My contract love story

Chapter 23

As Ashleigh left her aunt’s office, a plan began to take shape in her mind. She was done playing by Adrian’s rules; it was time to seize control. Reaching the private elevator, she paused, then opted for the stairs instead. With newfound determination, she marched through the underground parking lot towards a waiting car. The driver took off promptly, delivering her to the mansion.

Mr. Atkinson greeted her upon arrival. “I apologize for interrupting, Madame, but the interview for a new butler is scheduled for shortly. Mr. Cagliari insisted on your presence.”

“I’m aware, Mr. Atkinson,” Ashleigh replied.

“However, I’ve had a change of plans. In addition to finding a butler for the house, I’d like to hire a personal assistant.”

Surprise flickered across Mr. Atkinson’s face. “But Madame, this wasn’t part of the initial plan. Mr. Cagliari certainly won’t approve.”

“Mr. Cagliari placed me in charge of managing this mansion, didn’t he?” Ashleigh countered, her tone leaving no room for argument.

“Therefore, I make decisions concerning its overall well-being, including my own. My well-being is paramount right now.”

“Very well, Madame,” Mr. Atkinson conceded. “But I must inform you that your tutor is scheduled for a session between 5 and 7 pm.”

“Then expedite the candidate interviews,” Ashleigh instructed. “Please proceed.”

Mr. Atkinson bowed and left to carry out her orders.

Ashleigh’s plan was simple: hire and train her own personal assistant who would handle mansion affairs until she returned from work. Having someone loyal on her side was crucial. Since her arrival, everyone from the secretary to the security personnel reported to Adrian, and her requests were only granted if they received his approval or fell within his guidelines. She yearned for a team who would answer directly to her, regardless of any opposition. Hiring an assistant was the first step on this long journey.

An hour later, Mr. Atkinson returned with thirty candidates fifteen for each position and ushered her to the designated interview room in the living area.

As the clock struck four, Ashleigh and Mr. Atkinson finished interviewing the final candidate for the butler position. A few hopeful faces stood out, particularly a middle-aged woman named Katherine. Her experience shone through, and Ashleigh suspected she’d be a wonderful companion for her aunt.

“Katherine seems well-suited,”

Mr. Atkinson agreed. “Let’s employ her.”

With the butler search on track, Ashleigh needed to shift gears. She had a tight schedule thirty minutes for the personal assistant interview, another thirty to freshen up and grab a bite before her tutor arrived. But first, she had a plan.

While Mr. Atkinson familiarized Katherine with the mansion’s layout, Ashleigh gathered her staff. She’d already devised a unique interview method and needed their help to set the stage. Once Mr. Atkinson departed with the new butler, Ashleigh addressed the staff, outlining her instructions for setting up the interview room. Moments later, fifteen eager candidates entered, finding a desk adorned with a specific object waiting for each of them.

“Welcome,” Ashleigh greeted, her voice firm yet welcoming. “Today’s session will determine who will become my loyal personal assistant. Please note, this position is open only to female candidates.”

A murmur of understanding rippled through the room as everyone’s attention focused on Ashleigh.

“Here’s the test,” she explained.

“I’ll be leaving the room for ten minutes. During this time, feel free to observe your surroundings, take notes, and even interact with each other if you wish. When I return, you’ll write down three things: a detailed description of the item on your desk, the location of at least three other items you noticed, and one insightful observation about the office setup or your fellow candidates.”

A beat of silence followed as Ashleigh’s words sank in. Some candidates immediately began scrutinizing their assigned objects, while others paused, formulating a strategy. A hint of a smile played on Ashleigh’s lips. This wasn’t your typical interview it was a test of their attentiveness, their ability to think on their feet, and perhaps even a glimpse into their personalities.

“Remember,” she concluded, her gaze sweeping the room, “attention to detail and intelligent thinking are key. Good luck!”

With a final glance, Ashleigh turned and exited, leaving the fifteen candidates and their curious minds to the task at hand. Silence reigned once more, broken only by the soft scratching of pens on paper. The ten minutes ticked by, the anticipation in the room growing with each passing second.

