My Twins Baby 100
Chapter 100 Chapter 100 Regan POV
The last thing I remembered was being mad at both of my mates for doing something so stupid as fighting each other, or for Xander believing that rejecting me was the best choice for everyone. Then everything went dark. When I came to, I was lying in a hospital bed and both of my mates were hovering projectively over me, their expressions apologetic and filled with remorse as one stood on each side of the bed, holding my Hand. I looked between the both of them and wrinkled my brow, wondering how long I had been unconscious for. It didn't feel as though it had been that long, but I saw needle marks on my arm and surmised that blood had already been taken from me for tests. I didn't mind, although part of me thought that it wasn't exactly necessary. There were patients here that were actually sick and needing attention. By comparison, my faint was hardly anything to be worried about.
"How are you feeling?" Xavier breaks my concentration and forces me to look up at him.
Lexhaled, both twins glancing at each other, regret on their faces. I feel slightly nauseous but that's about it so maybe it was all due to the stress they had put me through, or I was coming down with something I thought a bit nonchalantly. Either way, I wasn't worried. I was perfectly fine.
"I feel slightly ill" I admitted "but with the stress..." I trailed off as they squeezed my hand tighter, both trying to speak at once and talking over one another, determined to apologize.
"I'm sorry for putting you through that."
"It will never happen again; Regan you have my word."
"I should never have considered the option of rejecting you."
"We're both idiots and you should have yelled at us even more."
Xavier made me laugh out loud at the last comment. Both twins relaxed their postures slightly, grinning at me, glad to see that I still had a sense of humor. I grinned, leaning back against the pillows of the bed, feeling relaxed and at ease. I felt like asking to go home but instinctively knew that the twins would insist on remaining until the results of the blood test were back at least. They were overprotective of me. Sometimes it was a little overwhelming but if I were in their position and one of them was hurt, I felt as though I might react the same way.
"At least you're still laughing" Xavier reached over and put a loose tendril of hair behind my ear, his father h
"So hopefully whatever this is, isn't something too serious" he added with a glint in his eyes.
"It's probably nothing," I said dismissively, glancing towards the doorway and wondering when we might see the doctor or nurse, hoping it would be soon so that I could get out of here. "You probably could have just taken me back to the pack house to rest in my bed. I feel bad that we might be wasting some poor doctor's time" I added, even as both my mates narrowed their eyes and looked at me with condemnation.
It was the wrong thing to say to both of them. They immediately rushed to inform me how they felt about such a comment.
"Regan it's better to be safe than sorry" Xavier growled, "what if it is something dangerous? Or a virus or something?" he added, shaking his head at me and admonishing me.
"We care about your health. You're our mate Regan, of course, we brought you straight here" Xander added looking indignant. "Have you forgotten that you are the Luna or future Luna of this pack? We were hardly going to take chances with your health." But I felt ridiculous having this much attention bestowed on me for what was probably going to end up being nothing. It was
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a waste of valuable resources. Neither Xander nor Xavier saw itke that though. They saw it as their duty to ensure that my health was taken care of.
"Still, I'm keeping you from your duties" I protested weakly "I'm sure you have better things to do."
We all had better things to do. We were busy enough as it was.
"Nothing is more important than making sure that our mate is okay" Xavier cut in as Xander nodded in agreement. "Everything else can wait. You are our priority."
I blushed and bowed my head, playing idly with the bedsheet. The twins had a habit of making me feel embarrassed with so much attention but part of me wasn't going to lie. I enjoyed the way they adored and cherished me. What woman wouldn't? I saw Xavier and Xander glance impatiently towards the doorway, a frown on both of their faces.
They were beginning to grow as impatient as I was. I felt a little smug about that.
"What is taking the doctor so long" muttered Xander irritably. "Maybe we should go out and find them" he added in a low growl to Xavier who looked as though he was on the verge of storming out of the room and finding some poor innocent doctor if they didn't come quick enough. Had these boys ever had to wait for anything in their lives? I doubted it.
"They are probably seeing other patients," I said patiently as they raised their brows "They'll come when they can."
"You're the most important patient" Xander snapped, drawing his shoulders back and looking towards the doorway again with a ferocious scowl on his face.
Oh boy. I was starting to feel sorry for whoever was my doctor. It wouldn't be easy dealing with two peeved-off Alpha twins. Especially when they were this impatient. I tried not to smile with amusement. Clearly, they were not used to waiting when it came down to anything. They had such a privileged upbringing in comparison to mine. They would have to learn to be patient I thought fondly, knowing I would be able to bestow that in them.
Just when I saw Xavier's eyes begin to darken with anger, a man in a white doctor's coat finally came sailing in, a jovial expression on his face that never faltered, even when he took in the scowls on the Alpha twin's faces.
