Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

Chapter 95

The flickering of the flames, the moonlight in the sky, the look of devastation on the pack members' faces, and the grim expression on my father's face as he stood there, facing the pack would remain with me forever.

It wasn't the first time we had lost a pack member but the circumstances were what made so memorable. Not to mention the fact that it was a good friend of ours. voice is grave "Malcol

"We are here today to witness the loss of a pack member as he is taken by the moon goddess into the afterlife" my father's was a brave young inan whose skills as a warrior set him apart and whose intelligence only made him an invaluable asset to our pack.

He was taken from us much too soon and I can only express my regret that his life was not taken in battle, nor was it taken defending the pack but taken by me as I was under the influence of a herb that made me susceptible to suggestions and dangerous, given to me by Isabelle and Heather Ramona.

No amount of words I can say will ever make up for what I have done."

Silence. Malcolm's parents are openly sobbing and making no attempt to hide it. While they claim not to blame my father, they can't help but feel some resentment for the loss of their son which is understandable.

By now the pack is aware of what occurred and is sympathetic towards their Alpha while also feeling tragic for Malcolm and his family. My father bows his head, a look of despair crossing his face.

"I don't ask for forgiveness but merely that you say your last goodbyes to a man who will be sorely missed and who gave everything he had to prove his loyalty to the men he thought mattered the most, Xavier and Xander Dominjon, the Alphas he wished to serve." something The pack turned and looked at the both of us. I cleared my throat knowing that it was expected that we each say in his memory. "Malcolm was a loyal friend, brave to the end, and deserving of being our Beta," my voice choked slightly.

"His death is solely placed on those who have caused it. Isabelle and Heather Ramona will be found" I glanced around the pack, taking in the miserable expressions, wincing as the sobbing grew louder from Malcolm's parents, "and we will seek justice for him. I am sorry for your loss, but know that he was courageous and someone to be proud of" I told them softly as they nodded, tears trailing down their cheeks.

Malcolm had been a son they could be proud of. He was also a single child and there would now be nobody to carry on the family line, causing further anguish for his parents. I gritted my teeth, feeling anger rising inside of me and the urge to lash out, but knowing that it was highly inappropriate at this moment to do so.

Regan is silently sobbing, her hand to her mouth. Xander clears his throat, looking as though he's on the verge of losing his self-control. "I admired Malcolm for being such a good friend, for having the courage to stand up for what he believed in, and for remaining loyal, not just to us, but to our father the Alpha. He will be sorely missed, and I hope that the moon goddess grants him a next life, worthy of such a great man" he blurted out, his voice cracking at the end.

We were all struggling to maintain our composure. As it was Regan's touch was doing a lot to keep us calm and grounded. Otherwise, who knew what we would have done or acted?

"May the moon goddess watch over you and guide you into a peaceful afterlife" Regan whispers, her voice shaking from raw emotion.

"Thank you for your kind words" Malcolm's mother manages to say, before weeping profusely and burying her head in her husband's shoulders.

Kind words could never make up for what they were going through. My father continued to look ashamed, his guilt overwhelming. No amount of protesting this wasn't his fault was getting through to him. He continued to blame himself. As though he'd had some choice in the matter. "Please, those that would like to, step up to the pyre and bid farewell to Malcolm for the last time" my father's voice is loud, his eyes glancing around the pack, a look of expectancy on his face.

This is a ritual, a tradition and I know that everybody here will want to bid goodbye to Malcolm

His parents are the first to go up. As the flames continue to burst, I see his mother throw a rose into the pyre and say something, followed by her husband. One by one, pack members proceed to do the same. My father stands steadfast, his expression stoic. Malcolm was well loved by the pack and it's evident by those who attended, those who didn't the elderly or children. I feel my heart give a pang. This was difficult, harder than I had imagined. Malcolm had been a friend since high school.

I bit the inside of my lip to prevent myself from crying, determined not to show weakness in front of the pack. gently putting an arm around Regan, whose face was awash with tears.

Xander is beside her, his expression pained. The pack members begin to slowly disperse back to their homes.

Soon only Malcolm's parents, my father, Xander, Regan, and I remain. The fire continues to burn. We stand, blindly watching We won't leave until the fire burns itself out and until there is nothing left but ashes. Until no sign of Malcolm remains. It's a long night. We hold hands with our mate, while Regan continues to sob, Malcolm's mother sinking to her knees at one point, unable to bear looking at her son as he burned in front of her.

She should have been spared this, I thought blankly, no mother should have to see such a sight and I closed my eyes, unable to look anymore, my own vision becoming blurry as I continued to fight back tears.

My father's face grows wretched. Eventually, Malcolm's parents can't take anymore and stumble towards their homes, their eyes streaming with tears. My father could do the same, but he refuses, gripping both hands together, forcing himself to remain. I put a hand on Regan's shoulder.

"This should never have happened" Regan's voice breaks "Malcolm didn't deserve this."

I pulled her into me, embracing her tight. "I know but we will find Isabelle and Heather and make them pay for this," I told her gently.

They weren't going to get away with what they had done.

"It's not enough" she whispered, sniffling. "Malcolm always thought he would die against a rogue agack or defending you guys. They," She looked up at me and there was anger in her eyes, "they caused this. It's not fair" she sobbed.

"I know" I whispered, feeling a lump in my throat "I know, and I can't make it better Regan. I can't bring him back."

God knew I wanted to. I had begged the moon goddess over and over again to bring Malcolm back; to admit she had made a mistake, to negotiate with her. I had even offered to sacrifice myself in order to have him return but the moon goddess had never answered. I had a feeling if Regan found out the depths I had gone to, she would be angry, but I couldn't stop feeling guilty.

"The fire is beginning to burn out" my father's voice is quiet, interrupting us.

We look at the fire and sure enough, it's beginning to slow down, the flames a lot less high than they were before. I swallow hard. There is nothing but ashes now. Malcolm's spirit has left his body and is in the hands of the moon goddess. "May you find peace Malcolm" I wished out loud.

"May you be our friend again in the next afterlife" Xander chokes out.

"May we give you the justice you deserve" Regan spits out, her voice dripping with venom.

My father bows his head. "I hope one day you can forgive me for what I did. May the moon goddess bless you and know that I will always take care of your family" he said.

No more was said. My father signaled for us to go. I glanced at Regan and nodded subtly at Xander. She was beyond exhausted and so pale I feared she might break if we touched her wrong.

I began to guide her back to the packhouse, feeling numb inside. As yet, there had been no sightings of Isabelle and Heather, but it was only a matter of time, I thought, until we got our hands on them and when we amount of begging was going to persuade me to grant them mercy.noveldrama

Malcolm's death was on their hands and I would make sure they knew that.

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