Our Luna, Our Mate by Linda Middleman

Chapter 47

Our Luna, Our Mate

Athena's POV

-Athena's Dream-

Pure black darkness. I knew I was sleeping as I had gone to bed prior to the twins which meant I had to be sleeping. Right? So why did this give me chills while being surrounded by utter darkness. Alone and with no one else around me.

Artemis?" I call to my wolf, hoping she was with me at least.



the area around me, I can't help but feel frightened. "ARTEMIS!" I cry. Fear slowly gripping at my heart. "Please, are you here? Answer me." "Easy there my child" purrs Artemis as she moves to approach me, nuzzling my hand.

"Artemis, Oh thank the Goddess. I thought I lost you" I cry as I move to hug her.

"Nonsense. You can't lose me. I'm forever here with you" admits Artemis, mildly amused by my


But-y you weren't here.. You didn't answer me" I say to her.

"I'm sorry. I was temporarily unavailable" says Artemis as she tries to find the words to say.

"Unavailable? How?" I ask, not understanding what she meant.

"I was unavailable because of the Moon Goddess. Mother Moon had summoned me" explains Artemis, hoping it would help ease my fear.

"I don't... Understand" is all I say again, my eyes moving towards hers.

"I think it's best if I just show you" replies Artemis as she moves to summon our space. Summoning our space, my eyes move to roam the change of scenery. What was once pitch black now held a beautiful night sky filled with stars. A moon floating in the sky as a pond laid just beneath it. Green lush grass as well as a beautiful cherry tree filled the area. "It's beautiful. What is this place?" I ask, my body in awe.

"It's our space. It's where we can meet with Mother Moon. Our Moon Goddess" replies Artemis as we move to stand near the pond. The pond clear, as if I was looking through a mirror or glass as it reflected the moon and stars above us. 1/4 Chapter 47

Silent, all I can do is take in my surroundings, my eyes still taking everything in that is until my eyes move to land on two huge wolves. One pure black while the other black with its patch of on its snout. Blinking, I move to ask now curious.


"Is that-?" I trail, my eyes still trained on the wolves before me.

"Deimos and Zeus? Yes. Our mates are here with us" smiles Artemis.

"How is that even possible?" I ask, surprised.

"Anything is possible. But to put it simply, they're our mates. They see what we see just as we see what they see" chuckles Artemis, her eyes now trained on our mates who sat opposite to us at the pond.noveldrama

Sighing, I smile, deciding to just sit down next to Artemis. My eyes still trained on Zeus and Deimos. Oh Moon Goddess... Please give me strength to protect my mates. So that no harm shall befall them, I plead silently to the Goddess. "You need not worry my child. Your mates will be just fine" speaks a voice, startling me as I move

to look for the voice.

"Who- Who said that?" I ask, now scared.

"Do not fear me, my child. It is I, Mother Moon" answers the voice as a woman with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, adorned in a sparkling blue dress who now stood before me, her milky white skin glowing as she did. "Moon Goddess" I breathe, surprised to be seeing the Moon Goddess herself, let alone inside my dream. "Yes my child, it is I" smiles the Moon Goddess.



. How?" I ask, now confused, as it was considered a rare gift to be able to see or speak with- the Goddess herself as not many had that privilege at least until today when she appeared before

"Do not worry, child. As mother of all wolves it is my job to know what happens to all of my children. As for you... I can't begin to say just how sorry I am. It was never my intention for you to lose your home or your family. To be raised the way you were raised. But Mother Nature has a way of interfering with others, like always" explains the Moon Goddess, slightly annoyed by Mother Nature.

"Moon Goddess" I say, only to be cut off again.


focus Call me Selene. Moon Goddess sounds a bit formal" chuckles Selene, her blue eyes now

on me once more.

"Sorry.. Selene. Why did you let the Rogues kill my family? Had we angered you?" I ask, trying not

to cry.

"No sweetheart, you didn't. I know it was rough to see them perish and believe me, I take good care of them since they've returned back to me, but I can assure you sweet Athena that your will face. journey will be tough. Ezra the Rogue King will be one of your toughest challenges you But if you trust in your mates along with your friends then together you can stop him" admits Selene.

"And.. if I can't" I ask.


"Then all that we know will perish" says Selene.

Listening to that my heart begins to race. How was I supposed to stop a Rogue? And a rather large one at that? Come my thoughts, unable to voice my concerns.

"Don't worry Athena, Deimos and Zeus along with Ares and Eros will be there with us. All we need to do is trust in them" replies Artemis with a smile, as if she knew of my fears. Nodding, I move to trust in her words. "Okay.. We can do this" I say, devotion now filling my


"I know you can my child. After all, you are the chosen one. The one destined to unit the packs and our people" smiles Selene, causing me to blink at that. "How?" I ask.

"You'll see. You have visitors coming to see you soon my child. All will be revealed then. For now you must prepare for your heat" smiles Selene, a knowing look now resting on her face.


hand heat?" I ask, slightly confused only to be jolted by a wave of pain. "What the?" I cry, my gripping at my lower belly, as if I was getting my menstrual cycle but harder. Unaware that what I was feeling was that of my heat cycle, a cycle I had yet to experience as I was not properly mated

back then.

"I see, it has begun" is all Selene says before she leaves me.

"WAIT!" I cry, pain and discomfort now washing over me, my body feeling warm as my eyes move to look for Zeus and Deimos only to find them gone as well.



"Artemis" I whimper, trying my hardest not to cry in pain.

"Breathe... All will be fine" whispers Artemis as my vision begins to blur as I suddenly feel my body being shaked, a voice calling out to me.

"Athena!" calls the voice, my subconscious mind slowly returning to the voice as I succumb to the




Those voices, they sound so familiar to me and yet filled with worry as they attempt to reach out to me, their hands brushing along my fiery skin in an attempt to wake me from my slumber, a soft audible sound passing through my lips as they did. It hurts" is all I muster as the pain steadily increases in size. Chapter Comments Reisa Guardiola

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