My Bully’s Love

Chapter 43

Chapter 43


When Jace left this morning, I had a niggling feeling that things just weren’t right, but I couldn’t possibly tell him to stay so we could talk. Elise made things really awkward when she barged into my room. She’s another one that was acting strange this morning, almost as if she was being smug, which is so not my sister. So, after Jace left, I asked my sister if she would like to go get breakfast with me, down at the coffee shop; have a little sister bonding time. Instead of getting excited about it, though, all she did was shrug and agreed to go. I’m really hoping that it’s only Elise feeling abandoned because I left home, because that I know I can try and fix, but if it’s anything else, I’m not so sure.”

Once we have our breakfast Sandwiches and coffee, we find a table by the front window and take our seats. The silence is a bit awkward at first, but then I just say screw it, and be the first to speak.

“Is everything okay, Elise? You seem to be quieter than usual.”

“I’m fine.” She takes a bite of her sausage and egg breakfast sandwich.

Her answer alone annoys me, and I’m not going to just let it go, “Oh really? Then what was with the attitude this morning when you came into my room without knocking?”

“I didn’t have an attitude, Ella, Jesus!”

Oh, hell no! She did not just use the Lord’s name in vain with me! Islam my coffee down, spilling the hot liquid on my hand, but I don’t care at the moment, “The fact that you just said what you said, tells me that something is going on, and I want to know what it is! Is it because I moved away, or what?”

“What, you think that just because you graduated early and moved across the country that you are some hot shit now?” She crosses her arms, “News flash, sister, the world doesn’t revolve around you!”

“I never said it did, and I don’t deserve to be disrespected just because I want to know what is troubling my baby sister!” I scold.

Elise brings her fist down on the table, “I am not a baby, Ella! I wish people would see that and stop treating me like one!”

I cock a brow at her like ‘really’, as she throws the little tantrum. I take a few minutes to calm myself down and think about my next words as I take a bite of my own sandwich. I stare at her the whole time I chew, making her squirm in her seat until I finally swallow, and wash it down with some coffee.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Elise?”

Her back goes ramrod straight, “Why would you think I had a boyfriend?”

“Do you?”

“Why would I tell you if I did? It’s obvious that you didn’t think I was important enough for you to tell me about you and Jace being together.”

“Maybe if you had spent any time at home while I’ve been here, you would have found out when mom and dad found out. You’re the one that has been MIA all week.”


I cut her off, “You know what, I’m not going to sit here and pressure you into telling me anything. Like you said, you’re a big girl now, and besides, I shouldn’t have to pry anything out of you. We used to be so close, and now, we barely even talk.”

“I can’t help it if I have friends, and a life, unlike you.” My sister says this as if it’s my fault that I don’t have a life, and yet, she has a look that tells me she knows all about my unfortunate past.

“Yeah, well, we can’t all be as outgoing as you, Elise.” I try really hard not to let the hurt I’m feeling from my own sister be heard when I talk

I watch as she just picks at the rest of her sandwich, but she must get tired of having me scrutinizing her that she tosses it down, “Are we done here? I have somewhere that I need to be.”



Please Take It Away

LV 1

I look at my watch, “You have somewhere to be at nine thirty on a Saturday morning?’


“Fine, go. You can take an Uber then.” I shrug.

“Are you freaking serious right now?” My sister’s face turns red with her anger, “You drive me here and expect me to take an Uber back?”

I shrug again, “You agreed to come, and I’m not done with my breakfast, so you can either wait for me to finish, and stop being such a bitch to me, or you can find your own way back.”

“Ugh, what crawled up your ass?” she mumbles.

“Excuse me? You’re the one that’s been distant since I’ve been home! I haven’t done anything, I’ve been dealing with my own shit!” Now I’m really pissed! I don’t like swearing too much, but damn…

“Oh, that’s right, you have been too busy accusing people of doing things to you that you already allow Jace to do to you!” Elise’s eyes go round once her words are out and she’s realized what she just said. I’m stunned beyond belief, “i’m sorry, Ella. I didn’t mean it.” She tries to apologize, but nothing she says will take back what she’s just said to me.

