My Bully’s Love

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 122 – A Full House


The club is packed tonight, and I can tell that Ella has no ticed as well. More than likely it’s due to the group that Elias was telling me about, the reason why we are doing this show in the first place. My girl is looking on point, wearing a mesh halter dress that hugs every curve and ends at the upper thigh. Her back is bare, and she’s got heart-shaped stickers over her nipples under the dress. I’ve been hard ever since she came out of the bathroom all ready to go. As always, she’s wearing barely any makeup and her hair is slicked back in a low ponytail.

She was a bit self-conscious still with the scar on her cheek, but it was all for nothing because nobody seems to even notice it as they watch with interest as we walk around the club. I have her leash attached as always but tonight, I want her holding onto my arm; I guess you can call her my arm candy, because she definitely looks delicious enough.

Because tonight is a special night, I am wearing black dress slacks with my dark purple button-down shirt with my sleeves folded up to show my forearms. I may only be nine teen, but | take care of myself, and the gym has been my friend almost every day. If I’m being noticed by women, I can’t tell because all my attention is on the woman hanging off my arm and the men that are gawking at her as we pass. Let one

of them make a pass at my girl, and it will be the last thing that they do.

“Master Jace! So happy to see that you made it, I was get ting worried.” Elias comes up and slaps my shoulder as his eyes rake over Ella, “Ah, no wonder you were running behind, perfection takes time.”

“Why thank you, Precious is always waiting on me.” I joke.

I hear a slight giggle come from Ella and Elias throws his head back and laughs.

“Of course, a natural beauty like your Precious probably doesn’t take any time at all, I’m sure.” He glances at me as he lifts a brow, “May 1?”

It’s his thing every time I bring Ella with me, so I nod like ! do each time, when he’s asking for permission. I watch as he brings her hand up to his mouth and places a kiss on her knuckles. She smiles shyly like always and then looks down like a sub is supposed to in his presence.

“It’s always a pleasure to have you in our presence, Pre cious. I can’t express how grateful I am to have you perform with your Master tonight. I am looking forward to watching the show.”

“Thank you, Master Elias. It’s an honor to be able to per form for you and your friends.” Ella’s respectful but I can hear

the bit of nervousness she still has, so I squeeze her hip in comfort.

“Well, I will let you go get ready. If you will, find Kia and she can help you with anything you may need.” Elias instructs us and then turns and gets lost in the crowd.

I walk us over to the bar to grab us both a water, “Are you doing okay?” | ask Ella because she isn’t looking quite like her self.

“Yes, Sir,” she leans in more, “I was just getting a really strange vibe from Master Elias. I don’t know, he gripped my hand tighter than usual and held on longer than he usually does. Maybe it was just my nerves getting to me.” She giggles.

“Remember what I told you, we can pull the plug on this whole deal, all you have to do is say the word, Precious.”

She smiles up at me in a loving way, “I’ll be fine, Sir.”

God, this woman surprises me more and more each day! | can’t get over how easily she has slid into this lifestyle, and ac tually loves it! I wish I could be a less selfish man, so I can real ly give her more experience as her Dom, but I’ve always been selfish where Ella is concerned.

As the time gets closer, we find Kia, who just so happens


to have Gabe with her. Ella’s hand squeezes my arm and I look down at her. I know what she’s thinking. Seeing Gabe here, in this setting is unsettling for her. We both know that he had a crush on her and now he’s seeing her almost bare. To my sur prise, though, and for his own health, Gabe keeps his eyes above her neck at all times.

I have to give it to the guy, he’s doing well, with acknowl edging the rules of the lifestyle. Even though they have been friends longer than him and I have, he still asks me permission to speak with Ella before he does so. It shows that he respects both the rules and me as Ella’s Dominant, and I can’t ask for anything more than that.

Kia takes Ella to the restroom to freshen up while I stay with Gabe, “So, how are you liking all of this?” I ask our neigh bor. Ella had told me about his questions the other night at game night, but I won’t let him know that I know any of that.

