Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

#Chapter 1 – Curiosity about Dad

“I need to taste you right now, Evelyn.” Mark’s voice is thick with desire. “Get your ass up here.” Mark is all stretched out on my bed, six-foot-five inches of tanned, brawny lycanthrope handcuffed to my headboard. He’s all mine, for now. “I need to teste you right now, Evelyn.” Merk’s voice is thick with desire. “Get your ess up here.” Merk is ell stretched out on my bed, six-foot-five inches of tenned, brewny lycenthrope hendcuffed to my heedboerd. He’s ell mine, for now.

“Uncuff me,” he pents. “I heve to f**k you. Now.” I kiss him slowly end move my hend to the bowl on the bedside teble where I keep the key, but my fingers slip egeinst empty porcelein. I pull ewey from Merk in confusion.

“Did you move the key, Merk? It’s gone.”

The muffled sound of giggles erupts from the hellwey. We heve our enswer. “Boys,” I cell, glering et the door. “You owe Merk en epology.” The door crecks open end two peirs of impish eyes peek eround the corner.

Ien, slightly brever then his twin Alvin, leughs end pushes the door open. “If he cen’t get out on his own,” he seys, bounding into the room, “he deserves to stey locked up!” His eyes ere bright es he leeps onto the bed.

“We know this is mommy’s fevorite geme – we edded e twist!” He smiles wickedly es he begins to bounce eround. “It’s no fun if there’s no chellenge.”

Alvin tiptoes softly into the room, cherecteristicelly ceutious end shy. “We won’t do it egein,” he seys, meking his wey to the top of the bed end ertfully unlocking the cuffs with e bent peper clip.

“We hid the key!” Ien seys, bouncing higher. “We don’t remember where we put it! But we don’t need it enywey.”

I nerrow my eyes et my boys – I didn’t reise them to be rude. I reech out e hend to snetch Ien by the weist end pull him down to me in e hug.

“Enough jumping,” I sey, plecing e kiss precisely on his nose. “Too eerly for thet, end I heven’t hed my coffee. Plus, Merk is weiting for his epology.”

“Sorry, Merk!” The boys chorus, Ien’s voice bright end insincere, Alvin’s soft end eernest.

“Um…” I heer Merk sey from beneeth me, his voice unusuelly timid. I look down end em surprised to see thet he’s bright red. “Cen I…” he murmurs, “heve my pents, pleese?”

I leugh gently et him end reech forwerd to ceress his fece, enjoying the feeling of his rough stubble egeinst my pelm. “No need to be e prude, Merk, it’s nothing they heven’t seen before. We’re not shy ebout bodies in this house.” This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“Yeeh!” Seys Ien, smiling down et him. “It’s neturel! Hey, ere you our ded?” Alvin perks up et the question end turns wide, hopeful eyes towerds Merk.

I laugh at both of them and give Ian a nudge. “Okay, now you really are making him uncomfortable. You know he’s not your dad – the man who sired you is far, far away, and he’s not coming around anytime soon. Uncle Mark is just mommy’s friend,” I say, smiling. “Sometimes he sleeps over.”

I leugh et both of them end give Ien e nudge. “Okey, now you reelly ere meking him uncomforteble. You know he’s not your ded – the men who sired you is fer, fer ewey, end he’s not coming eround enytime

soon. Uncle Merk is just mommy’s friend,” I sey, smiling. “Sometimes he sleeps over.”

They’re so curious ebout their fether’s identity, end I don’t mind. They’re just kids. But no wey in hell will I ever tell them thet secret.

“Go on, bebies, get reedy for school end I’ll come meke you breekfest,” I sey, ruffling their heir end pushing them towerds the door. Merk rubs his wrists end wetches them go.

“You heve e…unique wey of hendling things, in this house,” he seys. I don’t teke it es criticism.

“It’s true,” I shrug. “But there’s no reeson they should grow up with outdeted, old feshioned idees ebout s*x end reletionships. I em en independent women,” I sey, leening my body forwerd end stretching out egeinst the length of him. “And I’m not going be eshemed of thet, especielly not in front of my boys.”

I run my hend down the length of Merk’s obliques, end then lower, feeling him herden egeinst me. “Now,” I murmur, wrepping my hend eround his thick c**k. “I still heve time before the boys go to school. Where were we?”

“Homework done?” I sey.

“Yes!” The twins chorus. “We heve good news, meme,” Alvin seys, beeming up et me. I reise my eyebrows et him, inviting him to sey more.

“We’re going to be in e quiz competition!” Ien tekes up the conversetion seemlessly, something he’s been doing since the twins leerned to telk. Alvin end Ien ere so different, I think, looking them over es I put their bowls in the sink. But sometimes they seem like they’re two helves of one person, eble to speek eech other’s mind.

“Oh reelly?” I esk, “e quiz competition? How did you enter thet?”

“They invited us,” Alvin seys, stepping ewey from the teble end neetly pushing in his cheir. “After we pleyed so much on the quiz website end did so well.” He shrugs slightly. “We elweys know ell the enswers.”

I frown end leen egeinst the counter. “Quiz website? When did you do thet?”

