Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 12: - 5 -

Chapter 12: - 5 -

By the time I open my eyes and am back in the woods, everything looks different.

The trees are green and lush again, rising in all their glory.

The humidity and the smell of fresh air invades my nostrils, it's almost... Relaxing.

And this time, there's sunshine.

Although, from where I am I can't see it, as the trees arch and intertwine with each other, creating a

closed arch above my head.

The rays of light filter through the branches, giving me a better view of everything around me.

I can't see the lake anymore, I can't hear it either.

I miss the lights, I miss the water, I miss the voice, I miss... Him.

I take one look at my clothes and now I'm dressed completely in white.

The clothes are quite simple, a V-neck shirt with long silk sleeves and sweatpants, soft to the touch,

and almost completely covering my body.

I'm barefoot again and I appreciate it. I've never liked wearing shoes much, I prefer to feel the surfaces

under my feet.

And this time, it's not dirt I'm stepping on... It's asphalt.

A long, wide road stretches out in front of me. I can't see the end and I think that, even if I walk for

hours, I doubt I'll reach it.

But still... I advance.

It's as if a force is inviting me to go on, to continue.

I don't know what it is, I don't know who it could be, but it captivates me.

«Come back to me quickly».

It is one of the latent memories in my mind, one that I feel the need to hold on to so tightly and never be

able to let go.

His deep voice pierces me like a gentle breeze and makes me long for more.

«I feel you too».

God, I miss him so much.

I force my body to pull itself together, swallow the knot that was created in my throat, and prepare to go


I keep walking, the asphalt feels cold under my feet. But it's not an unpleasant sensation.

I try to see beyond the trees, but it's impossible. The distance from one to the other is practically non-

existent, I can't see anything beyond it.

Above me there are only more leaves and branches, although I can get a little glimpse of the sky.

It's completely overcast. Thick, white clouds hide the color blue. And I still can't see the sun, although

its rays create shadows of light on my clothes and around me as I continue to move.

It's the most relaxed I've found since I first woke up here.

My body feels light, untethered, completely free. I tilt my head back, close my eyes, and breathe.

I breathe.

I breathe.

I don't hear anything around me, no breeze shaking my hair, no sounds of animals or insects moving

through the moss or dirt.

There's just me.

There is only me.

What does that mean?

I feel my eyes stinging and the pulse in my veins racing.

I miss him, I want to be by his side, I want to feel his warmth again, his heartbeat under my palm, the

effect on his skin when I touch him.


His name comes out of my lips in a faint whisper and the need to be with him only increases in



I invoke him again, though this time in the way I always call him.

I'm surprised I was able to remember it.

I have struggled so hard to do so before and now images of his existence cross behind my eyelids with

incredible ease.

I am glad to know that I am not crazy, that he does exist and that he is waiting somewhere for me.

And now that I have remembered him, I will hold on to his image with my life.


I feel hot.

A warmth crosses through my body, relief runs through my extremities, and offers me comfort.

Mom, Grandma... Help me.

What should I do?

Should I continue?

Please, just give me a sign.

«Xander King?».

I slowly open my eyes when I hear it.

I don't recognize this voice, I don't know who it is.

It's not the same as before, it's not... Alexei.

I try to ask and meet its owner, but my lips move without making a sound.

Why can't I speak?

«You must wake up, please».

I look in all directions, hoping to see something that will tell me what I should do.

Although it's useless, I'm only surrounded by the forest... But that's when I see it.

A huge sphere of light is at what I suppose is the end of the road.

It's white and bright, it can't be compared to the lights of our tree, but that doesn't diminish its beauty

and intensity.

It's hypnotic.

«Fuck. You must do something to wake him up. Now!».

Suddenly, an urge is created within me to get there.

Before I even think about it, my feet are already moving.

I run.

I run.

And I run even more in a desperate attempt to reach the gigantic orb of light, which gets even bigger as

I approach it.

I feel a force trying to get me out of this place.

But it doesn't feel the same as the one that pulled me away from the tree of light, it's completely


This time... I want to go.

I want it to take me.

I want it to take me out of here.

«Look, he's moving. Do something, we're running out of time!».

My breath is labored in my chest and drops of sweat are running down my front and along my back.

My leg muscles are burning from the effort.

But I don't stop.

I keep running.

I keep going.

I'm so close that I have to make an effort to keep my eyes open.

I stretch out my hand, I'm about to reach for it.

A little more.

Just a little more...


—Yes! He's waking up. Give me some space, quick.

A beep is continually drilling into my head. I feel pain in my body, especially in my wrists, ankles, and

lower back.