“It’s interesting, that’s for sure. I mean, I’ve heard about BDSM before, but I’ve never really paid it much mind; I’m not into hitting women,” he holds his hand up when I go to speak up, “I know that isn’t what it is…now. Before, that’s what | thought, but coming here and meeting Kia, and her opening my eyes to all of this, it’s definitely changed my thought pro


“So, what? Are you thinking of coming into the lifestyle or what?” I ask as I guzzle my water.

31704 “Well, I was thinking about talking to you and Ella a little

more about it because I have lots of questions and I trust you to be honest with me.”

“Anytime you want to talk, our door is always open for you.” | grin, “Are you staying for the show?”

“I don’t know, man. I think that may be kind of weird for me. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to stay and learn, but af ter knowing Ella as a friend in a different atmosphere, I’m not sure how I feel about watching the two of you, you know…”

I snicker, “Perform a scene? First piece of advice, if you’re going to be in this lifestyle, you’re going to have to get used to seeing lots of naked people fucking, even if they are your friends.”

Gabe rubs the back of his neck, “I can try and watch.”

I take hold of his shoulder, “Let me ask you a question, are you here for an anatomy lesson?”

“Well, no.”

“Okay then, why are you uncomfortable watching me and Ella scene together. You’re supposed to be here to learn and/ or for the art in how the dynamics work between a Dom and their sub. You pay attention to all the little details in how the Dom performs with their sub and you watch the sub for any and all reactions to what their Dom is doing to them. There is no staring at the pussy that is showcased, just to see pussy. If

that is the reason why you are here, then the door is over there.” I point in the direction of the front door.

Gabe nods his head, “I get it. I will stay and watch you both. It really is intriguing to me, how the relationships work between each couple.”

“I really do think that you will be impressed by the show. I will give you a heads up, but only because you are a good friend of hers…Ella is what you call a pain slut; a masochist if you will. She gets off on pain,

so please don’t think that what we do up there is all on me, because believe me, it isn’t. There are times when I have to refuse giving her more pain because I feel as though she’s had enough

“That’s good to know,” he chuckles, “Thank you for giving me the heads up.”

“Hey! Ella said she will be out in a few minutes,” Kia joins us, “She said she needed a little time to herself, so I took her to a private bathroom.”

“Thank you, Kia.”

I enjoy talking to both Gabe and Kia, they seem like good people, now that Gabe isn’t trying to get with my girl. I glance at my watch and then turn to Kia, “Which bathroom did you take Ella to? It’s getting to be that time, so I better go and grab her.”

“Oh, I took her to the one by the hostess stand.” She in forms me, and I thank her.

I move towards the front door, to where the hostess greets the patrons, but Elias grabs me, “Master Jace, it’s time.”

“Yes, let me just go grab Ella first.”

He waves my excuse away, I’ve already sent someone to retrieve her, but I need a moment of your time before you

start.” Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Sighing, I follow my boss to the backstage, “Okay, I’m as suming that you and Ella have already talked about your scene, correct?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Great, I have one little change for you.”

“Elias…” I growl.

“Oh stop, it’s nothing bad. We all know that your Precious is a squirter, so I want you close enough to the edge of the stage and I want you to make her squirt. I have a special client that loves squirters, and you my friend can make a handsome tip by doing so.”

I run my hand over my face, “I will have to make sure it’s okay with Ella first.”

“That is perfectly understandable. I will accept whatever her answer may be.”

I nod just as Nessa comes walking up, smiling, “Do you need something, Nessa?” Elias asks in his Dom voice.

The sub wipes the smile off her face and looks down at the floor, “I was told to come and assist Master Jace with the show, since his submissive has decided to not do it.”

“WHAT?!” Both Elias and I say together.

“That isn’t true, where is she?” I demand the sub tell me.

“I don’t know, Master Jace. She asked me to take her spot and then she ran toward the front door.”

Elias sighs, “You have no choice but to perform with Nes sa, I guess. What a pity, I was really looking forward to watch ing Precious.”

growl at both my boss and the little lying bitch in front of me, “I know Ella, and she would not leave without telling me, and she would have also told me if she had a change of heart about doing the show, because we just discussed it right when we got here.”

“Just go on with Nessa and we will figure it out later, Mas ter Jace.”

“I will not perform with anybody other than Precious!” | sneer at the woman in front of me and then push through them both to go search for Ella.

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