My Bully’s Love

Chapter 95

Chapter 95


Over and over, he pounds into me while I feel full to the brim. The vibrations and suction are all working overtime as the pain from the wheel’s pinpricks washes over me. It’s a eu phoric feeling for me, and I don’t understand how my body can love the pain that it does. Even now, though, I can go for so much more pain, but I know Jace will never allow it.

I’ve already lost track of the number of orgasms that I have had, and suddenly, another hits as Jace takes one of the clamps off, and all the blood rushes back in. Once he removes the other one, he abuses my breasts by slapping and pinching them, turning me on even more.

Eventually he loosens the ropes, so he can release my hands from the binds, but he is quick to cuff me to the re straints that are attached to the headboard. Because they are on one chain, Jace is able to turn me around if he chooses and I’m sure that’s exactly what he intends to do as he pulls him self from me.

“Damn, Precious, that there, is a gorgeous gape!” I feel his finger enter my back hole and trace the rim of the gaping hole.

Hook 7 Let The Search Angin

Thank God ass holes go back to their original size, other wise, I don’t think I would allow him to take me like he does. Without warning, he flips me and then checks the rope to make sure I’m still good, that it isn’t cutting into me, before

entering me again.

He doesn’t slam into me this time, no, he enters slowly and then thrusts nice and slow, telling me that he must be watch ing himself take my back hole. He loves watching himself dominate my holes and I love it when he does. I could never let anyone else do what Jace does to me. Not only does he know what he’s doing, but he knows exactly what I like and don’t like, and he does it all to please me for the most part. Al though, I also love it when he punishes me by using my body for his own needs and not caring if I come or not. See, this is just another thing that I don’t know why I enjoy it, I just do..

At this new angle, he is getting much deeper and I’m feel ing so much fuller, “Oh, God, don’t stop, Sir… I’m so full!”

“You like that huh?”

“Yes, Master Jace…yes!”

“You’re a DP slut, but too bad I will never share you with another guy. You’re only mine, Precious, do you understand!”

“Yes, Master Jace, I’m only yours!”

“Good… fucking…girl!” He says this as he releases inside of

Book 2 – Let The Search Begin

my ass. He takes hold of my hair and pulls, so I can’t even move an inch. He truly has me at his mercy as he shoots his seed into me over and over.

The doorbell is loud as buzzes overhead, and me, Jace, and Elise look at one another. Jace is the one to get up and go answer the door. Whenever he is home, both me and Elise are not allowed to answer it. I’m so grateful to be going back to work tomorrow, just so I can get out of the apartment. I feel kind of bad for my sister since we haven’t been anywhere ex cept for ice cream and a movie, but she swears

that she is en joying herself. Jace promises that he will take us out around the town this weekend due to festivities going on in town, and I can’t wait

Jace comes back in with three men, two huge beef cakes and another that is smaller in stature but still seems to have a good build, “Ella, this is Mr. Kingsly, the Pl that your dad sent over.” Jace informs me as he points to the smaller of the three.

“Oh, my God! I had forgotten all about you coming, I am so sorry!” I get up and shake his hand.

The man chuckles, “It’s no problem, I’m only here to ask a few questions and introduce you to the two men who are on your detail. He nods towards the other two men with him. I tell you what, if I wasn’t in love with Jace so much, I’d definitely be wishing for a piece of one of these two men… damn! The taller of the two is dark skinned with a closely shaven head and dark

Hook 2. Let The Search an

brown eyes. He’s got a bit of a five o’clock shadow and bright white teeth when he smiles. Mr. Kingsly introduces him as Ma lik and then turns to the other one and introduces him as Owen. This one has dark hair as well but is cleanly shaven, with dark bluish-gray eyes. They both shake our hands and then I offer them a seat.

“Can I get you anything to eat or drink?” I ask, trying to be a good hostess.