He was either a brave man or very stupid. I was hoping he was the former. Otherwise, the alpha twins were going to walk all over him.
"Ah you're awake," the doctor said cheerfully, beginning to check my vitals as the twins reluctantly stepped back, his movements quick and efficient.
"I am," I said tiredly.
I just wanted to go back to the pack house. As soon as he discharged me, I was out of here.
He nodded, grabbing his clipboard from the bed where he had put it down to check my vitals, and began to scribble in it. The twins glowered at him. The doctor pretended not to see.
"Miss Lourdes" the doctor's voice was respectful "before you fainted were you experiencing anything that might have contributed to it? Such as stress, forgetting to eat, being dehydrated?" he pressed.
The twins hung their heads in shame. "She was breaking up a fight between us two" Xavier mumbled, sounding ashamed, "so she was under a bit of stress."
The doctor nodded, putting that into his notes. The twins avoided looking at me. I tried not to giggle at the woebegone
expressions they now had. No doubt they were blaming themselves for this. It was highly amusing, and they deserved everything that was happening right now. I had no doubts they would never pull such a stunt again.
"Have you been feeling strange lately?" the doctor continued to ask, peering at me closely "Nauseas for no reason? Perhaps more tired than usual? Either more of an appetite than usual or less of one?" he asked, causing me to frown.
Now that he mentioned it, the nausea seemed to come and go, but I hadn't been paying close attention to it because of everything that was happening. As for the appetite...
"Sometimes the smell of a certain food can make me feel a little sick" I admitted, making the twins look surprised "I just figured that the food might have been off or something."
The doctor continued to look unsurprised. "What about your breasts?" he began to ask, while the twins let out low growls of warning. "Are they sore? Tender?"
I flushed. "They've been a little sore lately, but then they always are during particular times of the month."
It wasn't a big deal. It was something you grew used to. The doctor nodded again and adjusted his spectacles. "Considering the symptoms you are exhibiting and the results of the blood test that just came back, I am not surprised," he said kindly. "What's wrong with her?" both twins shot out simultaneously.noveldrama
I braced myself, looking fearfully at the doctor but he was smiling...
Xavier POV
This doctor is starting to piss me off. He's asking pointless questions about Regan instead of just giving us the news about what is wrong with her. I just want him to get to the gist of it and want him to stop smiling, while my mate is no doubt ill or injured. I can feel my body "Congratulations Miss Lourdes, the blood results have confirmed that you are a couple of weeks pregnant. Early still but we managed to catch it. It explains all the symptoms you've been experiencing and the fainting spell that you just had right now" he explained kindly. Silence. Regan looks as though all the blood has drained out of her face. For a moment all of us stand there in shock, our heads turning to look at the doctor who looks-somewhat
taken aback by our reaction or rather lack of one. I close my eyes for a moment and then reopen them, feeling as though I'm flailing in the dark.
"I assume that this is good news?" the doctor asked us uncertainly, peering over his spectacles as Regan began to nod numbly.
"Yes," I answered hastily, my grin growing wide.
Of course, it was good news. The best kind. I was ecstatic and relieved now that I knew there was nothing seriously wrong with Regan. I could practically feel my body bouncing with excitement.
My mate, or our mate, I thought glancing at my equally stunned brother was pregnant with our child. My wolf was practically purring with a smug expression on his face. I beamed. I hadn't thought that
this could be a possibility but now that I knew, I was going to ensure that my mate was well taken care of. My protective instincts were surging to the fore.
"Pregnant" Regan still looked dumbfounded by the news and more than a little tense.
"Yes," the doctor said with patience, adjusting his spectacles and then glancing down
at his clipboard. "Now, your iron is a little low, so you need to make sure that you get plenty of red meat and more leafy green vegetables. You were slightly dehydrated so make sure you drink more water. Try to limit your stress" he added kindly, glancing at Xander and me, He had no idea he was addressing a white wolf. Regan instantly perked up even as the doctor continued to consult his clipboard with a frown on his face.
"Nothing more came up in the blood tests," he said with a relieved exhale. "So as soon as you want to be discharged, I'm happy to have the paperwork signed by one of your mates and then you can go," he said nonchalantly, nodding his head at Regan. "I want to leave now please" Regan's voice was shaky.
She looked on the verge of tears. Was she not happy by the news: I could feel myself feeling somewhat concerned as I continued to watch her closely, looking for signs that she was unhappy.
I glanced at Xander whose eyes were bleak. "I'll fill out the paperwork," he silently followed the doctor out of the room and avoided our eyes.
I moved closer to Regan and instinctively put my arm around her, pulling her in closer to me and snuggling against her. I sniffed her familiar scent, noting that it had changed but only slightly and it was almost impossible to tell unless you Chapter 101
searched for the change.