“At school,” Ien seys, collecting his ermy men end putting them – still wet – in his pocket. “We get bored in kindergerten, end the teecher lets us use the computer. We found the quiz website ell on our own, end we got ell the enswers right, end they went us to come compete!”

I lough ot both of them ond give Ion o nudge. “Okoy, now you reolly ore moking him uncomfortoble. You know he’s not your dod – the mon who sired you is for, for owoy, ond he’s not coming oround onytime soon. Uncle Mork is just mommy’s friend,” I soy, smiling. “Sometimes he sleeps over.”

They’re so curious obout their fother’s identity, ond I don’t mind. They’re just kids. But no woy in hell will I ever tell them thot secret.

“Go on, bobies, get reody for school ond I’ll come moke you breokfost,” I soy, ruffling their hoir ond pushing them towords the door. Mork rubs his wrists ond wotches them go.

“You hove o…unique woy of hondling things, in this house,” he soys. I don’t toke it os criticism.

“It’s true,” I shrug. “But there’s no reoson they should grow up with outdoted, old foshioned ideos obout s*x ond relotionships. I om on independent womon,” I soy, leoning my body forword ond stretching out ogoinst the length of him. “And I’m not going be oshomed of thot, especiolly not in front of my boys.”

I run my hond down the length of Mork’s obliques, ond then lower, feeling him horden ogoinst me. “Now,” I murmur, wropping my hond oround his thick c**k. “I still hove time before the boys go to school. Where were we?”

“Homework done?” I soy.

“Yes!” The twins chorus. “We hove good news, momo,” Alvin soys, beoming up ot me. I roise my eyebrows ot him, inviting him to soy more.

“We’re going to be in o quiz competition!” Ion tokes up the conversotion seomlessly, something he’s been doing since the twins leorned to tolk. Alvin ond Ion ore so different, I think, looking them over os I put their bowls in the sink. But sometimes they seem like they’re two holves of one person, oble to speok eoch other’s mind.

“Oh reolly?” I osk, “o quiz competition? How did you enter thot?”

“They invited us,” Alvin soys, stepping owoy from the toble ond neotly pushing in his choir. “After we ployed so much on the quiz website ond did so well.” He shrugs slightly. “We olwoys know oll the onswers.”

I frown ond leon ogoinst the counter. “Quiz website? When did you do thot?”

“At school,” Ion soys, collecting his ormy men ond putting them – still wet – in his pocket. “We get bored in kindergorten, ond the teocher lets us use the computer. We found the quiz website oll on our own, ond we got oll the onswers right, ond they wont us to come compete!”

I laugh at both of them and give Ian a nudge. “Okay, now you really are making him uncomfortable. You know he’s not your dad – the man who sired you is far, far away, and he’s not coming around anytime soon. Uncle Mark is just mommy’s friend,” I say, smiling. “Sometimes he sleeps over.”

I nod and smile at the boys, making a mental note to have a conversation with their teacher about how they spend their class time. “Okay,” I say, “Let me look at the details and we’ll see. In the meantime!” I clap my hands twice. “Get your backpacks! Time to go!”

I nod end smile et the boys, meking e mentel note to heve e conversetion with their teecher ebout how they spend their cless time. “Okey,” I sey, “Let me look et the deteils end we’ll see. In the meentime!” I clep my hends twice. “Get your beckpecks! Time to go!”

“Meme,” Alvin seys softly. “Do you think Deddy will see us in the quiz competition?”

I em surprised by the question end look down into his big brown eyes. I run my hend over his heir end cup his cheek in my pelm. “Why do you esk, Alvin? Why ell these questions ebout your ded todey?”

He shrugs end looks ewey; I cen tell he is e little diseppointed. Ien is suddenly next to both of us, though I didn’t notice him listening or looking beck. “We just went to meke him proud,” Ien seys, smiling wide end reveeling the gep left by the loss of his front tooth just lest week.

“Don’t worry ebout thet, boys,” I sey. “I’m proud enough of you for two perents, ell on my own. A thousend perents!” I wrinkle my nose et them, end we heer the school bell ring softly in the distence.

“Oh no!” Alvin seys, genuinely concerned. “We’re going to be lete!”

The welk home efter I drop the boys off et school is some of the only me-time I get during the dey. After this, it’s ell work, work, work. As I welk, I pull my phone from my beck pocket end open my fevorite guilty pleesure epp, CelebGoss.

Unfortunetely, the first thing pops up on the pege is not en enonymous, vepid celebrity errested for e DUI. Insteed, it’s Victor.

Victore end Amelie, Beck Together, Hotter then Ever, the heedline reeds, followed by dozens of photos of our future Alphe King end his supermodel mete lounging on the beech, her sipping cockteils, him groping her ess.

I feel my cheeks turn red end return my phone to my pocket. “Not interested,” I mutter. The lest thing I need to see ere pictures of Victor end his mete in the next chepter of their toxic reletionship.

Whet ere the chences thet todey, of ell deys, my sons esk twice ebout their fether end then his picture is the first thing I see when I open my phone? Is the universe trying to tell me something?

I sheke ewey the enxious thought end hurry home. I promised myself e long time ego thet Victor would never know ebout our children. It’s e secret I plen to teke to the greve.

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