My Emotionless Goddess


Justin received the chain with trembling hands and like a trigger, countless images started running in his mind making him feel dizzy.

” Big brother, u want to eat noodles ”

” Big brother, carry me.”

” Big brother, let’s play..”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

” Big brother, I want to climb that tree.”

A four year child kept bugging her brother to do this and that.

He was always very naughty, but his Big brother indulged him nevertheless.

Then it came to a scene where their house was attacked by people. Her mother immediately pushed the two children away..

” Nikolai, take your brother away.. anytime your father will not be able to hold them.. I stay behind to help him.. please take care of your brother, okay?” The beautiful woman said to the elder son.

“I promise you mother, I’ll take care of Drew.” The elder son said and the woman patted their heads and kissed them. She then removed a chain from her neck and handed it to her elder son,” keep this safe with you.” She said then pushed the two to hide in the chimney.” Don’t be scared, I am here with you. I will always protect you.” The elder boy assured the younger one and he nodded meekly.

After what felt like hours, the elder boy woke the young one up. ” Come, we need to leave from here.” He said helping his Young brother to climb down their hideout.

” Why are we leaving? What about mommy ànd Papa?” The young boy asked.

” They have gone for a journey and will come back later. They said we should get away from the house.” The elder boy explained.

They left the house with nothing ànd started wandering the Streets. They lived in the Streets for some time until e evening, his elder brother told her that they would be leaving for the city and that’s how they found themselves in the capital city.

The elder brother took care of the Young One until I One night, he was running down with a fever. The elder boy Left to go get medicine but stayed longer. The young one got scared and Left their hideout to look for his elder brother.

That’s how they got separated and Justin had run Into a woman, Mrs Lambert, who took him home and adopted him. The next time they met, Justin had already forgotten about his elder brother.

The memories unfolding in his mind Made Justin tremble. So he had been staying with his brother all these years and could not recognize him? What kind of a brother was he?

” I’m sorry brother for not recognizing you earlier… Please I beg you.. just hold on for me.. I’ll get you to the hospital.. Please don’t Leave me alone.” Justin begged pitifully. Gone was the elegant crown prince. Now, his face was tear stained and covered with snot.

” Am g . glad that.. that.. y. you. finally remembered me.. I can die peacefully..” Nikolai replied.

” Please, I beg of you.. don’t leave me big brother… I wouldn’t know what to do without you.. please stay with me.. I promise, I’ll be good this time.. I will not make trouble for you again..” he desperately begged his elder brother.

” Silly.. boy, wh.. who said br.. brother hates it.. when.. you make.. trouble.. d-don’t.. cry, you,, don’t look.. handsome.. when you cry..” Nikolai could feel that his life was coming to an end. He couldn’t bear to leave his little brother behind but life had different plans for them.. ‘ in the next life, I still want to be your brother.’ he thought inwardly as tears streamed down his face.

He had imagined countless times how their reunion would be but this was the last thing he ever imagined would happen. There was no doubt that his departure would hurt his brother but he did not regret taking the bullet for him. He will heal with time.

” S.. smile for me. one.. last time.” He begged and Justin forcefully lifted the corner of his lips attempting to smile.

Nikolai chuckled seeing the ugly smile..” it’s .. very ugly.. I l.. love you.” He said and his body went limp.

Justin cried, shaking his brother’s body but no matter what he did, Nikolai didn’t smile nor talk to him anymore. He was still in denial that his brother whom they reunited with today Left him. It was painful.

Justin finally stopped crying and sat there, holding his brother’s body, which had already turned cold. Hour’s went by and he remained in that position. When darkness came and he showed no signs of standing up, Miranda finally decided to approach him. The war was finally over with the rebels being defeated. Even though Miranda’s side suffered losses, they emerged victorious.

The congressman was captured together with the other government officials who had betrayed the government. The queen managed to escape somehow and she was on the run. The King was rushed to the hospital and his life saved. The country was peaceful yet again without any threats of the rebels but the hearts of the seven friends were heavy. They were hurting because of one of their friends’ loss.

After settling everything, they all rushed here to be with Justin and support him. It came as a shock to them all knowing that prince Nikolai was Justin’s blood brother. That was a twist they would have never thought about.

Miranda approached Justin, crouched down and tapped his shoulder. Justin turned reluctantly to look at her but looked away immediately. That simple action was enough to throw Miranda’s heart into turmoil. Was he blaming her for his brother’s death? She wondered.

” Justin, let’s go home.” Miranda urged him but the Man seemed not to have heard her. He ignored her.

” It’s late. We should leave from here.. you should also let go of your brother, he needs to rest and so do you.” She said yet again but the response was still the same… Silence.

” It’s getting dark and we are in the middle of nowhere.. do you want your brother to stay in this kind of place.. wild animals roam at this place at night.” Miranda added and that got a reaction from Justin. He stood up and tried to lift his brother’s body but before he could do that, darkness clouded his mind and he fell down unconscious.

Miranda was quick to hold him from falling down ànd hurting himself. Stacy rushed to them and took Justin’s pulse. ” His body is extremely weak and exhausted. We have to rush him to the hospital.” She informed them and the group finally left the forest.

When they arrived at the hospital, the girls went to the emergency room with Justin while the boys took Nikolai’s body to the morgue for preservation.

Two hours later, all seven were in Justin’s ward. Justin was still unconscious and an intravenous drip was connected to him to supply him with water and glucose.

” You should go home and rest, I will take care of Justin tonight, I’ll inform you when he’s awake.” Miranda urged her friends and comrades.

” I will stay and take care of the king.” Stacy volunteered.

” I’ll stay behind too.” Lucia said stubbornly.

” You are pregnant, you should take care of your health if you don’t want to get sick.” Stacy reprimanded the careless mother in the room.

” I am just pregnant, why is everyone treating me as a patient?” Lucia complained.

“Because you are a patient hunny, come, I’ll take you home.” Kiel tried forcing her but instead got yelled at.

” Who is your hunny, you dumbass.. if it’s not for you, will I be in this situation?” Recently, her mood swings were worsening and Kiel was on the receiving end, but he dared not complain.

” I know Hun, am stupid, a dumbass, a bastard, name it all but will you please take care of our baby?” Kiel has learned how to bootlick and coerce the mother of his child. It was hard at first but he took it as a consequence of his doings and was becoming so good at it.

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