One Night With My Alpha Professor

One Night 141



Edwin & Audrey

Edwin's POV

I had hardly touched the glass of champagne that was pinched between my fingers. I had hardly noticed the lively music or the well-dressed crowd or the breathtaking view of the city and the river below. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't focus on any of it.

I should have been happy to be here. Claudia was my friend and someone I respected, and the venue-her favorite restaurant situated on pylons high above the river-had some of the best food and drink that the city offered.

But tonight, none of that mattered. Tonight, I was a puppet. A go**n puppet.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"We should consider holding our engagement party here," Fiona said, sidling up to me. "It's a lovely venue. My mother has good taste."

I gritted my teeth, my grip on the champagne flute tightening. I opened my mouth to tell her that there would be no engagement party and certainly no wedding, but one look from her made me quiet again. Her eyes held a warning, a reminder of that night on the bridge when she had threatened Audrey's life. I remembered it all too well; it haunted me.

"I meant what I said," Fiona whispered, her voice low enough that only I could hear. "Careful, Mr. Big Bad Wolf."

I resisted the urge to shove her over the balcony.

Just then, the doors opened, and another guest entered. Fiona's blood-red lips curled into a smirk. "Ah. Speak of the little succubus..."

I felt the blood drain from my face as Audrey walked in, looking stunning in a green dress that hugged her curves perfectly. I could already imagine that she had made it herself, her slender fingers carefully adding the intricate beading by hand.

Her long dark hair was pin-straight down her back, her pale throat adorned with a simple golden necklace. She had opted for subtle eyeshadow and a muted red lip tonight, and she looked more beautiful than anyone else here.

The urge to go to her was overwhelming.

I wanted to tell her that I didn't give a d**n if she was human, and even if I did someday find my fated mate, I would sever the bond for her. I loved her, and only her. I wanted to whisk her away and hold her again and tell Fiona to go to hell.

But another warning look from Fiona had me going rigid. "I'll stay out of her way tonight so long as you do, too, she hissed.

My eyes met Audrey's across the room, and I felt my heart clench. She froze, blue eyes widening. I think I saw her take a step toward me, lips parting as if to call my name.

But like the coward I was, I turned away, letting Fiona lead me to the dance floor.

Audrey's POV

09:30 Thu, Sep 19

Chapter 141 4976%

The moment I stepped into the party, I immediately felt out of place. The room was filled with werewolves in expensive designer clothes, the air itself practically reeking of cash. I was the only human here, and I felt it acutely.

As I walked further into the room, my eyes landed on Edwin across the way. He was dressed in a gray suit, no tie. Even from where I stood, I could see the buttons on his shirt strain as he inhaled sharply. My heart stopped in my chest, and I swore I could smell his cologne from here. It made me want to go to him more than anything else in the world, and I took a step closer before I could stop myself. But then I froze, watching as Fiona led him away to the dance floor. He didn't resist. They began to dance intimately, her body pressed close to his, and I felt my stomach churn. Suddenly, I heard a soft voice behind me. "Audrey."

I turned, expecting to see someone there, but the space behind me was empty. Confused, I shook my head, wondering if I had imagined it. Perhaps I had; I hadn't been sleeping well lately. Staying up all night thinking about Edwin and Fiona was enough to drive anyone mad.


This time, the voice was real and coming from another direction. I turned to see Claudia approaching, her arms outstretched. She wore a glittering golden gown and her blonde hair was down. I couldn't decide which caught the light of the chandeliers more: the gown, the hair, or that smile.

Instantly, I felt myself relax, even as a few pairs of eyes turned to see what the commotion was about.

"You made it!" she exclaimed, pulling me into a warm hug without any hesitation. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here."

I hugged her back. The smile I gave her, despite how I had been feeling lately, was genuine. I held out a small package when we pulled apart. "Happy birthday, Claudia. I brought you a small gift."

Claudia's eyes lit up as I handed her the wrapped package. To my embarrassment, she immediately began tearing into it, drawing the attention of several more nearby guests. I could feel their eyes on us, and I swore I heard a few snickers.

As Claudia revealed the hand-embroidered silk scarf that I had made for her, I caught sight of Fiona staring at me from across the room. Her eyes were sharp, like two daggers, as they flicked between the scarf, her mother, and me.

My face reddened, and I quickly stammered, "It's really nothing. If you don't like it, I can-

But before I could finish, Claudia cut me off with another hug. "Oh, Audrey, it's beautiful! Did you make this yourself?"

I nodded, still acutely aware of the eyes on us. "I did. It's not much, but-"

"It's perfect," Claudia insisted, immediately tying the scarf around her hair. The pinks and sapphires and the embroidered flowers didn't go with her dress, but she didn't seem to mind. She tied it in a knot around a low ponytail and turned this way and that in a nearby mirror, beaming.

"I love it. Thank you so much for coming and for this thoughtful gift," she said gently.

Her words and smile bolstered me a bit, and I felt some of the tension leave my shoulders-but not enough now that Fiona's eyes kept darting over to me, watching coyly over Edwin's shoulder. As Claudia was called away by other guests, I made my way to the bar, desperately in need of a drink,

I ordered a glass of white wine and slipped onto one of the barstools, clutching my purse to my chest. There, on the wall behind the bar, was a meror I could see the entire dance floor in it 09:30 Thu, Sep 19

Chapter 141

And there were Fiona and Edwin, front and center.


They were still dancing, but now Fiona was leaning close, whispering something in Edwin's ear. I watched as he shivered, and my heart sank. They looked so intimate, so... right together,

I suddenly felt emptier inside than before at the sight of them together. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have come.

The bartender handed me my wine, and I took a large sip, grateful for something to do with my hands. As I turned back to face the room, trying to come up with a good excuse to leave early, I heard that voice again. "Audrey...

1 spun around, nearly spilling my drink, but once again, there was no one there-no one other than a surprised werewolf attendee who shot me a dirty look as I nearly sloshed wine onto her gown. "Hey!" she hissed, stepping back as a few droplets of wine splashed onto the floor. "Watch it!"

I swallowed hard. "I-I'm so sorry-"I began, but she was already striding away, shaking her head to herself.

My hands trembled slightly as I set my glass down on the bar. What was happening? Was I losing my mind?

Figuring I needed some air-and maybe a moment alone to collect myself-I quickly finished my drink, the alcohol burning slightly as it went down. Setting the empty glass on the bar, I turned toward the hallway where I had seen a sign for the restrooms.

Maybe a few minutes alone would help me face the rest of this party. And maybe, just maybe, I could work up the courage to talk to Edwin and finally tell him my decision. I could leave after that. With one last glance at Edwin and Fiona, still wrapped up in each other on the dance floor, I slipped away from the party.


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