My Emotionless Goddess

a trap

That night, Ronald did not go home but called Ava at night and they chatted for an hour. He reported that his other business overseas was encountering some problems and he had flown over to attend to matters little did the two know that it was nothing but a trap set for them.

The following morning, Ava woke up and after preparing breakfast, she decided to go grocery shopping. Ronald would be arriving in the evening and she wanted to prepare something delicious for him. With that thought in mind, she donned a pair of ragged trousers, a white tee and completed the look with White sneakers. Since the grocery store was less than ten minutes walk, she decided to walk there instead of using the car. It was a good way to kill time and keep fit too. As a former model and actor, She cared about her body weight the most. It came as a habit after being in the entertainment industry for Long.

After walking for five minutes, Ava Saw a white van approaching her at a terrifying speed from behind. She walked away from the road and stood as far as possible to avoid getting hit in case the crazy driver lost focus.

” There are so many crazy drivers recently on the roads.” She murmured. Just as the car was about to reach her, it suddenly slowed down and two bulky men stepped out pointing guns at her.

” Holy shit!” Ava cursed wondering why of all people she managed to catch the attention of these crazy bastards.

She was roughly dragged and dumped to the van before the van sped away. She was still wondering if this was another case of kidnapping that had been rampant in town when one of the men removed his phone and made a call.

” Boss, we captured the bitch.” He reported immediately the call was connected and that’s when Ava realised that this wasn’t any random kidnapping, she was the Target. But who could hate her so much to kidnap her? After being in the entertainment industry, she could count with her fingers the number of people she offended and none was powerful enough to orchestrate a kidnapping.

Then her mind immediately runs to one person, Ronald. Ofcourse, Ava was aware of Ronald’s second identity as the Mafia Lord but that never bothered her. Their relationship was never public afterall. She remembered how she had dismissed his idea to have bodyguards following her saying it was creepy. Turns out he had an idea I could be in danger anytime as long as I remained by his side.

” Copy that.” The man answered after listening to instructions which Ava assumed were from the Boss and the person who wanted her kidnapped. She could only pray that Ronald realises that she’s missing and comes to rescue her.

” To the warehouse near the port.” The Man barked the instructions and the van took a sharp u turn throwing me off balance, sending me flying and hitting my head.

Nobody spoke throughout the journey. I could feel a sticky liquid dripping down my face and I didn’t need anyone to tell me that I was injured. I could tell from the head splitting pain I felt earlier after bumping into the metallic body of the van.

Lifting my head, I tried looking at the four masked men who kidnapped me and was shocked to see a familiar face, or rather a familiar scar. I could recognize that ugly scar anywhere even in my dreams. But what is he doing here, was I really kidnapped by the rebels? That scarred Man was among the people sent to kidnap Stacy’s boyfriend, Gabriel. Everybody thought he died, turns out he was still alive. Ava couldn’t help but wonder if the scumbag had nine lives like a cat. How could he escape danger Every Time?

” What are you looking at bitch?” The scarred Man asked, irritated, sending a flying slap to Ava’s face which immediately turned red with a big handprint on it.

” What are you doing? The boss said not to injure her?” Another Man reprimanded. The same Man who Made the call. After getting a hot slap, Ava dared not look up anymore before she drew that psychopath’s wrath again.

The van came to a stop and Ava was dragged like a rug. They entered what appeared like an abandoned warehouse. It was dimly lit and had old corrugated metals. One could tell it used to be a company before abandoned for whatever reasons.

” Go lock her up. The boss will meet her later. Don’t try anything funny with her.” Their leader instructed and the scarred Man manhandled Ava, pushing her towards what seemed like an isolated room. The door was unlocked and Ava was roughly pushed in before the door was immediately locked. Due to the intensity of the push, she lost her balance and fell to a metal scrap which scratched her elbow that it started bleeding.

The room was pitch black, no source of light at all. She started trembling while hugging her legs and placing her head between them. Ava was scared of darkness. It was a psychological reaction since she was young. She also hated staying in enclosed spaces but here she was, in darkness and a small enclosed four walled room. She curled herself to a ball, trembling like a leaf in winter. She felt broken and could only call Ronald’s name, hoping he could hear her and come to her rescue.

In country B.

Ronald received a tip about the whereabouts of one of his enemies. He flew to country B and mobilised his army to plan a surprise attack. He was giving instructions on how to proceed with the ambush when his cellphone rang. He wanted to ignore but something else told him to pick up so he did and what he heard Made his blood boil with fury.

” Don’t you dare lay your filthy hands on her or else I’ll kill you.” Ronald roared angrily.

” Easy there lover boy. I must say it was fun playing with your mind. For the first time, you fell for my trap hahahaha!” The man laughed like a maniac.

” I swear if you lay your hands on her…” Ronald was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

” You don’t have any power to threaten me. I can do what the hell I want with her. You and her will pay the price for killing my brother. An eye for an eye, a Life for a life. You chose between the two of you, who will be dying today.. I’ll be waiting, don’t take long.” And with that the call was disconnected.

Ronald threw his phone to the wall smashing it to pieces. He was so angry that his body trembled.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

” What were those idiots doing when she was kidnapped?” He yelled to no one in particular, making his men flinch. Their boss hated incompetence the most. He never tolerated it and those who slacked off in their duties suffered serious consequences. Seeing his anger, they silently uttered a rest in peace to those concerned.

” Prepare the choppers, we are going back.” He barked the orders and left. He didn’t explain and nobody dared ask for an explanation, that would earn you a death sentence.

The journey to the country took three hours. Ronald had already called Justin and Kiel asking for their help. He was aware if he wanted to save his woman faster, then he needed Miranda’s help. Not because she wielded a lot of power as the queen but because he needed her hacking skills. He couldn’t relax until his little woman was back again in his arms safely. He regretted not insisting on having bodyguards everywhere she went. He knew she wasn’t comfortable with that arrangement but for her safety, he should have insisted.

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