My Emotionless Goddess


While they were still contemplating on where to start their investigation, the doorbell rang.

” I’ll get that, ” Ava said, walking downstairs. Looking through the peephole, they saw Lucia’s parents standing at the door, worry evident in their eyes. She opened the door and offered them a polite smile.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

” Aunty, uncle you are here.” She greeted with a bow.

” Yeah, we came as soon as we got the letter. What’s happening here my daughter?” Mrs Mendez asked. To her, the four Ladies passed as her daughters.

” A letter? From Who?” Ava asked, puzzled.

” From Ezekiel. He said he wanted to officially break the engagement and set Lucia free. He also talked about taking care of his daughter for him.” Mrs Mendez replied.

” It seems he was really prepared to leave.” Ava mumbled but her words were caught by Mr Mendez.

” What do you mean dear, where is he going and why does he have to cancel the engagement if he would be coming back.” Mr Mendez asked, puzzled.

” Aunty, uncle it seems like Ezekiel is not coming back. We suspect that he’s in some difficulty or rather is terminally ill. He is not a coward or an irresponsible person and we both know he loves Lucia. Only something big can make him take such a drastic decision.” Ava explained their assumptions.

” What?” Mrs Mendez was so shocked that she almost stumbled and fell down if it wasn’t for her husband supporting her.

” How is that possible? He was fine just the other day. How could he fall sick so sudden?” Her heart was tearing up painfully. He was such a fine young Man, how could he fall sick all of a sudden?

” We are just making assumptions, nothing is certain yet. Don’t panic, maybe that’s not the reason for his departure.” Ava tried to console the woman who seemed heartbroken from the news, who wouldn’t be? That was their son in law and the father to their grandchild.

” Where is my daughter?” After reigning on her emotions, she finally asked. If this is how she felt, how worse was her daughter? They were almost on the verge of tying the knot and welcoming their first born. She must be heartbroken from her fiance’s sudden departure.

” Lucia is upstairs with Stacy and Miranda. I think they should be putting her to sleep by now. She is exhausted and too much crying will endanger the baby.” Ava replied, accompanying the two elders to settle at the couch.

” Can I go see her? I want to be with my daughter.” Mrs Mendez requested. She just wanted to stay by her daughter’s side and comfort her.

” Honey, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Your presence might aggravate her situation.” Mr Mendez replied. He had seen the begging look Ava had on her face when she heard his wife’s request and understood at once that they couldn’t see their daughter at this time.

” Why is that? I am her mother. I should be with her now.” Mrs Mendez tried protesting to only have her husband wrap his arms around her waist.

” Think about it darling, if you were sad and trying to get over it then your Mom appears, what would you do?” He tactfully asked, baiting on his wife.

” I’ll definitely break down.” Mrs Mendez honestly replied.

” That’s what I mean hun, she’ll just continue crying if she sees you then their efforts would be wasted. Allow her to rest tonight, we will come back and see her tomorrow.” Mr Mendez explained and finally she gave in.

The two bid Ava goodbye with the promise of visiting the following day.

When Ava went upstairs, Lucia was already sleeping soundly with Stacy and Miranda by her side.

” What happened?” She whispered, not wanting to raise her voice and wake the already sleeping Lucia.

” Let’s talk downstairs.” Stacy said, motioning the two friends to follow her. The three friends walked down stairs and settled on the sofas before a dead drop silence covered the room. Everybody was in their thoughts until Ava decided to break the silence.

” Ezekiel sent a letter to Lucia’s parents cancelling the engagement between the two families.” Ava reported.

” He what?” Stacy almost jumped on her foot upon hearing those words.

” Yeah, it seems like he’s very serious.” Ava replied then the silence stretched yet again.

” I suggest tomorrow we visit the company, only there can we get any useful information to solve this issue.” Miranda proposed.

” You two handle those matters, I will stay behind and accompany Lucia at home. With her condition, she can’t be left alone.” Stacy Informed and they agreed upon that.

” Ava, you will be responsible for talking to his secretary. I have to talk to his lawyer. I am sure he must have said something to him.” Miranda laid out the plan.

” Okay.” Ava readily agreed.

That night, the three stayed up late planning on their next move and only slept almost at dawn.

The following morning, the country woke up to the news of Hawk construction company’s CEO stepping down and the appointment of his cousin Tony Greene as the next CEO. This news shocked the country and debated on why the young CEO would resign when he was at the peak of his success. Some said that maybe he was forced to step down by the family, others assumed he was maybe stepping down to enjoy time with his fiance and welcome their child but nobody knew the truth.

Lucia saw the news while browsing through her phone out of boredom. Thinking about him, she burst crying. Why did he have to hide everything from her and disappear from her life? She could feel it inside her that he was fading away but couldn’t understand why he couldn’t be honest with her. They may not be married but she already took him as her husband. It was for worse or for goodness. She was willing to accompany him to the depths of hell if need be but he chose to face everything away from her, like she was an insignificant part of his life. Like she and her baby meant absolutely nothing to him.

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