"How are you feeling?" I asked her, still grinning like an idiot,
"I don't know," she said honestly, glancing at me apologetically,'s something new that I'm going to have to get used to. I thought that I would become a mother eventually, but I never dreamed it
exhaled looking slightly panicked. "I don't know the first thing about babiuld be this early in the relationship" she
or raising children" she added her voice rising
"Neither do I" I reminded her calmly "or Xander but we'll work out together. Don't forget my father has plenty of experience. I'm sure he'll help."
Not to mention that we could hire a nanny if she wanted to. Not that Xander or I, had any intentions of Regan bringing up our children on her own. We wanted to be hands-
on with our pups. But if she wanted extra help, we wouldn't hesitate to make sure she had it. We wanted our mate to be happy.
I tried not to laugh out loud at the image in my mind of my father trying to change diapers. The big bad alpha looked ridiculous in the image. I saw Regan's lip twitchin amusement as she no doubt did the same. Xander came walking back in. His shoulders were slumped. Instead of looking excited about the news he looked as though he was close to tears as well. I narrowed my eyes, feeling suspicious.
"Xander,/what's wrong? I thought you would be happy about Regan being pregnant with our child" I said, crossing my arms over my chest and daring him to speak the truth instead of letting it fester inside of him. He paused. "I am" he admitted lowly, his head hanging even lower, his eyes quickly darting away, "more than I can imagine, but I feel guilty at the same time" he exhaled, sounding resigned. Guilty? Guilty for what? I saw Regan studying him quietly, pushing her hair back over her shoulders and away from her face. "This is because of your other child, isn't it?" she asked quietly.
Her tone was dangerous, I felt apprehensive as I looked over at Xander recognizing that Regan was starting to get defensive. This was not going to bode well for him. Still, maybe this would be the wake- up call that he needed. He was being an idiot and overthinking things as usual. Numbskull.
Xander's eyes rose to meet hers while I stared at him, angry that he thought we would abandon his child because of this
one. I knew that's what he was thinking. He was too easy to read. Did he not know what Regan's character was like by now? She would never do that to him. She wasn't capable of doing such a thing. When was he going to learn to trust in our mate instead of constantly believing the worst of her?
"Xander, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean that we're going to give up on trying to find Isabelle and Heather" Regan's voice cuts in, her tone firm as she rakes her gaze over my twin brother. "Two babies is a lot to care for" Xander began "and..."
"And what?" Regan's tone is glacial as she slips out of bed and regards him icily, "You think that my child will be loved more, right? That's what you are afraid of. That, if we
were to raise yours and Isabelle's child alongside mine, that yours would be neglected because that's the kind of person you think I am." Her tone is sarcastic.
Xander blinks, looking slightly off balance now. "I don't mean anything by it but..."
He trails off at the look on her face and the fury on mine. "Xander Dominion" Regan's tone is so cold that it gives me the shivers, let alone Xander. "You should know by now that I'm not that kind of girl and I don't appreciate that you always think the worst of me" she snapp 14:18 Thu, Jan 23 DG
"Nice going" I hissed at Xander as his mouth gaped wide open.
His mouth opened and closed, over and over again as he tried to think of something to say in his defence, but it was too late. He'd managed to thoroughly piss Regan off and she was stomping out of the room and towards the exit.
I caught up with her as she left through the main doors, her hands flung up in exasperation, muttering under her breath. "Men" she fumed "Despicable, selfish, vile, bastards" she spat out, and knowing that she was in no mood to speak with me or my brother, I wisely chose
Third Person POV
"Oh god, oh god, oh god." She threw her head back, her hair cascading down her bare shoulders, her hips grinding as she
roughly, his eyes continuing to look up at her as she rode him for all she was worth. She knew she had to give it her all if she was going to convince him to do what she wanted. She couldn't afford to fail now. Not when she was so dann close to getting everything she need rocked back and forth, his hands on her breasts, gripping tightly squeezin
"You're nice and tight" he growled in approval, as she moved, his hands roaming all over her as she tried not to wince at the feeling of his wrinkles touching her skin, the wizened look on his face doing little to prevent his ardor or the desire he showed towards Heather Ram He had been waiting for this for a long time and he hadn't wanted to wait any longer than he had to in order to get her into his bed.
She bit her lip and began to tighten her walls, hoping to måke him ejaculate quicker. The old bastard was taking his time, and she was growing tired of riding him, of his hands grabbing her nipples and twisting them roughly, of his lips sucking at her breasts and occasionally at them. It felt nothing like the sex she had with Johnathon or even that other miserable bastard Alpha Jackson. At least then she had relatively enjoyed herself, right now she was doing all the work and having to pretend she was enjoying it. It was tiring. She was getting no pleasure out of this at all and had her suspicions that she would be taking care of herself after this. It was a bitter thought but not surprising in the slightest.
