Mr. President You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

Chapter 72

72 72- Flu 

Delinda’s words kept playing in her head again and again. 

Not everyone tries to keep a check on us? 

‘But then people don’t even bother to be with you when you’re carrying their kids and delivering them while facing death,” she told this to her image standing in the office bathroom. 

After washing her hands, she was turning away when Kate came inside and placed her bag on the sink slab. 

“I need your help, Marissa,” Marissa didn’t answer but waited for her to speak, “Please ask Mr. Sinclair to give the furniture contract 

to Amir.” 

Marissa opened her mouth to say no, but Kate stopped her, “I know. I know about those entrepreneurs. But Amir… we are hand to mouth and Amir won’t marry me if we don’t get money.”” 

“So, you expect me to take someone else’s job to help you marry. that sleaze bag? Why marry a man when his love is based on such absurd demands, Kate?” 

Kate groaned at her remark, “Urgh. I am not here for your 

suggestions. Amir is regretting about the furniture quality he last delivered. But believe me. He is not as bad. Don’t you see how he gave you the file without any complaints?” 

Marissa went quiet for a minute. She didn’t understand about this 


Amir had been making dirty passes on her and abused Akari 

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se*xually to keep Marissa off the contract. 

“Ask him to take the file back if this is the price he wants for getting the contract. I don’t want anything at the price of the happiness of the people who are here to feed something good to their family,” With that, Marissa left her there. 

If she had looked over her shoulder, she would have found a raging Kate who wanted to eat her alive. 


“Someday I would like to meet your kids,” Delinda told her, and Marissa adored it internally when she felt Delinda was giving her 


Anyone from MSin industry would guess at one glance that Rafael was the father. 

“Sure. Soon, I hope,” Marissa and Delinda were coming out of the office building. There was a car waiting for Delinda that she used to share with the other three colleagues. 

“I thought you take cab to go home” Marissa remarked but then Delinda shook her head, “That’s the best thing about this job. They arranged this luxury car for our commute. These girls share the same route,” Delinda then eyed the other car that was supposed to take Marissa home, “You also share the ride with other 


Marissa looked back and then tucked her loose hair behind her ear, “No. Nobody lives on this route I guess,” 

“Lucky you,” Delinda waved goodbye to her when Marissa stopped her suddenly. 



72 72–Flu 

“Del!” The older woman stopped and regarded her face. 

“Yes, Marissa?” 

“How do you think we should know that this is the right one? He is the one for us? There should be some way,” she shrugged. 

Delinda had a knowing grin on her face, “This one must prefer you and choose you every time. He would leave everything for you no matter how busy he is. Even if he is seven seas apart, he should cross oceans for you and should reach you in time of need. Even if you would tell him that darling… it’s ok. Stay there. I can manage. He’ll be there for you, Marissa. No matter who tries to stop him. 

Even if it’s the flu, he’ll arrive.” 

Marissa nodded and kissed her cheek. 

“Thanks, Del.” 

Her friend had gone home while Marissa was still standing there 

on the sidewalk. 

The right one would prefer me and will cross oceans for me? Gerard once wanted to reach her because she had flu. But then 

she stopped him. 

She said she could manage. And he stopped. He didn’t come. 

Delinda might be talking about some alien species. Nobody does that for anyone. 

No such man existed. 

She looked at the sky and decided to call Gerard. Flint was right. She must find a man for herself. 

She got in the car and then dialed Gerard’s number “Today has to 


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be my luckiest day!” she smiled when heard his voice, “Where are you?” he asked her. 

“I’m going home. You?” 

“Ah. I have still some meetings lined up. Will you have dinner with 

me this weekend?” He spoke what Marissa wanted to hear. 

“Yes, sure.” 

“Thanks, beautiful. I’ll pick you up around seven,” Marissal disconnected the call and that’s when she saw missed calls from 

Rafael on her phone. 

Thirteen missed calls. 

And then he had called on the main reception. 

After she rudely scolded him and banged the receiver, he didn’t try to contact her back but sent just one message. 

“Are you OK? Still angry?” 

Marissa gulped her saliva and then typed a message. 

“I’m good. Just a little flu,” and then placed her phone inside her purse. Leaning back her head on the seat she looked outside. 

This was childish. She didn’t know why she lied. 

Was she expecting him to come here after crossing oceans? She thought bitterly. Delinda must have been delusional when she said that. Why was she taking her so seriously? 


“Mommy! Would Daddy come to meet us this weekend?” Ariel asked her when she was tucking them in their bunks. 


72: 72- Flu 

“Yes, mommy, I’m also missing him Abigail also complained. 

Marissa made it a point to ask Rafael to talk to the girls. After kissing their foreheads and saying goodnight, she went out and found Sophie having ice cream. 

“Gerard has asked me for dinner this weekend?” she told her and 

snatched the ice cream tub from her hands. 

“That’s amazing. Wear something sexy, she winked and tried to take back the tub, but Marissa dodged her. 

“Rafael should at least call the kids, I think they are missing him,” she said, and Sophie just shrugged regarding her face carefully, 

“Maybe he wants your go–ahead on this. Where is he, by the way? Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

How is it in office?” 

“He is not here. Maybe abroad. In Sangua,” She took the spoonful in her mouth and closed her eyes in bliss. 

“Sangua? Whoa. Now give me back that tub. I need to stay awake the whole night.” 

“Whole night? Why?” Marissa asked her in concern. 

“I have gotten a bomb assignment and need to complete it before morning. They are paying handsomely,” Marissa got up and handed 

her the tub. 

“Good luck. I’m off to bed!” she said with a wave and came to her room. By now she was so tired that she just wanted to pass out. 

The home and office were making her tired, but she had started enjoying the office environment too. 

Before going to sleen she thought of Delinda’s car. MSin neonle 

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seemed too generous for giving every employee the pick and drop facility. Usually, she had heard that offices provided vans and fuel allowances, and the people in managerial positions used to get car allowances. 

Her last minute 


thought before going into deep sleep was about 


She was in deep sleep but didn’t know what woke her up. She tried to look around with half–closed lids that was when she felt 

something heavy resting on her belly. 

What was it? 

She frowned looking down when heard a raspy, sleepy voice very close to her, “Go back to sleep, Strawberry.” 

Her heart missed a beat. 

No! This must be a dream. How come Rafael was here and… 

She touched the hand lying on her and turned her neck to find herself looking into those greenest eyes. 

“R–Rafael? I–Is it y–you?” 

“Umm hmm. It’s me,” he said tenderly, “Go back to sleep,” he whispered and started brushing his fingers through her hair. 

“B… But… how… Wh…what…” she was stuttering badly. 

“You said you had flu. I had to come to you. Are you feeling better? Did you take any medicine?” 

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