They all shake their heads, no, in unison, and then thank me for the offer. I take my seat once more beside Jace and snuggle into his side. He’s a bit tense, and if I were to bet any money on it, I’d say it’s because my bodyguards are hotties. I let him know that I’m still his by practically sitting on his lap as he holds me to him. I find his possessiveness starting to turn me on, so I have to try and think of something else.

“Now Ella, do you have any idea who this could possibly be at all? Your father said that you and a friend saw them go ing down the fire escape the night your phone came up miss ing. You weren’t able to see them at all?”

“No, I have no clue as to who it is. I thought it was Mason, but it’s beginning to look like it may not be him, so I’m back to square one. I couldn’t see the figure on the fire escape be cause it was dark, but they were big enough to be a male, that’ s all I know.”

“How about you,” Mr. Kingsly turns towards Jace, “Is there anybody that you know that may want to stalk your girlfriend?

Book 2 -Let The Sesich Begin

It is my understanding that you both are in a certain “lifestyle”, could there be someone that is infatuated with your girl friend?”

“Not that I know of, and those that know Ella would never hurt her.” Jace says, squeezing me to him a bit harder.

“How many people do you know in this town since you have moved here?” He asks me more than Jace. NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Aside from my co-workers, I know four other people.” | state, “I hardly think it is any of them.”

“Well, I would like to talk with them regardless. If anything, we can at least cross them off the suspect list.” Mr. Kingsly states.

“Oh, okay. Well two of them are my downstairs neighbors and they were both with me that night. The other two, Deke and Collin were both still in Reece and Gabe’s apartment when I came home, but I

guess neither were there when I went in search of my phone.”

“More than likely, it isn’t them, but I want to make sure | talk to everyone possible.” He informs me.

“I can make a list for you, but I will have to get Deke and Collin’s last names because I don’t know them.” | get up and go in search of a note pad and pen.

Book 2.Ld The Search Begin

“So, one of these two men will be around her at all times?” I hear Jace ask the Pl.

“There will be one here with her at all times, but if she plans on going anywhere, they will both go, so they will be needing her work schedule as well.”

“What about my sister?” I ask when I come back, “I can’t very well leave her by herself while she’s here.”

“She will have me here while you work. I’ll make sure I’m home when you are at work; she won’t ever be by herself, ba by.” Jace pulls me down beside him.

“Here,” I hand the Pl the piece of paper with names on it, “If you start with Reece and Gabe, they can give you Deke and Collin’s information.”

“Sounds good. I will be in touch with you in a day or so,” Mr. Kingsly stands up and shakes my hand, “I won’t stop until we find the person stalking you, Ella. I don’t know if you re member me at all, but your dad and I have been friends for years, ever since you were a little girl, and that’s why I won’t rest until we have the person in custody.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t remember.” I smile at him sheepishly and he laughs.

“No worries, I was barely around; always on a job.”

Book 2 – Let The Search Begin

“Thank you for taking this case on, Mr. Kingsly,” Jace also stands and shakes his hand, “I will also make a list of the peo ple that I know, mainly my old coworkers and trainers at the training facility back home. I don’t want to leave any stone un turned when it comes to Ella’s safety.”

“My thoughts exactly!” The Pl states, “I will be on my way now. Here is my card; call me anytime. If you see a burgundy sedan outside, just sitting around, or maybe following you, it’s just me. I like to follow my clients to see if they are being fol lowed, and I take a lot of pictures.”

“Sounds like you’re very thorough.” I utter.

“People pay me a lot of money for my help, and I don’t shirk on my duties.”

“Well, thank you again, we appreciate your help.” Jace states.

Mr. Kingsly is headed to the door, along with the two guards, “Which one of you hotties have first shift?” Jace and I both whip our heads around to stare at my younger sister, “What? Are you going to stand there and say that neither one of you noticed how they are both hot as hell?” She wiggles her brows at me, as both guards chuckle, and all I can do is turn red with embarrassment.

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