My contract love story

Chapter 21

Larry froze, a heavy silence settling between them for a moment. He finally turned to find Ashleigh already waiting for his explanation.

“According to the staff roster, only the butler and cleaning crew are assigned to this floor,” she mentioned, her tone laced with suspicion. “No one else is permitted access.”

Larry’s smile faltered slightly. “Right. Actually, Tara did have me come up here once to help her with some food supplies for Mr. Cagliari,” he explained, the explanation sounding a bit forced.

It did seem strange to Ashleigh, but she brushed it off. With only a month of marriage under her belt, she had little knowledge of Adrian’s specific dietary needs. “That’s fine,” she dismissed, her attention returning to the movie playing on the large screen.

The film was an older one, but one she’d been eager to see. By the time the credits rolled, she felt thoroughly satisfied and ready for bed. As the movie ended, the theater lights automatically flickered on, prompting her to exit.

Opening the door, she collided with Mr. Atkinson, who was just about to enter. A pang of guilt washed over her as the morning’s fiasco, specifically her forceful dismissal of Tara, resurfaced in her mind. Seeing Mr. Atkinson here so unexpectedly fueled her anxieties; he wasn’t supposed to return for a while.

“Madame,” he greeted her with a polite bow.

“Mr. Atkinson, I sincerely apologize for the sudden inconvenience,” Ashleigh blurted, her voice laced with regret. “I imagine this has been quite a hassle for you.”

“There’s no need for apologies, Madame. In fact, I should be the one apologizing for my daughter’s disappointing behavior,” he countered, his words unintentionally amplifying Ashleigh’s guilt.

It wasn’t Mr. Atkinson’s fault that Tara harbored an unhealthy obsession with his employer; he surely raised her the best he could.

“Has this incident increased your workload significantly?” she inquired, her tone laced with concern.

“Not at all, Madame,” he reassured her with a light smile. “It’s simply part of the job. No need to worry about it.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps in the hallway. They turned to see a maid approaching, a familiar tablet clutched in her hand. At the sight of the device, Ashleigh instantly knew it was Adrian calling, likely regarding Tara.

Mr. Atkinson accepted the tablet from the maid and handed it to Ashleigh, bowing slightly before taking his leave. Ashleigh stared at the screen with a mixture of apprehension and dread. The bright call interface displayed Adrian’s name prominently. Taking a deep breath for mental preparation, she answered the call. The screen flickered to life, revealing Adrian seated at his desk, mirroring the scene from yesterday. However, this time, he was dressed in a sharp corporate suit, exuding his usual CEO aura. His expression was noticeably more serious than before, and the faint sound of colleagues discussing matters in the background added to the tense atmosphere.

Ashleigh greeted Adrian with a cheerful, “Hello, Adrian,” lifting the tablet to ensure her face filled the screen.

Adrian offered a brief glance of acknowledgment before returning his attention to the paperwork sprawled across his desk. He tackled a series of issues with Mr. Turner and others present, issuing orders that were swiftly carried out. Once the room quieted, he finally turned his focus back to Ashleigh.

“It seems you have a busy day,” she commented with a hint of concern.

“Indeed,” he confirmed. “Today’s agenda included a crucial meeting with Mr. Oscar’s company, where we finalized project plans. This was followed by additional staff meetings to address various contract-related issues.”

He paused, then continued, a hint of formality entering his voice, “To top it all off, Mr. Atkinson called me during a meeting to inform me about Mrs. Cagliari’s dismissal of Tara, the assistant head butler. Perhaps you could recount this morning’s events from your perspective?”

Ashleigh scanned his face for any sign of anger, but his expression remained neutral, leaving her uncertain of his emotions.

“It was a sudden decision,” she began, a touch defensive creeping into her voice. “Tara also used some disrespectful language towards me.

Adrian raised an eyebrow in response to her justification. Ashleigh felt a wave of shame wash over her, his silence speaking volumes.

“Mrs. Cagliari,” he began, his voice measured, “while I encouraged you to establish your authority yesterday, your actions achieved that goal, but perhaps at a cost?” He allowed his question to hang in the air, heavy with unspoken implications.

“I understand it might be challenging initially,” Ashleigh offered tentatively, “but I believe things will settle down in time.”

For the first time since the call began, a hint of a smile played on Adrian’s lips.

“It definitely will. You have to make sure it turns out well.”

Ashleigh remained confused after Adrian’s cryptic, “It definitely will, you have to make sure it turns out well.”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mr. Atkinson is already back at the mansion,” he continued, “but your aunt’s house needs a replacement butler. That’s where you come in. You will be in charge of recruiting a suitable replacement for your aunt”

A sense of relief washed over her. It was a fair solution, and knowing her aunt’s new butler would be reliable brought her peace of mind. Scheduling the assessment around her work and studies wouldn’t be a problem – an afternoon should suffice.

“One more thing,” Adrian interjected. “Mr. Atkinson mentioned the instructions you gave the staff before his arrival.”

Ashleigh puffed out her chest, a flicker of pride in her eyes. “I did my best! How was it?”

“Adequate, but there’s room for improvement,” Adrian replied.

“Starting Monday, Mr. Atkinson will be giving you a comprehensive tour of the house and its responsibilities. You’ll also be making the final decisions.” He resumed reading his documents, leaving Ashleigh speechless.

“Adrian, are you serious?” she finally stammered. “How can I handle that on top of work and college?”

“Simply stop working,” he suggested calmly. “It’ll be easier to manage everything if you’re home full-time. You were planning to resign anyway.”

“Yes, but things have changed,” Ashleigh countered. “I actually enjoy my job now.”

A frown etched itself onto Adrian’s face. “It’s inappropriate for the CEO’s wife to be a company cleaner. Think about the optics. You initially needed the job, but those needs have been met. There’s no reason to continue.”

His voice, intended to be soothing, grated on Ashleigh’s nerves.

“Mr. Cagliari,” she retorted, her voice firm, “my reputation is of no concern to you. I have no intention of revealing our marriage unless absolutely necessary. Besides, we’re separate entities within the company. Our paths never cross.”

Adrian’s expression darkened with each of her statements. A tense silence hung in the air as they locked eyes. Ashleigh could feel the pressure, his attempt at intimidation evident. But she wouldn’t back down.

“If you insist on working,” he finally conceded, his voice cold, “prepare for early mornings. Mr. Turner,” he addressed his assistant, “end the call.”

The screen flickered to black, leaving Ashleigh fuming. Frustration gnawed at Ashleigh. A flicker of progress, a sliver of hope that Adrian was finally listening, was extinguished with his last words. Here he was again, dictating her life like entries in his corporate ledger. Manage the house full-time? Quit her job? The audacity! His voice, laced with a chilling finality during the call’s end, confirmed her suspicion – this wasn’t a suggestion, it was a veiled order.

Her nails dug into her palms, the anger of a hot ember flaring in her gut. No. She wouldn’t be his puppet, his trophy wife confined to the gilded cage of their mansion. She had a life, a career she was building, and a future she wouldn’t surrender so easily. Determination hardened her gaze. She would fight him on this, every step of the way.

But a flicker of unease danced at the edges of her anger. Adrian had a way of wearing her down, chipping away at her resolve with his brand of quiet persistence.

Monday loomed, a storm cloud on the horizon. What exactly did he have planned? What new tactic would he unleash to bend her to his will? As she stared at the blank screen, a cold dread slithered down her spine. This power struggle had only just begun.

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