Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 81

Chapter 81 Chapter 81noveldrama

Xander POV

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It took everything I had in me not to fight back. I glared as the warriors dragged Regan with them, my only focus on her and ensuring she was safe. My wolf was filled with rage, but if we fought against our men, we would injure them as well as ourselves. We needed to be smart about this. As they shoved us inside the cell, our hands cuffed in front of us, I knelt beside my mate, helping her to stand, my eyes raking over her form, checking her for any major injuries, my lips flattened in anger. They hadn't been gentle when they pushed her, showing very little care for her person. That was a mistake.

"Are you okay?" I asked, even as Xavier let out a low growl of frustration from behind me, the door to the cell closing with a sickening clang.

"I'm fine" she whispered, her cheeks burning red, getting to her feet and dusting herself off, wincing as the silver from the cuffs burnt her skin, causing my wolf to continue growling inside my mind, promising vengeance the very second, we were able to get out of here. Heather Ramona and her bitch daughter would feel the wrath of my fury, there was no doubt about that. Everything they had done would be visited upon them tenfold.

"Traitorous bastards" Xavier shouted out, slamming his hand against the bars of the cell and staring hard at the two who had been left to guard us.

They stared at us stony-faced and almost expressionless. They would be the first to die once we made it out of here, I thought if they attempted to prevent us or resist. I wondered what had happened to Malcolm, hoping he had the sense to lie low once he established something was wrong. He might be the only chance we had of getting out of here alive and that was only if he was truly as loyal as he claimed to be. As much as I trusted him, there was always that tiny doubt in the back of my mind that made me question who I could really trust. Regan hastily pulled back Xavier's arm, inspecting it and grimacing at the red angry burn marks that were prevalent, our wolves unable to heal them properly while the silver continued to remain on our bodies.

"Xavier, you need to be more careful" she scolded, looking concerned as he scowled at her.

The pain was minimal in comparison to what we were feeling inside. Xavier looked as though he wanted to tear somebody's head off and I was feeling much the same. We should never have let Heather get the upper hand, let alone allow her to go this far. We should have nipped this in the bud the second we had the chance and worried about the consequences later. At least then, we wouldn't be in this situation. We only had ourselves to blame.

The guards moved back into the shadows, looking bored. The door to the cell was locked and since it was heavily fortified the chances of us escaping were practically nil. At least not without help. Xavier shot Regan a quick glance, motioning for all of us to gather together in a huddle.

"The vial" he hissed, "did they..." his voice trailed off as he shot a quick glance at Regan, his eyes showing a hint of hope.

She shook her head. "They didn't get it." She put a hand to her cleavage and quickly withdrew it, keeping it from being seen, and then hastily put it back between her breasts as we stared, knowing that it was the wrong time to be feeling lust wash over us and still unable to help ourselves. "I hid it before anybody saw it. As long as they don't strip us" she muttered, "We should be fine. But we can't exactly conjure it to his mouth and make him drink it either" she said with frustration.

It was a shame that none of us had the power to use magic, I thought blankly, as that would have solved a lot of our problems. Then again, magic appeared to be the source of our problems which was ironic. There was no doubt that a witch had helped Isabelle and Heather to gain control of our pack.

"No but it means we still have a chance" I murmured, looking at Xavier who nodded in agreement. "Without that," I motioned to the antidote, Xavier having mind-linked me to inform me what it was "we would be lost without it."

Not that it was doing us much good in this current situation. Regan sighed and then sat down, looking far from comfortable. I sat down beside her, feeling somewhat pissed.

12:50 Sat, Jan 11 G).



"What do you think our father is going to declare as our punishment?" I asked Xavier, trying to distract Regan and needing one myself.

I immediately regretted asking when realization dawned on me should have kept my mouth shut and protected Regan from knowing what was in store. I was an idiot. Now my mate was going to panic and it was all thanks to me. "You know the laws" Xavi Voice is grim. "Trying to kill one's alpha, especially one that is of blood and kin is tantamount

to treason" he reminded me tersely "and all of us know the punishment for that."

He avoided looking at Regan but the damage was already done. Regan was now looking hard at the both of us, trying to ascertain what we meant. "What is the punishment?" she asked in concern, still in the dark, even as she narrowed her eyes at

1. us.

"I don't think our father would go that far" I began, trying to change the subject but Xavier snorted and I glowered at him, knowing that Regan would want to know now.

