My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 73 Broken Bonds

Chapter 73 Broken Bonds


Shock etched all over her face, growing even more pronounced as she stammered, "Wait, w-what?"

Dad's voice cut through the air like a knife, "You heard me, Chloe. Pack your fucking bags and get out." His gaze shifted to Jacob, while Clara clung tightly to Dad from behind, more likely acting as a human buffer to prevent any potential outbursts.

I was losing my shit, my heart pounding in my chest, and my anxiety had already become a brewing storm ready to unleash itself and fucking destroy


"And you," he continued, addressing Jacob as he pointed a finger at him, "I regret ever considering you my friend. Not only did you exploit my daughter's emotions, but you allowed your bitch to insult her under my own fucking roof. I have to praise your audacity cause you actually fucking deserve it! Take your bitch and leave."

"Samuel, you can't just insult me like this," Chloe's jaw clenched. Of course, a woman like her would surely be more concerned about her pride rather than Jacob even when he stood on the brink of losing his friendship with my dad. The thought of the pain it would inflict on both of them tugged at my heart, no matter what Jacob had done to me. I didn't want this rift to happen. Call it love-blinded naiveté, but I simply couldn't bear to see any relationship crumble.

Maybe I was stupid for this but...I really loved him. I really did even though he didn't.

And I knew, this love was going to cause me a lot of losses when Jacob might only lose a friend.

"I can, Chloe, I absolutely can," Dad spoke up, "I know about you just as well as Jacob does. I remember how you used to offer hand-jobs to guys on your first dates, for an extra twenty dollars, even when you weren't exactly hard up for cash. I recall how you paid guys to play the part of your boyfriend, with certain 'benefits' attached such as sucking their dicks in return, and let's not forget the nights you pilfered money from lockers, getting caught twice. It was your dear boyfriend who had to bail you out by borrowing money from me. I can list more incidents like that," Dad chuckled, "So, believe me, this is probably the most respect I can give you. Allowing you to remain under my roof is already more respect than you deserve. So, before I decide to strip away this facade you've built with your newfound wealth, likely by sleeping with rich businessmen, you should leave!"

Chloe's face contorted through various shades of red, while Jacob's expression remained aloof. I had anticipated him defending his partner, but it seemed he couldn't care less.

What was he doing? What was really going on in his mind?This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

God, Could it be that he's even worse than I thought, and he doesn't care about her at all?

"Samuel, you are crossing the line," Chloe seethed, her anger simmering as her voice grew louder. "You have no right to disrespect me." "And you had no fucking right to take advantage of my daughter's pain and taunt her under my roof. You had no right to fabricate stories of her slapping you even though I believe she should have. And, most importantly, you have no right to linger in my house after being told to leave. For fuck's sake, Chloe, you're so much older than her-how could you stoop to venting your jealousy on her? How many times must you prove to be a disgrace to the name of women?"

Chloe's eyes shot daggers at Jacob, "You'll just stand there and say nothing, Jacob?" who remained silent and disinterested. It was as though he had no intention of even looking at her.

What on earth was going on? Did they fight or something?

Fuck, this situation was already too stressful and this behavior of Jacob was just adding to the mix.

"Fine, then. Deal with your fucking mess," Chloe retorted bitterly, "I'm out of here," She tore her gaze from Jacob to look at dad, "And Samuel, keep fighting for your precious daughter, but remember, she's the same daughter who chose to have an affair with your friend behind your back, disregarding your feelings. So I guess, good luck?" With a final venomous look, Chloe turned and walked into the mansion, presumably to pack her bags.

As Chloe made her exit, my mother, who had chosen silence throughout, finally spoke up.

"Samuel, you really need to calm down. You're taking it too far," my mother's unexpected statement surprised not just me but also Dad and Clara, judging by their expressions.

What the fuck did she has to say right now?

"Taking it too far? Are you out of your fucking mind?" Dad spat, the veins on his neck stood up as he gritted his teeth, "This scoundrel used my own daughter for his sick, twisted desires and then discarded her like she's a fucking toy to play with. I'm doing the bare minimum of what should be done. I should just bury this bastard alive."

I had never seen my dad this furious, but I felt powerless to interject. I desperately wished for a way to prevent the situation from escalating any further, knowing that I was the cause of it all.

If only I hadn't been so intoxicated last night, none of this would have come to light, and everything would have remained perfect. Shit! What had I done?

"I never used Evelyn, Samuel," Jacob ultimately shouted, his voice laced with frustration. "Never. Not even for once. Do you fucking get it?!"

I couldn't help but notice how not even a single of his features displayed said that he was lying, yet wasn't he the same person who told me that he was only with me to get over Chloe? He had used me for sex until he found an opportunity to reunite with her

Then why didn't anything about him say that he was lying? Why?!

"Do not fucking lie you piece of shit!" Dad once again made a move to advance towards him but Clara clung to him.

"Samuel, please don't...." Clara pleaded.

"I am not lying, Samuel. I am not lying because I simply have no reasons to be afraid of losing something since I already have lost what I had," Jacob chuckled, it sounded bitter and his voice dropped a few octaves, "I don't give a fuck about what everyone thinks. I know my truth- I never used Evelyn. And I will never admit to something I didn't do, no matter how loud you shout or how hard you try to beat it out of me-nothing's going to change."

