Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 62

Our Luna, Our Mate Chapter 62 Athena's POV

After a a few minutes of silence does Emma suddenly squeal at the news. "OMG! I can't wait till the Alpha's hear about this, they'll be super excited to know that our Luna is carrying Alpha Triplets."

Hearing that I can't help but smile. Ares and Eros would be extremely happy once they found out. 'Looks like our family just got a whole lot bigger' I say to Artemis with a smile.

it did my child' smiles Artemis. 'May the Moon Goddess always protect us.'

Smiling, I'm about to reply back once more only to be interrupted by Ares through the pack link. 'Love... can you please come to my father's office? It's urgent.'

At the sound of his voice, I grow worried. My eyes shifting towards the others. 'Sure, I'll be there shortly. Just finishing up with the doctor' is all I say, deciding not to reveal the good news that I had until I knew what was going on. With my eyes still trained on the others I move to speak. "We're needed at Alpha Alarick's Office.



At the tone of my voice, the others move to follow including Maya. "Is everything okay?" asks Lucas as he moves to follow.

"Not sure, I hope so" I answer, walking past the receptionist's desk as we move to leave the hospital. "For all our sake though, I sure hope everything's okay" is all I say as we move to approach the Alpha's office, millions of tiny things now running through my head. I wonder what could have happened in such a short bit of time, I wonder, curious as Ares sounded worried as we make our way towards the office, my body now nervous.



you think it's about the Moon Walker Pack?' questioned Artemis as we slowly made it to where Alarick's office was.

Not sure' I say back to her, having seen an unmarked suv in the color black parked outside when approaching the pack house. "Whose car do you suppose was parked outside?" whispers Emma, having seen the car too.noveldrama

"Don't know, but whoever it is must be pretty important. Usually all packs have cars with the pack crest on them to make them recognizable with other packs" explains Emily, knowing a little bit about pack crests and things of that sort.


"Hey, you're right Emily. Because when we all left for the Mating Ball, our suvs each had our pack crest on them indicating that we were from the Mystic Shadow Pack" chimes Lucas, as if he suddenly remembered as well. what are we waiting for, let's go" remarks Emma, as we all pickup the pace, the sudden need to know growing.


When entering the pack house, the air within it seemed to turn thick like whoever was here came here unexpectedly and those within the house were trying to avoid being seen by the visitor. "Where is everyone?" whispers Maya, a bit nervous when we had arrived. "I- Don't know" I whisper back only to pick up on loud voices coming from within Alarick's office. Concerned that something was happening we had moved to pick up our pace and headed straight there once we had gotten back to the house.

Please, please be okay, I plead to the Moon Goddess not wanting something terrible to happen to Alarick or to Gwen.

-Alarick's Office-

"WHERE IS SHE? WHERE'S ATHENA!" yells the voice of the unannounced visitor who was now standing before Alarick, Gwen, Ares, Eros, Kai, Seth and Sam.

"Relax, she's here and safe" assures Alarick to the visitor, hoping to calm him down.

"I'll be the judge of that, according to your email, my niece was mistreated badly at the hands of

the Mo Moon Walker Pack. A crime I fully intend to deal with once I'm able too. But for now, I want anger.

see with my own eyes just how safe she truly is" snaps the voice, as he looks to Alarick in

"Look.. Alex... I promise you, she's fine. She's on her way here as we speak. Ares contacted her just seconds upon your arrival" replies Alarick to his best friend Alex or as some people knew him, Alexander Moonblood. Lycan King and ruler of the Blood Rose Pack. Growling with anger, Alex moves to take a seat as does his Royal Beta, Thorin. Everyone waiting for Athena to make her appearance. Once sure that he wasn't about to lash out once again, does Alarick move to speak again.

"You look great Alex. The years have been kind I see. I'm sorry for the loss of your family and home. No one saw it coming" whispers Alarick to his friend, having truly meant what he said. Sighing, Alex moves to drop his head into his lap. "You have no idea just how much I've prayed to the Moon Goddess. Asking her for a sign in hopes of knowing if she was safe, if she was still alive” Chapter 62 replies Alex, sounding deflated.

"I know. I did the same for a while. When learning that Ryder and Selene were murdered and that maybe Athena was too, I prayed. Heck, I even went to Moon Valley in hopes of finding survivors. Unfortunately there wasn't" explains Alarick as he and Gwen move to take a seat along with Are and Eros along with their Beta, Gamma and Delta.

"Did you now? Then why didn't you tell me once you had found out? You were supposed to be our friend, and had you been that friend, you would have told me" grumbles Alex as he moves to look at his long time friend.

"I tried to. I really did. I I even tried to call Rick, but each time I did, I was unable to reach either of you. So don't think I did this just to hurt you, when I didn't" answers Alarick just as the door to his office opens, causing everyone from within to turn and look.

"Alpha Alarick? Is everything okay?" comes Athena's voice, making Alex jump up and turn, greeting the voice as he did for he would always know that voice just about anywhere no matter what as she was his little princess. "Athena? Is that you?" asks Alex to the girl who now stood before him all grown up, no longer that little 5 year old girl he once knew.

Pausing in her tracks, Athena moves to look at the new person in the room, a sense of deja vu rising as she does. "Yes.... And who might you be?"

it's me... Alex, your uncle" answers Alex, his eyes reflecting so many different emotions.

"U-Uncle?" is all Athene says just as her body goes into shock, watching the person in front of her before collapsing.

"ATHENA!" yells Ares and Éros as they see their mate fall to the floor unconscious, being caught by Lucas who had seen her begin to fall only to catch her before she could hit her head on the hard floor of the room. "Easy my Alpha's, she's okay, just in shock I think" replies Lucas as he moves to lay Athena on the couch within the room.

"Sorry, this is all my fault... I came here unannounced and for that I apologize. I scared my only niece" remarks Alex, sad he had caused Athena distress by his presence.

"Nonsense, you didn't do anything of the sort. Give her time to rest and when she wakes then we can all talk, alright?" offers Alarick to his friend, the Lycan King nodding his head,

"Fine" is all he says as he watches Athena sleep, the day of events catching up to her as she finally got to see her uncle, who also happened to be the Lycan King, King of all the Werewolves. Chapter Comments

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