My Blind Fiancée

The Small Box

Teodoro left hastily. Mateo thought he must be in a hurry to find Lola. The nanny posed a significant danger to him since she was a crucial witness and could cause trouble if she revealed everything that had happened with Ava, especially concerning the inheritance.

He imagined Teodoro would go to Spain to try to find her. Logically, he figured she had probably fled there, given her accent that hinted at her origin from that country.

He went upstairs to find Ava and Lola to reassure them. They must have been very nervous after Teodoro’s visit; the mere mention of his name made them tremble.

“Good morning, Ava. Your uncle just left. It seems he doesn’t suspect anything. He’s talking to the party guests to see if anyone has any information that could help them find Lola. He’s imagining that maybe someone saw something along the way.”

“I can’t believe the audacity of that man. I imagine he lied about the reason they’re searching for my nanny.” Mateo’s heart ached seeing Ava in distress.

“He told me that Lola is mentally unstable and that they think it’s related to your disappearance.”

“The only one with mental issues is him. Lies are all that come out of his mouth.”

“I know, only a fool would believe him.”

“Now that you’re here, maybe we could open the box. Nana, here’s the key. Please open it for me. I’m curious about its contents. My father gave it to me the day before his accident. I don’t know if he had a premonition that something was going to happen. He asked me to open it only after coming of age.”

Lola did as Ava asked. When she opened the box, there was a letter and a micro SD card inside.

“Ava, my beloved daughter, when you read this letter, it will be because neither your mother nor I will be with you anymore. You will have come of age. I wish I could be there with you. You’ll find a small memory card. You must be very careful with it. Inside are some pieces of evidence that can expose my cousin, your uncle, Teodoro Miller. I know he’s your only family, but he is a cruel, vile, and ambitious person. These are proofs of embezzlement and money laundering. This morning, before writing these lines, he was capable of threatening your mother and me. More than a cousin-since he’s younger than me-I’ve been a father to him. Deliver the evidence, seek out Lieutenant Bludosky. He’s a great friend. You can trust him completely. I hope he’s still alive when you read this letter.

My cousin is a very dangerous person. In the memory card, there are also some documents that implicate Guido Licciardi, CEO of the Licciardi Corporation. I don’t know the extent of his involvement in money laundering. Yesterday, I summoned the notary to change my will. On his way to the office after our meeting, he was mysteriously run over, and the briefcase with the documents disappeared. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to change the will before something happens to me. I’ll try to do it tomorrow, right after returning from our trip. I don’t want Teodoro to be your guardian or the executor of your inheritance, as previously stipulated. That would put you in grave danger. At the bottom of the box, you’ll find a code for an account at the national bank, under your name. Use it; I know you’ll need it. Take good care of yourself, my little one. Remember that to your mother and me, you are the most precious gift heaven has sent us. Always, from wherever we are, we’ll watch over you. Our love for you is for eternity and far beyond.”

Mateo couldn’t believe what he had just heard. In his eyes, Guido was the most honest and impeccable person he knew. How dare Franco Miller attempt to tarnish his name in such a way.

Meanwhile, Ava was in a sea of tears. This meant that when her parents’ car had lost its brakes, it hadn’t been an accident. Her uncle had caused it. All this time, she had been living with her parents’ murderer, and now she was in Guido’s house, who might also be involved. She didn’t know if she could trust Mateo anymore, or if he would still be willing to help her after hearing that the evidence implicated his grandfather.

Both Ava and Mateo remained silent, and Lola looked from one to the other without knowing what to say. After a while, Mateo decided to break the uncomfortable silence.

“I don’t know what really happened, and it’s not just because he’s my grandfather, but I assure you he’s not capable of doing what your father claims. There must be some explanation.”

He knew there had to be some explanation for this. The only person who could provide it was his grandfather. He needed to calm Ava down; she couldn’t stop crying.

“Please, Ava, give me some time to investigate what happened. And if my grandfather is truly involved, even though it hurts, I’ll make sure he pays.”

The contents of that letter had revealed many secrets. They needed to investigate all those involved in those events. He thought it was too much responsibility for Ava to shoulder.

“I’m immensely grateful, Mr. Licciardi, but it’s best that my nanny and I leave right now. I’ll find Lieutenant Bludosky, and he can handle the investigation. For safety, I’ll make a copy of the memory card. I don’t think it’s right for me to stay in the same house as your grandfather. I don’t know how involved he is in what happened to my parents.” Ava spoke in a dry and curt tone. Logically, she knew that Mateo would side with his grandfather.

“I ask you not to leave. My grandfather is a good person; he deserves the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure that when I talk to him, he’ll tell me what really happened. Wait for him to do so, and then hand over the evidence. And don’t call me Mr. again; it’s Mateo. Just call me Mateo.” He added with desperation.

Ava stayed silent; she knew that Lola was alive because of him.

He approached her, and Lola discreetly decided to leave the room. This was something they needed to discuss alone.

Mateo didn’t want to lose her. Just thinking about it caused a tightness in his chest, and he prayed that his grandfather wasn’t involved in this. That would mean losing her forever.

He cupped the girl’s face in his hands, wiping away her tears, and then he held her tightly. Ava felt comforted in his embrace; she didn’t understand why she felt safe in his presence.

“No matter what happens, remember that I’ll always be by your side. Your parents’ death won’t go unpunished.”

She couldn’t stop crying. He was aware that they were caught in the midst of a sea of problems that would soon begin, and he was willing to face them for her. In that moment, he couldn’t resist, or rather, he didn’t want to resist. He leaned in close, his mouth near hers, and he kissed her.

The kiss was gentle. For a moment, he thought she might reject him, but he was surprised to feel that she was accepting it. It seemed that she was responding to his feelings, as she didn’t resist; she simply let herself be carried away and timidly returned the kiss.

Ava was surprised to feel a strange sensation in her stomach. Could this be what they called butterflies? She needed to trust him; something deep within told her to do so.

Mateo pulled away from her, feeling nervous. He felt like a teenager, battling his internal conflicts.

“I’ll be back in a while. I’m going to talk to my grandfather right now.”

“I’ll be waiting here anxiously. Please don’t let me down. I’ve put all my trust in you.”

“I never will. I’d be incapable of causing you harm. Together, we’ll get through this, and we’ll make your uncle pay.”

Mateo left the room. Upon reaching his grandfather’s room, he stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath. He had no idea how to broach the subject. He didn’t want his grandfather to think he distrusted him or to hurt him. He gently touched the door, hesitating to do so. Soon after, he heard Guido’s voice inviting him in.

“Hello, son. Is something wrong?” The grandfather looked at him strangely; by the expression on his grandson’s face, it was evident that something had happened.

“Could we talk?”

“Of course, what’s going on?”

“Allow me to explain what’s happening first. I just want you to know that I haven’t doubted you at any point.”

“I have no idea what’s going on, but go ahead; I’m listening.”

“The father of Ava left her a letter that was meant to be read when she came of age. Today, the contents of that letter were revealed.”

“I don’t understand what this has to do with me.” Guido wasn’t understanding how this related to him.

“It has a lot to do with it, Grandfather. Along with the letter, Franco Miller left a micro SD card. Supposedly, it contains evidence to incriminate Teodoro Miller for embezzlement and money laundering. According to Ava’s father, it also contains evidence that implicates you in these crimes. Those documents could harm you a great deal, Grandfather. Please be honest with me: were you involved in Teodoro Miller’s business dealings?”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Guido locked eyes with his grandson, his expression turning serious. Mateo felt his body trembling; his relationship with Ava depended on his grandfather’s response.

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