“Get.Away. From. Me. Now!” | pronounce each word clearly for her to understand.

“I’m sorry, Ella!” She pleads for forgiveness, but I see no remorse.

I stand up, and just walk out the door, leaving her sitting at the table. When she realizes that I’m leaving, she chases after me, calling out my name. People along the street are beginning to stare, but I don’t care. When she calls my name one more time, swing around, fisting my hands, and scream at the top of my lungs at my baby sister.


Elise stops dead in her tracks and looks around as more people turn our way, “Ella, get a hold of yourself!” She loudly whispers to me.

“Do you think I care what people think anymore, Elise?” I scoff,”Open your fucking eyes, Elise! I’ve spent two years worrying about what people thought, and now, my give a damn is broke. I do things my way now, and not how others want me to.” I unlock my car and then turn back to my sister, “I can’t believe I hid being bullied from you just so I could protect you. Maybe if I hadn’t, you wouldn’t be such a bitch.” I get in my car and speed away. When I look in my rearview mirror, Elise is still standing there staring at me in disbelief.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been driving around for, but I know I’ve missed a few phone calls because I ignored each one of them. It’s probably Elise or my parents after I left my sister stranded by the road, but I can’t bring myself to care. I need time to myself, for what, I do not know, because I haven’t had one single thought run through my head the whole time I’ve been driving. To be totally honest, I’m not sure I know how I got to where I’m at, because I don’t remember driving here. Glancing around, I realize that I’m in the exact spot where they ran me off the road.

Closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths. I don’t want to think about that night; I don’t want to think about anything at all if I’m being completely honest with myself. One word pops into my mind; well, actually, a name. Jace. Looking to make sure no cars are coming, I pull onto the road and head towards home, only when I get there, I don’t pull into our driveway, I pull into his.

I’ve been sitting in my car for five minutes before the front door opens and the only person that may be able to help me, comes walking out to my car. We gaze at one another through my closed window. I make no move to open it or to get out, I just sit here staring up at him. His brows furrow as he begins to worry. Opening the driver’s side door, he squats down, so he’s more eye-level with me. His hand goes to my thigh, and squeezes.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He asks.

I don’t know what to tell him. He will be pissed if I tell him what Elise said, and I don’t want to cause any problems between him and another family member, so I try to be as honest as I can, “I was driving around, and I somehow found myself back at the spot.” I stare out the windshield in a daze, “I don’t know how I got there, but then I thought of you, and I came here.”

“That’s good, Ella. You came to the right place. I want you to always come to me for anything.” He says softly while brushing a stray hair off my face.

I slowly turn my head to face him, “No, you don’t understand. I came here because I need you.”

He nods, “That’s okay, I understand. You need me to hold you…”

10 co


Please Take It Away


“No! Please take it away!”

“What do you mean, Ella?” He licks his lips, drawing my attention to them.

Suddenly, I’m craving his touch all together and I lean in, grabbing his nape and crashing our lips together. He cups both my cheeks and holds my head as he breaches my mouth with his tongue. My fingers curl, capturing the overgrown hairs at the back of his neck, as our tongues tangle together. After a moment or so, he pulls away, but presses his forehead against mine.

“Tell me, Precious, what do you need me to take away for you?” His eyes are closed as he asks me this, but then they spring open, knowledge of what I’m wanting is clear in the depths of his green orbs.

“The pain,” I whisper, “I need you to take away the pain…”

He studies me briefly before nodding, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, please just take it away…”

“Okay, baby, scoot over. I’m going to drive.”

He confuses me, but I do as he says and climb over the center to the passenger seat. He jogs back to his house and isn’t even gone long before he comes back out carrying a manilla envelope. Once he has

the driver’s seat to the position that he wants it, he gets in and hands me the envelope.

“I want you to read through that and check off what it tells you to.”

“What is this?” I ask when I pull out a small packet of some sort.

“It’s the limits list. If we are going to do this, I need to know what your limits are, Precious.”