"Under a spell and Heather Ramona's influence? You bet your ass they will" he muttered, before glancing apologetically at Regan who was beginning to look worried and more than a little hysterical now. "What is the punishment" her voice was shrill.

Damnit. There was no way we could keep this from her now. She deserved to know what fate was in store for us if we didn't escape, but I was determined we would. I would not allow my mate to die. Not as long as I still had a breath in me. Xavier avoided looking at her but I forced myself to look into her eyes, vowing that I would make sure we would escape. Either that or I would die protecting her. I would not let Regan die, not so long as I was still alive to take a single breath. "The punishment for treason is execution in front of the whole pack," I said quietly and watched as Regan's eyes widened in disbelief, and then her face crumpled.

"Oh my god, we're going to die," she said in a panic. "Your father is going to kill all of us and Isabelle is going to watch it happen. She's going to swing the axe or whatever" her voice was rising as we tried to shush her, "and Heather Ramona is going to become the Luna of the pack.".

"Regan try to keep calm" I urged, glancing over my shoulder at the guards who were miraculously remaining silent.

Had they heard? They were giving no indication they had, or they simply didn't care. They were older, more mature, and loyal to my father. There would be no persuading them to let us go. I could feel Regan's body trembling beside me. Xavier moved so, that he was on one side of her, Regan's hair in front of her face, almost like a curtain that was hiding her from view.

"Shh Regan, it's going to be okay," Xavier told her, his voice earnest.

But it wasn't. Not unless we could find a way out of here without alerting any of my father's men or Heather's loyal watchdogs. I cast a warning glance at Xavier but he merely shook his head and continued to try and comfort Regan who looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Regan let out a sob. The sound of footsteps approaching had all of us tensing in apprehension. Who was down here with us? Who was looking to make more trouble? A face loomed out of the shadows, a wicked grin on her face. Isabelle looked at the three of us and shook her head, a giggle escaping from her.

"Well look at the three of you" she purred. "Not so high and mighty now are you?" she asked and then looked at a hard expression on her face. "Especially you, you little bitch" she snapped.



"Keep your mouth shut unless you want to lose it" I snarled, moving to stand in front of Regan and defend her.

It was only then that I noticed that Isabelle was surrounded by several other men. She smirked. "What do you think you can do Xander Dominion while you are chained with silver?" 12:50 Sat, Jan 11 GU

I gritted my teeth. To my horror, I saw some of the men hold up syringes that glistened with droplets of liquid. I didn't have to sniff to know what they likely held. We gave them to prisoners to keep them from shifting, weakening them further in an attempt to keep them from being able to ever escape. Evidently, Isabelle was finding it necessary to also poison us with wolfsbane. Was it out of fear? I doubted it. This was being done out of pure maliciousness.

"Dose them" she declared haughtily, lifting her chin and pointing at the cell with us in it.

Regan got to her feet. This time, Xavier and I put up a fight, punching and kicking, wrestling with the men but as we fought, more and more men showed up. When one of them got their hands on Regan and put his hands around her neck, we were forced to submit, our eyes locked on Regan as the man smiled, nodding to his comrades. I jerked as I felt the syringe plunge into my leg, my body shuddering as I felt the wolfbane enter my bloodstream, my body dropping to the floor. I saw Xavier have the same reaction. I watched the bastards do the same to Regan but instead of letting her go, the man began to drag Regan to the cell door.

"Let her go" I shouted, getting to my feet and beginning to fight with a recklessness I didn't know I possessed.

Xavier was doing the same. There was a blazing look on his face as he took several men down, but with the wolfsbane, we were fast running out of energy. Isabelle laughed as the man successfully pulled Regan who was flailing and fighting, out of the cell. "Oh Regan" she sighed as Regan glared at her, the man tightening his grip on her throat and causing her to go motionless "I've dreamed of the day when I could get my revenge on you for stealing the men who were supposed to be my mates. You thought that you outsmarted me that day, marking them both. How does it feel to be at my mercy now?" she purred, shoving her face mere inches from Regan as I watched sickened, the cell door once again slammed shut, preventing me from getting to my mate. "If you hurt her" I snarled, flinging myself at the bars and ignoring the stinging pain from the silver.

Isabelle widened her eyes, feigning innocence. "But that's precisely the point" she smirked, "otherwise where is the fun?" she laughed.

Xavier and I flung ourselves at the door again and again, shouting at the top of our lungs while Isabelle turned around and motioned for the men to bring Regan with them, forcing us to watch as our mate was taken away, while we remained behind helpless to stop her.

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