My throat is dry and my lips are even worse. I feel pain when I try to breathe.

And even though my eyelids feel heavy, I force myself, albeit with considerable difficulty, to open them.

—That's it... Keep it up — I feel soft pats on my cheek —. Can you see me?

The light isn't so bright anymore, the room isn't white now. A smell of polished wood and freshly brewed

coffee invades my lungs. I can move, I'm no longer tied down or held back. But I don't have the

strength to do so.

The surface on which I am lying is soft, mushy, and cushioned.

«A bed». I think. Jesus Christ, I never thought I'd miss being on a bed so much.

—Hey, can you hear me? — That voice... It's the same voice I heard when I was in the woods.

I turn my face in his direction and I don't know who the man is leaning over me, looking at me worriedly

as he gently caresses one of my cheeks. His hair is reddish and curly, it's thin and cinnamon-skinned.

His eyes are a vibrant blue and his glance is one of uncertainty and concern.

I want to talk, to answer his question, but even for that I feel weak. I just stare at him, blinking from time

to time, trying to identify who he is.

—Damn it — he turns his face and starts talking to someone else, even though I can only watch him

—. Are you sure he's all right? He looks pretty doped up.

—I told you, he was under constant drug use for a long time without being fed properly — a second

voice, it sounds distant —. It will take time before he can recover, just try to take care of him under the

directions I have given you and I will come back if you need anything else — the man in front of me

sighs, repeatedly nodding his head.

—It's okay. I understand, I just thought that... — he's denying again and those eyes are fixed on me

again —. You can go, I'll tell my assistant to handle your payment — I hear a few steps around me,

ending with a door closing.

Silence falls on the place and the man smiles softly at me.

—Everything will be fine, you're safe now — his fingers brush the skin of my forehead as he pulls a

fallen lock of my hair away —. I'll soon take you home, but first, I need to make some small

arrangements. I think I know who you are, but I need you to confirm it to me, so I can be completely

sure. Okay?

I try to talk one more time, but I only get my lips to tremble slightly.

—If you can't speak, we'll make something easier for you. If the answer is yes, blink once, if not, make

it two. Okay? — relief seizes me again, though I still feel cautious. I don't know who this man is and I

fear it may be a cruel joke on the part of my captor.

But I still blink once. That seems to cheer him up, as his smile widens.

—Perfect, it's good to know you can understand me. So, the first question — he comes a little closer

and whispers —. Are you Xander King?

I stare at him for a long moment and then blink once.

—Good, that's a good start. So, you're Alexei Magnus' partner? — Hearing his name, confirming his

existence outside of all things inside my head, has been the most wonderful thing that's happened to

me in recent days.

Emotion and happiness take hold of me, then abundant and thick tears begin to escape from my eyes,

making their way through my temples, until they are lost in the growth of my hair.

Alexei Magnus.

Alexei Magnus.

I repeat myself over and over again, clinging with all my strength to the desire to be able to be with him


—I see, you don't have to blink to answer me — he laughs and from his vest pocket he pulls out a

tissue to wipe the moisture from my face —. I'll do my best to take you back to him, but it will take me a

while. Not long, I promise. I just want to make sure you're completely safe and sound.

I pray to all the gods and say all the prayers I know so that this man will keep his word.

—Now, I know that what I am about to ask is not easy, I have my suspicions, but it is strictly necessary This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

that I verify it. Okay? — I'm blinking to confirm —. So... Dimitri Zhukovski.

A tremor hits me, despite the weakness I have.

—Was he the one who did this to you? — I'm afraid to trust him, but I still blink —. Personally? — he

asks in amazement —. I mean... Did he hurt you like this with his own hands?

He stares at me for a long moment, waiting for my answer. Realizing that I don't give it to him, he


—All right, I'm sorry. You don't have to answer that — lowers the eyes and folds the tissue, saving it

again —. I barely managed to get you out of his mansion, but I didn't think he was capable of doing

something like this — he shakes his head and looks up again —. Let's not worry about that now, you

need to rest, so sleep now.

He holds the edge of the sheet and covers my body with it, warmth enveloping me at once.

—I'll be here when you wake up again — smiles —. Don't worry, Xander, you're safe now.

He promises, then he turns around. I want to stop him, ask him who he is, and have the strength to

thank him. But it's no use, my effort is not paying off and the exhaustion I felt before is coming back

with more intensity. So I finally give up, close my eyes and allow the darkness to envelop me once

again. But everything is fine now.

And again, I dream about Alexei.

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