“I don’t care what you need to do, just take the pain away.” My voice raises, and he literally growls at me.

“Do you want to say that again, but without the attitude? Better yet, don’t repeat it, because that won’t be happening. It’s not the way it goes, and not the way I do things, now fill out the packet, Precious, and no more back talk.”

“Yes, Sir I’m sorry.”

“Thank you,” he says, “That’s much better. I understand that you are hurting and not thinking straight, but that doesn’t give you cause to take it out on me, especially when you came to me for help.”

“You’re right, Sir, I’m sorry.” And I am. I never meant to raise my voice to him, it just sort of happened. Elise has me all out of sorts with my feelings, and now I need something that is going to help take my

mind off everything.

Looking through the lists, I automatically scratch out cutting, piercing, and body modification, as well as breath play. As I get deeper into the lists, I also cross off bodily fluids and functions.–like, what the heck? Animal roleplay? I’ve heard of it, but I’m not about to crawl around and act like an animal..nope, definitely not. The list goes on, and even though there are quite a few that are hard limits, there is a large amount listed that are soft, because they seem very interesting. By the time we reach our destination, I have completed the list and look up. The Training Center looms in front of us, and an excited chill runs through me.

Before I can get out of the car, Jace grips my arm, “One moment, Precious. I have something for you.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a long thin box.

I take it from his hand and open it. A gasp bursts free when I see the black leather collar, with a soft inner lining of red faux fur for comfort. There are small loops around it so he can attach me to whatever he wants. Another heart dangles in the front, only it doesn’t have a lock on it, instead, it has the name Precious engraved on the front of the heart, and on the back it, has owned by Master Jace engraved on it. I can’t keep the smile off my face as I hold it out for him to take and put it on me.

Once my new play collar is secured right above my silver chain collar, he lifts my chin with his forefinger, “You remember that we are strictly Dom and sub once we step foot into the facility, right?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl,” He caresses my cheek, “Let’s go play then.”

Jace brings me to the same room as last time as he explains that it rarely gets used and that we shouldn’t be bothered here. I don’t need him to tell me what I need to do as soon as we step into the room. I strip down, fold my clothes and place them on the chair by the door. I then go to the center of the

room and kneel in the Nadu pose and wait. In the meantime, Jace has taken up the other chair in the room and is sitting back with one leg placed over his other knee as he goes through my limits.



Please Take It Away


When he glances up at me waiting, he gives me a small smile and beckons me over to him. Instructing me to kneel at his feet, I drop down and lean my head against the thigh that is resting on the other. His hand goes straight to my head, and he begins to run his fingers through my hair continuously while reading my answers.

“You no longer have the whip under any limits. how come?” His voice is low and husky.

“Because Sir, I need to feel pain, and I know that the whip will hurt.”

He shakes his head, “That’s not how we are going to do things, Precious,” He lifts a pen and makes a little note on the paper, *1 will put it under your soft limits and one day we will try it, but not today. I can give you what you need without going straight to – what used to be a hard limit for you just a few days ago.” He places his hand under my chin, and makes me look him in the eye,” We will not disregard your concerns on certain limits just because you want to hurt. You are not in the right headspace to make that decision, so I will. Do you understand?”


I start until his look turns to his stern one in warning, “Yes, Sir. I understand.” I say instead.

“Good girl,” He goes back to reviewing the papers, and soon after, I hear a soft chuckle and glance up at him, “I see you crossed off animal play, but I think you would make the most adorable kitten.” He taps my nose with his finger.

His compliment gives me tingles, but it doesn’t matter,”I’m just not a fan of crawling around or eating out of a bowl like an animal, Sir.” Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You are perfectly fine, Precious. I’m not huge into that fetish, anyway. It doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t think you would make a good pet. You are very well behaved for being a new sub. Seeing a tail plug in your ass wouldn’t be hard on my eyes neither.” He grins and I can’t help but chuckle.

Just being with Jace is helping my mood, he always knows how to lift my spirits, he always has as we were growing up. Now, though, I need more. I need him to hurt me in the most delicious way that I know he can. More and more I am believing that things have happened the way they were supposed to. It sucks that I lost my best friend for two years, but in return, I not only got him back, but I also got someone who will take care of me and love me the way I need to be loved.