She reminded herself of the plan, that this was worth it. The old man gripped her hip at the side and then slapped her buttock quite hard, causing her to inhale sharply at the throbbing pain. Despite his age, he still contained quite a lot of strength, and he wasn't holding hims rusting inside of her as she tried to close to his own release as she nibbled on her Tower lip and continued, his cock pretend, she was somewhere, anywhere else.
"You're just as tight as I imagined you to be" Alpha Kai hissed, his movements becoming more enthusiastic and even harder which she hadn't thought was possible. "You're a slut for my cock he growled.
"Just for you" she whimpered, making him give her a salacious grin.
He was getting off on the noises she made, the little cries and mewls she continued to make as she fucked him.
He was a dominant male and liked making her submission, forcing her to ride him and take his cock as he continued to pound away, slamming inside of her as hard as he could as he began to grow impatient with her steady rhythm while she rode him.
He truly thought she was enjoying his shriveled-up cock inside of her body. Heather Ramona was a wonderful actress if anything else. She could
have made a fortune if she ever auditioned to be in movies. Alpha Kai was oblivious to her true feelings and saw only what was on the surface, exactly what she wanted him to see.
"Oh gods" he groaned out loud "I'm going to..." his voice trailed off sounding slightly regretful.
Thank fuck thought Heather inwardly
rolling her eyes. She had thought it was going to take another ten minutes or more for him to get to this stage. As it was she had not gotten any pleasure from this encounter and she felt slightly indignant, even as she forced herself to keep an expression of pure pleasure o
"Fuck" shouted Alpha Kai, his tone almost a roar and she felt him as he surged upwards, his cock slamming into her with a
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Chapter 10%
furious thrust, his body tensing as she sank down onto him, his hands gripping her hips and holding her perfectly still as he spilled his seed inside of her.
Her legs quivered and she stilled, her body slick with sweat.
Heather waited, before slowly climbing off of him and
Finally, it was finished. He stopped and paused, panting heavily collapsing on the bed beside him. She forced herself to kiss him on the cheek as he put an arm around her and pulled her in closer, relishing the closeness of their bodies.
"Tell me I'm the best you ever had" he growled, nuzzling her neck as she gritted her teeth, feeling on the verge of losing what little composure she had left.
Gods, he was a masochist, thought Heather, even as she smiled obligingly and nodded. "You're the best I've ever had Alpha Kai" she cooed, trailing a finger down his bare chest as his eyes ginted with satisfaction.
Apparently he liked to be praised after doing the deed, she thought with sarcasm.
He chuckled, holding her close to his body while she tried not to shudder. "I thought you would never come. I was close to choosing another Luna" he told her gruffly, sounding grumpy.
"I would not have dreamed of keeping you waiting" Heather denied, "I simply had some trouble leaving and I apologize but haven't I made up for that?" she purred.
She had more than made up for it. He should be thanking her she thought annoyed.
He laughed. "You have. But what are your intentions? Are you planning to leave or are you truly wishing to remain and become my Luna?" his expression was guarded as he observed her. Heather couldn't contain the smile that slowly spread across her face. "Alpha Kai," she said appreciatively, "I wouldn't have just let you enjoy my body or grant me
the best pleasure I've ever felt" she lied directly to his face, "if I didn't have every intention of becoming your Luna."
She pouted. "Or is there somebody else that you desire?" she batted her lashes at him, smiling prettily.
He better not, she silently fumed, after what she had just endured.
"Of course not. I've only had eyes for you since the first moment we met" the old Alpha said nodding at her and stroking his chin. "So if that's the case and it's what you truly want, then I have a simple proposal."
Heather snuggled up to him, tracing his mouth with her finger, a look of interest on her face. "Go on" she urged sweetly.
He sighed sounding a little despondent. "As you know, I have no children. My fated mate died before she could give me a child. I've been alone ever since. I notice that your daughter, Isabelle is pregnant" he added as Heather nodded, trying not to grin "I propose to you tha Heather pretended to think about it. She was inwardly rejoicing. He had done exactly as she had thought he would. The stupid fool. She gave a huge sigh and then smiled at the pleased-looking Alpha.
"Alpha Kai, you flatter me with your proposal" she began as the older Alpha smiled down at her, lost in her beautiful eyes and figure, "and it would be my honor to become your luna and part of your family."
He gave a growl of satisfaction, kissing
Heather on the lips as she tried not to wince at the feeling of his cracked and slimy lips. She felt him grab her around the hips and her eyes widened as he unceremoniously placed her back on his erection. causing her to gape as she began to sink down onto her knees, on he possibly be ready to go again so soon? He smirked, reaching up to grab her breasts, cupping them roughly.
"I'll mark you after we've fucked some more" he promised thickly, "right now I want to get lost in your tight little pussy and feel heaven once more..."
It was going to be a long night.
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