My savior. My Lover

Please your mom

Quinn held Damon’s hand as she pulled him into an empty class .

Damon stared at her not realizing what she was up to .

She brought her lips closer and kissed him .

Expecting Damon to deepen the kiss , but instead he pulled back and pecked her two cheeks .

Quinn boiled in anger when he did that and since she couldn’t keep calm any longer , she voiced out .

” Damon what did I do , you don’t find me attractive to you anymore . You found someone better ,. I suddenly am not beautiful in your eyes anymore . My lips aren’t calling to you anymore . You don’t love …

Damon tired of her talks shut her up with a kiss which Quinn pulled away from immediately and slapped him on the face .

Damon held his face surprised.

She just slapped him.

Yes he deserved it.

For ignoring her for some time .

He do talk to her but he no longer kissed her and stayed from her .

Yes this was all Mrs Spencer .

He knew kissing her might lead him to smooching her and then anything can happen and he can’t afford to anger the woman .

He took a long stare at Quinn who was on the verge of tearing up and tried to hold her but her next action shocked him .

” I hate you ” she spat and ran out in tears.

Damon felt a knife slash through his chest at those three powerful words she had just spoken .NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

He kicked the table in anger. Punching his hand on the walls till his hand bled .

He has to beg Quinn and . make it up to her to even if it meant defying Mrs Spencer’s words but first things first .

Quinn ran into the female’s restroom in tears .

Was this how heartbreak felt like ??

She asked herself .

She had noticed his earlier changes in character and had decided to find out what was wrong .

She had taken him to the class and kissed him and he had pulled back and she felt her heart slash that she started vomiting those words .

And then he had tried to kiss her .

Who did he think he is to just toy with her feelings and kiss her again .

So she had pulled back and had slapped him..

She regretted slapping him but her emotions had taken a greater grip of her brain .

Then she just had to tell him she hates him .

Yes she hates him because he had toyed with her ,.

Shown her how to be loved and then dropped her in a valley of thorns .

Quinn looked at the mirror and saw that her whole face was filled with tears and her hair messy .

Her eyes were also reddish because of the tears .

She heard a knock on the restroom ‘s door .

She turned to the door in anger .

Who would think of disturbing her now ??

Was the person blind not to see that the door was locked meaning someone was inside .

She turned back to the mirror totally ignoring who was there.

The knock came again and just as she was about to snap at the person .

A voice came up .

” It’s me Ava ”

She sniffed on realizing that it was Ava as she felt her whole emotional wall break down the more.

Just the perfect shoulder to cry upon .

She didn’t bother turning to the door as she muttered a come in .

Oh she locked the door from inside .

She opened the door with the remote control still facing the mirror and the door opened and Quinn was expecting to sniff a lavender perfume as that was what Ava used.

But she was greeted with a familiar scent , one that was stuck to her nostrils . One she won’t miss anytime any moment . One scent that she wished she never came in contact with .

That scent .

Damon ….

And to confirm it , the person’s hand wrapped around her waist.

She felt herself weaken at his touch.

All the walls she was trying to build collapsed. .

Damon had went in search of Quinn after seeing his bleeding hands were not going to bring her back .

He ran out of the class and had bumped into Ava who was wondering what was after him .

He looked at Ava to see if she showed any sign that Quinn had gone to her but she looked normal and so he had decided not to ask of Quinn’s whereabouts from her .

” Quinn ” Ava had asked .

She was coming to get Quinn when she bumped into Damon and Quinn wasn’t with him .

” I am not with Quinn , she was here a few minutes ago but she left . Thought she came to you ” he said and Ava raised a brow ..

” Oh I will just go check in the library and then the restroom ” she said .

” Yeah sure , tell me when you find her , I will see you later ,” he said and without waiting for her reply , he ran off and straight to the restroom .

He knew that’s where she would be or the changing room for those involved in athletics .

Those are the two places he could think of considering the state which she had run out in.

He got to the restroom and stood by the door and heard little sniffles inside .

He had knocked and when the person opened it , it was another person and not Quinn so he decided to check out the fifth one that Quinn was fond of using and had heard tears , heartbreaking tears inside .

He knocked on the door and he could hear a cussing sound inside .

He waited a few minutes before knocking again and had twisted his voice to be like Ava’s and Quinn who he could say was blinded by tears hadn’t taken full notice of the little masculinity of the voice and had told him to come in .

When Damon turned the handle, it was still locked .

He was about knocking again when he heard the beep of the remote control signifying that it was open .

He opened the door and took slow strides to her and wrapped his hands around her waist .

He had expected resistance but he felt her relax in his arms .

He stroked her hair and sighed .

” I am sorry for hurting you but it was all to please your mom” he blurted out and Quinn turned immediately wondering what her mother had to do with what is happening now …


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