I’ve been absent-mindedly caressing his calf the whole time I’ve been inside my own head and now he’s resituated himself, because I must be turning him on. A thought crosses my mind and I kneel up straighter to look up at my handsome Dom.

“Master Jace,” I address softly and wait until he looks at me, “Can I help you out while you finish going through my limits?” | glance at the bulge I’ve created between his legs.

He bites his bottom lip and smiles, “If you ask me correctly, then I may give you permission.”

Hmph, he knows I don’t like asking it so crudely, but this is just another way for him to break me of the habit of being shy, “May | suck your cock for you, Sir?”

He contemplates my question for only a moment before he drops his foot and spreads his legs for me to go between, “I will let you suck me, but you will not stop until I come in that pretty little mouth, understand?”

I smile broadly, “Yes, Sir!” I didn’t get to taste him last time because I think he was punishing me from coming when he had refused me, so I’m like a kid in the candy store now.

“Go ahead and take me out, Precious.” He watches as I reach up and unbutton his jeans, bringing down the zipper right after. He lifts his hips a little, so I can pull the jeans down a little until the monster springs forward. I glance up before touching him and he nods, “He’s all yours, Precious, make him feel good.”

Smiling, I wrap my hand around the base, but with Jace being girthy, the tips of my fingers don’t even touch. I begin by licking from the base, all the way to the tip, where there is already a little drop of precum sitting there, waiting for me to taste. A small moan slips out as soon as the saltiness bursts onto my tongue. I then open nice and wide, and slide down slowly, taking his whole length into my mouth. I can feel him in my throat when my nose smushes against his pubic area. When I go to slide back, Jace’s hand grips my hair, and he moves my head himself. He doesn’t bring me up, though. Instead, he does little thrusts into my throat, making my eyes start to water. Only when the first tear falls down my cheek does he let me up.

“Fuck, baby, you look so pretty.” He states, “Now carry-on, so I can finish going through this, because I can’t wait to see all the pretty little marks that I’m going to be leaving on your creamy flesh.”

I get to work on sucking my Dom off, wanting to make it the best head that he’s ever received. When Jace tosses the papers aside and grabs both sides of my head, I know I’m in trouble. He starts to fuck my mouth like a madman.

“God damn it, Precious, this mouth of yours is going to get you into so much trouble with me!” He slams my head down, going


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Please Take It Away


deep into my throat, “You like that, huh? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’ve been doing this for years, but I do know better, and I know that I’m the only one that has had this slutty mouth on his cock.” He thrusts a few more times and then shoves himself in deep, “Now be my good whore and swallow every last drop.”

The first hot stream of cum shoots down my throat before he pulls back a little, filling my mouth with more. I’ve got drool spilling from the sides of my mouth, making me feel so dirty, but loving it all the same. I make sure that I swallow continuously, so I don’t waste any of my Dom’s gift. That is exactly what it is too! I only get to taste it when I’ve been good, never when I’m bad, so I know that I’ve done everything right so far.

I keep him in my mouth as he begins to soften, cleaning him with my tongue, and not wanting to let go. It isn’t until he lifts my mouth off him that I release it, but I whimper when I do. Jace chuckles at my reaction and I see his member twitch, wanting to come alive once more, but he tucks himself away before I can latch on once again. God, he’s so right. I’m such a greedy slut when it comes to him, but I’m fine with that. I’m happy being his greedy slut or little whore when he needs me to be…or when I need to be, is more like it.

Jace stands up, towering over me as he gazes down at me, “Are you ready, Precious?”

Inod, “Yes, Master Jace. Please take it all away…”


Here is a nice long chapter for you…and how about that cliffhanger? Yeah, sorry…not sorry! But hey, now you have something to look forward to for Thursday’s chapter! =D

Hope you all are having a wonderful week! If you haven’t left a review on Ella & Jace’s story yet, I would really appreciate it if you could find some time to do so. =)

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