that's her genius. That's why they call her Changeable Fox. She's as adaptable and sly as a fox."noveldrama

Jasmine was still trying to process. "How do you know all this? Josh didn't tell me anything."

She spun around and mock-glared at her husband. "Why didn't you share this juicy gossip with me?"

Since marrying Josh, Jasmine had gotten used to being in the loop on all the latest drama, her "hot gossip" pipeline always flowing. With nothing interesting to do lately, she had resorted to reading novels to pass the time.

In the past, reading novels had been a way to dream-imagining herself as the heroine with a life full of twists and turns. Now, her real life felt like a dream. Marrying Josh and building a happy life together made her feel like she was living out her own story.

But now, novels were just a way to kill boredom.

Serenity laughed at her friend's outrage. "Do you really think Josh has time to sit around and dig up Abby's secrets? He's been swamped. Besides, no one even asked him to investigate her. And let's be real-if he did start paying that much attention to Abby, you'd probably get jealous."

Jasmine burst out laughing. "Fair enough. But didn't Evan ask Josh for help?"

"He did," Serenity admitted, "but Josh didn't get involved. And forget about Julian

Bucham—none of them would dare go against Grandma York's silence. Grandma never said a word about Abby's identities, so they stayed out of it.” Serenity continued, "Actually, it was Zachary who pieced it all together. He shared his theory with me, and I thought it made perfect sense. Later, I casually confirmed it with Grandma. Turns out, Grandma's known all along that Abby is Changeable Fox and Bianca. She just didn't say anything because she was having too much fun watching the drama unfold."

Jasmine laughed so hard, tears formed in her eyes. "Of course! Without a good show, life would be way too boring. Honestly, thank goodness for Grandma York. Without her, we wouldn't have anything entertaining to talk about.” She paused, then added, “Seren, if you hear any updates about Evan, you better tell me. I want all the fresh, juicy gossip."

Serenity grinned. "Don't worry. If I have melons to eat, you'll be the first to share them with me. We're sisters-we'll laugh, gossip, and eat melons together."

Jasmine chuckled again, holding her stomach as her baby kicked. It was as if the little one was scolding her for laughing too much and disturbing his peace.

"Grandma York is something else," Jasmine said, shaking her head in amusement. "She let Evan wander in circles, completely clueless that Abby was playing him the whole time. And she didn't even step in when he rejected Abby. That's next-level mischief."

Her laughter bubbled up again, filling the bookstore with warmth and humor.

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