My Enemy’s Daughter



“Do you still know how to ride?” I ask, petting Lexus. She nods and I smile, noticing that her expression has changed from annoyed to curious.

“This is Lexus, unfortunately my old horse died while I was in captivity.”

I say, feeling the regret in my tone. ” By luck or fate, Guilhermino bought it and we fit perfectly.” I continue, smiling at the horse.

“He is handsome.” He says, testing out a light caress, I’m surprised to find he accepts his touch without protest.

“Like me, he also had a difficult past. He went crazy to defend himself, you are the first person besides me he can touch. Be honored, darling. I say, happy with the smile that she tries in vain to hide .

“Come on, let’s pick one for you.” In fact, there’s someone I think you’d like to see again.

I say, leaving the Lexus tent convinced she’s going to melt at my surprise.

Arriving at bay twelve I notice the white hair, as well as the rest of the body. The mare whinnies when she sees us, seeming to recognize Amelia when she sees her.

The girl stops, looking in disbelief at the mare in front of her, not seeming to believe what her eyes are showing her.

“Is that Crystal?” he murmurs, walking slowly to my side. I smile.


“God, she’s huge.” Speak and I make a face.

“Well, it’s been a few years. I point and she nods, agreeing with my reasoning. She kisses, caresses and talks to the mare without minding my presence and scenes similar to those of a few years ago invade my mind. Consciousness, a fifteen-year-old Amelia, with long hair and a still-childlike voice, played with the little mare that was born at night. In the past, in fact, the girl practically participated in the birthy with the vet “You chose the name.” I whisper still next to him.

“I thought you would deny me.” He answers without really looking at me, using the same tone as me.

“I could not.” She was his, no one else could name her. I say, somehow getting his attention back to me.

Green eyes studying me, focused on mine.

“What was it like there?” he asks and I have to frown at not understanding.

“There?” I emphasize.

“In jail. How was it there?” Explain. My body tenses. I study her question and then her face, realizing she’s genuinely curious about this phase of my life.

“Bad.” It’s the only thing I answer him, not being able to think of anything else.

“I will ride with you if you give me my cell.” he says, changing the subject when he senses my discomfort.

I smile, grateful I haven’t started an interrogation, though I feel like she could get any information about my time as a prisoner from me if she wanted to.

“Done.” I nod, taking my cell phone out of the jacket I’d put on when we got to the corral and placing it in her hand. She runs her fingers across the screen.

device and starts reading the messages your mom and I exchanged last night, lips pursed.

I readied my horse and then hers, realizing that this is the first time Cristal and Lexus have been side by side. We mount and go, she follows behind me down a certain path, seeming to familiarize herself with her mare before passing me, bringing out my competitive side.

We run a little.

“Pick me up.” Speech, galloping faster. I growl, encouraging my horse to run faster. “It’s no use, honey. You can’t run away from me.” I smile, stepping past Cristal.

“Argh! Cheater.” Accuse her when she has to force a stop.

“I understood.” I say, looking at her flushed face. She nibbles her lips, drawing my attention to them.

“You’re still there and I’m still here.” ” She says boldly. Her phone rings when I make a move to get off the horse.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

I try to read her face as she talks into the phone, her terrified expression making me worried.

“What?” I ask.

“My sister…” He stutters and my heart races.


Was she on the phone?

“What happened, Amelia?”

“She’s at the hospital.” Her words make me dizzy and guilt rips through me, I was with her yesterday and today she’s in the hospital.


Without thinking, I grab my horse’s reins and gallop back, yelling for her to follow.

I don’t look back when I hear the sound of her horse following me, but I go to her when we reach the farm.

“What are you doing? You can’t take me there.” she groans as I help her off her mount.

“She’s right” Guilhermino mutters next to me, and only then do I notice his presence.

Frowning, I grab both sides of her face.

” I need to go.” I say and the green of his eyes darkens, making them dark and melancholy.

I watch his shoulders slump and his breathing change.

” You need to see her. ” she says, looking sad.

I nod, thinking of the right words so she doesn’t get it wrong.

“Yes, but not for the reasons you think.”

Amelia takes my hands away from her face.

“You were once married, I understand.”

“No, baby. This isn’t about me and Aurora.”

“I don’t need explanations, Henrico, but going to the hospital is a bad idea considering you hate my father.”

“Of course you need explanations, you’re my girl, the only one I want.”

She huffs, taking more steps away from me.

“Just drive me to the hospital.”

“It’s just…I don’t wish your sister harm. We both have a past, and even though it means nothing to me anymore, I feel like part of what she’s going through is my fault.”

“Your fault? How is that possible? What are you talking about, Henrico?”

I let out a long breath, then reclaim the space between us and grab her waist.

“My back could have done that.” I confess.

A crease appears between her brows.

“Did you look for her?”

” I… ”

” This conversation can be saved for the trip.” Guilhermino speaks, calling our attention. He looks at me and then at the girl in my arms. “Amelia, if you want to find your sister fast, we’d better leave now.”

She seems to reflect for a second, giving me a long look before nodding and walking away.

Guilhermino points to the truck itself and it follows the silent command.

“What the hell was that!?” I ask when I’m sure she can’t hear me.

“Me? Tell me about yourself.” he growls.

” I?”

” You were about to give the girl more reasons to hate you. ” he says.

I open and close my mouth, searching for answers.

” You are welcome.” he mutters, pushing past me and heading in the same direction as the truck.

I run my hands through my hair, frustrated as hell with the whole situation. However, I recover in time to reach Guilhermino and get his keys.

I know he wants to avoid a tragedy, but this is my battle and I need to win this fight to overcome the past and have my revenge sated.

Guilhermino rages, curses and threatens to kill me if I crash his car.

” You are crazy.” Amelia whispers as I slide into the driver’s seat.

“That’s your effect baby.” I shoot back at her and she hides a smile.

“Fine, let’s not talk about your thing with my sister right now, okay?”

“There is no bid.”

“Okay, whatever, let’s focus on how to make sure you and my dad don’t kill each other in the hospital.”

“No promise, honey.” I say, turning the key and starting the car.

“As if my life wasn’t complicated enough already.” I hear her mumble under her breath.

” What did you say?” I ask, biting back a smile.


I bite back a smile and do as she asks.

I drive to the hospital, but when I meet the devil and his secretary my blood boils.

“That bastard.” I speak reaching Pedro’s profile before anyone else.

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