Was he just trying to cover up and fix things?

"You bastard! If you didn't use her, then why the hell are you back with your ex? Do I look like a naive child to you? Don't play word games with me, Jacob, or I'll tear that tongue out and let the dogs have it. Don't fucking dare to lie to me!"

And then...something weird happened.

"He... He's not lying," my mother's voice finally broke through, cutting off any response Jacob might have given. But, it already seemed Jacob wasn't about to say anything at all.

My mother on the other hand appeared trapped in her own thoughts, hesitating, and this was the first time she had spoken in such a manner. What the hell was going on with her?

She had no idea of the details of what had occurred between Jacob and me, except for the news of our affair that she'd heard from Chloe. So why was she suddenly passing judgment without knowing the full story?

Was she out of her mind too? She must be.

"What?" Dad's expression shifted from anger to confusion as he looked at my mother. My gaze darted toward Jacob, who seemed to release a quiet, defeated sigh, avoiding my eyes.

Wait...what was happening?

"Jacob's telling the truth, Samuel," my mother finally said, after several moments of tense silence. She sighed heavily, running her hand through her hair before bringing it to her mouth, releasing a deep breath to steady herself, "I asked Jacob to end things with Evelyn for the greater good."

My eyes widened, and my jaw felt like it was about to hit the floor.

Greater good?

For a brief moment, my entire being struggled to process her words. But when the reality of it sunk in, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

She... she asked him to break up with me?

oh gosh... My own mother told the man I loved to fucking dump me and he did it, just like that?

I stood there frozen, incapable of uttering a single word or demanding an explanation. My mind had ground to a halt. Basically, all this pain I endured, my mother too had a hand in it...she had essentially told him to put me through it... she had told him.

How could she?

Tears welled up in my eyes. Fuck I didn't want to cry, but the tears had begun to trickle down my cheeks regardless.

Dad stared at her in shock, his face contorted with disbelief. "You did what?

My mother released another shaky sigh, her gaze struggling to meet mine.

"You told Jacob to break my heart?" I asked, my voice trembling, sobs gathering around my throat like a tightening noose, "You told him to dump me,

to say those things to me, just so I...I'd step away and everything would end, all because you didn't think it was right? You decided to override the choices I made from my heart simply because you didn't fucking like them?"

"Evelyn, it's not that simple..." My mother began to explain, looking hesitant. "I thought it was for the best. I told him to end things with you to avoid more significant damage. It was meant to be for the best."

"Who gave you fucking the right to

decide what's best for me? Who gave you that fucking right?!" Tears streamed down my face as I shouted, "Why is it that you never even try to understand me? Why do you always seem more interested in imposing your decisions on me rather than allowing me to make my own choices? Why are you so self-centred and careless about what others want?!" Suddenly I didn't even care about anything, what was happening or what was going to happen!

Only one question swirled in my mind- how could she do that to me?

"Because I didn't want to see you hurt or losing relationships like you are now! I didn't want this! What you're witnessing before your eyes, I didn't

want this chaos, and I didn't want you to end up with regrets!"

"You created this havoc, Mom. You fucking created it! Everything was perfect until you entered the picture and ruined it shouted, barely able to contain my anger, "If Dad were in your place, the moment he found out, he would never have gone behind my back or played this dirty game. And this situation you're talking about, it would never have occurred if you hadn't decided to play the 'so-called good mother.' for the records! And you know what? Now that I know you did this, I'm relieved that I kept you out of my life all these years. You simply don't deserve to be called a mother!"

Hurt flashed in my mother's eyes, but she remained silent. I couldn't bear to look at her face anymore. How could she just always choose to do what

she thought was right, with little regard for my feelings?

God, I couldn't believe her....

My gaze shifted to my dad, and I began to speak through my sobs, "I'm sorry for what I did, Dad. I'm

really sorry." I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand. "I fell in love, yes, with the wrong person-your best friend. But believe me, I never intended to hurt you.

couldn't help myself. I'm sorry for everything." My dad's eyes softened as spoke. "If I had known that falling in love would lead to such havoc and destruction, I would have.....locked my feelings away. Somewhere far away," A hiccup left my mouth, "But now I know I am wrong, because not only he was the

wrong person but a coward, and of course, no matter what everything turns out to be now, the only truth is that he doesn't love me. I didn't know how to stop myself. I'm truly sorry."

I stole a glance at Jacob, who now had tears glistening in his eyes. But those tears no longer held any significance for me. If a few simple words from

my mother were enough to shake his beliefs and decisions, and forget about all the promises he made, there was surely no future for us, especially

not after everything had been fucked up in more than just one way.

And then... I rushed back inside the mansion, darting into my room and slamming the door shut.

Perhaps it was all my fault. Maybe it was my fault for falling in love with my dad's best friend. It didn't seem forbidden to me-Love didn't feel forbidden to me, but standing alone against the tide of battle I couldn't win. If I had realized this sooner, perhaps I wouldn't have lost so much.

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