Ten minutes flew by. As Ashleigh re-entered the room, a satisfied smile played on her lips.

“Alright everyone, time’s up! Please put down your pens and begin writing your answers.”

A flurry of activity filled the room as the candidates diligently recorded their observations. Once everyone finished, Ashleigh collected the answer sheets, her eyes scanning the pages with focused concentration.

After a few moments of deliberation, she looked up, a satisfied nod gracing her features.

“Well done, everyone. Based on your answers, I’ll be shortlisting the top three candidates for a final interview. The winner will be chosen based on that final round.”

A collective breath escaped the room, replaced by a tense silence. The candidates, their faces etched with nervous anticipation, knew they had given their all. Now, all they could do was wait.

Breaking the silence, Ashleigh announced,

“The shortlisted candidates are…” As she named the three finalists, a wave of disappointment washed over the remaining hopefuls. They rose from their chairs, their dreams of securing the position dashed, and began to file out of the room.

The three finalists, however, remained, their gazes fixed on Ashleigh who sat poised behind her desk.

“Welcome,” she began, her voice firm yet welcoming.

“Now, we’ll conduct brief individual interviews to determine who will be my trusted personal assistant.”

Solemn nods from the remaining contenders acknowledged her words. Ashleigh locked eyes with the first candidate and offered a warm smile.

“Let’s begin with you. Can you tell me about a time when you had to think on your feet and find a creative solution to a problem?”

Without hesitation, the woman launched into a detailed and confident account of a past experience. Her quick thinking and resourcefulness left a strong impression on Ashleigh. The process continued as Ashleigh posed the same question to the second and third candidates. Both women demonstrated impressive skills: one excelling in communication, the other displaying remarkable composure under pressure. Each candidate’s performance left Ashleigh with a difficult decision to make.

Following the interviews, she took a few moments to carefully consider her options. Scrutinizing her notes, she weighed the strengths and weaknesses of each contender. Finally, a confident smile spread across her face.

“And the winner is…” she declared, pausing for dramatic effect, “Susan!”

Susan’s face erupted in pure joy as Ashleigh continued, “Susan, your keen eye for detail, sharp thinking, and exceptional communication skills make you the perfect candidate for this role. Congratulations!”

Warm applause rippled through the remaining candidates as Susan rose, her face beaming with pride. Ashleigh extended her hand, and Susan grasped it firmly, their handshake solidifying the new partnership.

“Congratulations again, Susan ,” Ashleigh said with genuine warmth.

“Let’s work together to achieve great things!”

Turning to the remaining candidates, she offered a final word of encouragement.

“To the two of you, please don’t be discouraged by my decision. While today may not have gone your way, I was truly impressed by your abilities and potential. This won’t be the last time our paths cross.” With a nod of understanding, the two women exited the room, their chins held high despite the disappointment.

With the other candidates dismissed, Ashleigh gestured for the staff to clear the room. Susan watched silently as the interview space was transformed back into the familiar living room. A glance at her watch confirmed Ashleigh’s dwindling time.

“Susan,” she began, rising to her feet.

“It’s Mrs. Ashleigh Cagliari, but please, call me Mrs. Ashleigh.” Susan nodded eagerly, a hint of nervous energy radiating from her.

“You’ve impressed me with your skills and composure,” Ashleigh continued, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

“I’ve chosen you for the role of my personal assistant. The question is, can you handle the responsibility, no matter the challenges?”

Susan’s chest puffed with pride. “Absolutely, ma’am. I’m ready for anything.”

Her response seemed to leave Ashleigh unconvinced. Leaning in closer, her voice dropped to a whisper.

“Even to the point of death?”

Ava’s eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of fear momentarily clouding her expression. However, it vanished as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a steely resolve.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Yes, Mrs. Ashleigh,” she replied, her voice unwavering.

A satisfied smile tugged at Ashleigh’s lips. “Good. Then your duties begin now. Follow me.” She turned and strode out of the room, Susan trailing closely behind.

The weight of Ashleigh’s cryptic words hung heavy in the air, leaving Susan with a gnawing sense of unease. What exactly had she gotten herself into?

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